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No terrorist threat?

by Klaus Rohrich

September 16, 2004

In his best-selling book, Dude, Where’s My Country?, Michael Moore claims that there is no terrorist threat. No, he goes even further and claims "THERE…IS…NO…TERRORIST…THREaT!" You see, to people like Moore the U.S. Marine Barracks bombing in Lebanon in 1983, the attack on the USS Cole, the bombing of two U.S. embassies in africa, The two World Trade Center events, Bali, Spain, etc. are all one-offs and are not indicative of a larger trend.

That’s kind of like having a grizzly bear gnawing on one’s femur, all the while insisting there are no grizzly bears in this area.

If civilization is to survive and grow, it is incumbent on us to realize and embrace certain truths. The first is that there currently rages a world war, World War III, if you will. Realizing that this may come as a surprise to many let me point out the pattern of events that gives me cause to believe this. Modern international terrorism started in 1972 during the Munich Olympics, when a group of Palestinian terrorists slaughtered 11 Israeli athletes. The reason for this attack ostensibly was to gain the release of some 200 Palestinian prisoners being held by Israel.

From this savage beginning, modern terrorism has escalated algorithmically, both in the number of terrorist incidents and in their savagery. Reviewing terrorist events over the past 32 years, two things become very clear: The overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks have been aimed at Western interests and the majority of terrorist are either arabs, Islamic fundamentalists or both.

I think this trend will only continue, as is evidenced by the unspeakable atrocities committed against Russian children by Chechen terrorists in Breslan last week. after the smoke had cleared there were some 300+ dead people, half of which were kids. The incident is a part of the ongoing difficulties that Russia is facing, as Islamist Chechen separatists are borrowing a page from their fellow Muslims engaged in similar pursuits. and speaking of Muslims, a number of terrorists that were taken alive by Russian security forces turned out to be--you guessed it, arab Muslims!

Moving a little further west from Russia, the conflict in Kosovo in the former Yugoslavia, was heavily subsidized by arab and Iranian Muslims, as the majority of Kosovars, happen to be Islamic. Stewart Bell, in his book Cold Terror, recounts how Kosovars felt about their fellow Muslims from arabia fighting alongside them against the infidel hordes of Slobodan Milosevic. The Kosovars found them frightening in that they were very serious and deeply committed to furthering the spread of Islam.

It goes without saying that not all Muslims are terrorists, but in the same vein most terrorists are Muslims.

The fact that Iran is striking at the United States and Israel through its proxy terrorist group, Hezbollah, is evidence that terrorism is a weapon being used in the prosecution of a world conflict. Iran is close to developing a nuclear weapon and unless the West takes strong pre-emptive action against the Mullahs running the country, there will be one or more nuclear incidents in the west. These will transpire in the form of a portable nuclear device easily secreted in a suitcase or golf bag.

The fact that bombs aren’t raining from the sky doesn’t mean that we aren’t at war. The fact that we are divided by national boundaries isn’t going to stop those wishing to destroy us from doing so. There appears to be a paradigm in Canada, that we as Canadians are secure from terrorist threats because we are not americans and therefore we are "good". Talk about drivel. We may well be non-american and we may even be "good", but in the final analysis we are a nation of infidels just like the americans, the Spanish, the Germans or Filipinos and as such we are fair game for fundamentalist Islamic terrorists.

I’m not sure what it will take to get people in the West to accept the fact that we are at war, under siege and in a struggle for our very survival against a threat that has spread like cancer throughout the world. While we’re all busy denying there’s a problem our enemies are consolidating their gains.

While this is not a terribly popular or chic position to voice these days, The West (i.e. the U.S.) needs to project a stronger military presence into world affairs. a good place to start might be a pre-emptive military campaign against Iran.