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The Global Strategy of the Russian-Iran Cabal

Appeasement -- The Liberal-Islamic Strategy

By David J. Jonsson

Sunday, July 22, 2007

If you believe: "Your Life Can BeWonderful if we get out of Iraq now!" the events goingon around the world become a haze as you watch the latest golf scores or readthe propaganda for the latest appeasement journal or cable news cast.

Allyou hear are the speeches of the latest 'Tokyo Rose" complaining about theU.S. and its war mongering, blood for oil or unfair treatment of terrorists.

Thereis a group that wants to destroy our way of life in our life time.

The Tough Questions that Must be Answered

Thequestion remains as to if the allies joined for freedom and liberty willsupport a battle against the forces of evil.

In a time of war,the critical elements for success are to know:

Who is the enemy?

What are their goals?

What is the definition of success, andfinally

What will the world be like if we lose?

Up to the time of the Munich Agreement in1938, these questions were not answered. The West faces the same situationfollowing the cease-fire in Lebanon in 2006. The West must decide on theanswers to the questions or be prepared to live under Shariah Law in a totalitarian Islamic state. The question that has to beanswered is: Would you choose appeasement and wind up as a lampshade in apalace or fight for Western democracy, freedom and liberty?

On our comprehensively terrorised globe,almost everybody, from covert, stateless bands of Jihadists--Hezbollah,Hamas and al-Qaeda to name a few to accredited members of the United Nations,believes himself in need of either ready-made atomic bombs or the technologyand expertise with which to manufacture them. And nuclear weapons have becomethe weapons of the poor. Terrorism as a means of warfare is not confined toso-called non-state actors like Mohamed Atta and his colleagues, but is habituallyemployed by nation states.

International Affairs Is A Zero Sum Game.

When power is withdrawn by one state,another state or group will fill that power vacuum.  History has proventhis in the past.  When British hegemony declined, American power filledthat gap in the western world.  Communism similarly filled power vacuumsleft after America's withdrawal from Vietnam. President Jimmy Carter's defensespending cuts diminished American influence in Africa, South America, andAsia.  I might add Carter continuesto support anti-Semitic rhetoric, Iran and Hamas.

The same rules of international affairs holdtrue today.  Should America withdraw from Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere,that power vacuum will be filled by some state or group. 

In the Middle East, it is clear that Iran isfilling power vacuums that the Iraqi government has not filled when authoritywas handed to it by the US military, and similarly in Lebanon, Gaza, andAfghanistan where there is weak political leadership. 

Iran has further expanded its power throughits allies and affiliated organizations in Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, andAfghanistan.  Iran along with its allies and sponsors will continue to doso until they are countered with force or by a competing political influence.

The Appeasement of the West

Decades from now, historians will discoverthat the United States, the West and the international community were beingtargeted by global ideologi–cal movements which emerged in the 1920s, survivedWorld War II and the Cold War, and carefully chose this timing for itsonslaught against democracy.

Whether it realizes this or not, America isfacing a kind of liberal-Islamic alliance: a sympatheticrelationship that leading leftists in America have with Islamic radicals aroundthe world. I'm not suggesting the two groups actually like each other.Actually, they despise each other. Leftists like Pelosi, Barney Frank andMichael Moore despise bin Laden and his fellow radicals because they arereligious fundamentalists who want to impose Islamic [Shariah] holy law. That means goodbye to freedom of religion, women's rightsand gay rights and, in all candor, goodbye to people like Pelosi, Frank and Moore.By the same token, Islamic radicals like bin Laden detest the American leftbecause, as they see it, the left is the party of atheism, family breakdown andcultural depravity. The left is in the vanguard of imposing secularism andlibertine social values in America and the EU.

The West's Fatal bugs in the Software

If one looks at the military strength of theWest compared to Iran, victory would seem to be inevitable, even if Iranacquires nuclear weapons. Iran does not have the military machine that the Axispowers had in World War II, nor the Soviet Union during the cold war. TheLeftist/Marxist – Islamist Alliance may be more effective than theearlier totalitarian movements operating individually. They could even win.That's because, however strong the Western hardware, its software contains somepotentially fatal bugs. Three of them – pacifism, self-hatred, andcomplacency combined with the Oil Weapon could providethe needed weapons to succeed.

Many on the American Left loathe America--whilethey love the Constitution and their vision of what America could be but theyhave contempt for the average American. That is why most of the Left speaks ofAmerica as bringing immeasurable misery and sadness to the world and asessentially deserving attacks on it.

Ditching the "War on Terror"

Politicians in the US and Europe areditching the "War on Terror", however this is probably not the big news. The"War on Terror" will probably not survive the next Republican Administration,let alone the next Democratic one.

The real news is that little or no attentionis paid to the Russia, China and India. While attention is directed to theMiddle East, there is little attention to the rising great powers.

Among the Democrats, their foreign policyproposes that the majorrising powers are no threat at all. It's no surprise that Edwards and Obama want toboost foreign aid. They believe the poor world threatens the U.S. more than therich. MittRomney and John Edwards have proposed a new type Marshall Plan. The realdanger, they argue, is from states that are too dysfunctional to educate theirpeople, provide public health or control their territory--thus export aswarm of pathologies, from jihadist terrorism to lose nukes to even bird flu.Their answer is a foreign policy hence directed to social programs, and even anew "Marshall Plan" and flinch at the hard nosed calculations of survival ofthe West.

Social programs in dysfunctional states willnot remove the threats to our democracy, liberty and freedom, How the UShandles the treats from these totalitarian major powers and the their surrogatepawns of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, etc. will determine how dangerous the worldbecomes in the coming years and whether the US remains its lone superpower.

"The Gulfstates have passed China!" "Six Persian GulfStates now have almost $1.6 trillion in foreign assets, dwarfing even China'smammoth $1.1 trillion of foreign reserves, according to a new report from theInstitute of International Finance" according to the Financial Times. 

These Gulf States are all members of theso-called Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). They are Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman,Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

There are massive piles of wealth growing inthe GCC." "Along with China and other countries, the GCC is increasinglysetting aside more and more of these funds to invest abroad -- in stocks, realestate and private businesses. What they buy could have a huge impact on marketprices -- and your investments." See also my article: Nationalization:A Plan for World Domination?

It appears strange that politicians wouldsuggest that the US fund a Marshall Plan to support the Islamic countries whenthe Islamic Countries of the Gulf are accumulating hordes of US dollars. It isin the Islamic countries that we are seeing the growth of terrorism.

We will discuss how these elements aredirectly interrelated and suggest potential solutions for consideration.

The Apocalyptic Teaching of Islam

Islam has many apocalyptic prophecies; thisaspect of Islam contributes to the driving force and power of Islam. See alsomy article: Iraq,Iran, Global Warming and The Apocalypse.

Iran joined by Syria wants to end thedemocratic experiment in Iraq. Iranian money, weapons and expertise are used byterrorists to kill Americans in Iraq. Iran's support of Hamas disruptsPalestinian peace efforts. Hezbollah, a group also backed by Iran and Syria,seeks to destabilize Lebanese democracy and restart a border war with Israel.Iran which denies that a European Holocaust ever took place is now planning tocreate a second Holocaust in Europe and in the U.S. with the development ofnuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver the weapons.

Only the sustained American policy ofostracizing Iran and Syria and their alliance partners and sponsors,galvanizing the international community to enforce financial and tradingsanctions, supporting Iranian and Syrian reformers, and keeping all options forwar on the table including a high-profile presence in the area offers any hopecontaining a potential holocaust.

Exclusively increasing military strength,diplomacy or withdrawing from Iraq will not defer or result in a lasting peace.Whatever way the Iran and Iraq crisis is resolved, it will lead to a majorshift in the geopolitical landscape. The goal is to have a soft landing.

This will require sacrifice, compromise butnot appeasement, and most importantly prioritizing the most important elementsof our culture – faith, freedom, liberty, and democracy, as we know it inAmerica.

Decision time is fast approaching. Unfortunatelyboth Iran and the U.S. may be underestimating the power of the other side andoverestimating their own. Iran thinks it has a lot of deterrents, in Iraq andelsewhere, and in the armed forces - and it sees the US bogged down in Iraq,Washington is divided and public opinion in the Western world--led by thepropaganda of Leftist/Marxist – Islamist Alliance is opposed to war.

Similarity to Events Preceding World War II

One cannot help but recognize the similaritybetween the events leading up to World War ll and the current events. 

"With every passing year following theevents of 9/11 the rise of Leftist/Marxist-Islamist Alliance has increasedglobal instability. By the beginning of 2006, nearly all the combustibleingredients–far bigger in scale than those leading to World Wars 1 and 11and the Gulf Wars of 1991 or 2003–were in place."

Remember Iranian President MahmoudAhmadinejad has a plan just like the Nazi's "Four Year Plan", he is a scholar of history, and he also is a follower of the Qur'an.

"Iran is no different than Nazi Germany",the IsraeliMinistry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) source said. "They too built up an army,resources and created the V-2." The V-2 was the first man-made object launchedinto space, during test flights that reached an altitude of 189 km (117 miles)in 1944. "While Germany was putting the finishing touches to the V-2 which waseventually used against Britain, the world stood by wanting to talk. Now wehave Iran repeating history, declaring to "wipe Israel off the map" whileplanting bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan"

"Iran which denies that a European Holocaustever took place, is now planning to create a second Holocaust in Europe and inthe US," said the Israel MFA source. "Europe will be first to feel this nuclearsuicide bomb, as London, Moscow, Madrid, Rome and Paris are now in range ofIranian missiles. We no longer have the luxury of time to implement sanctions.This is not a movie. This is not the "24" TV series about nuclear terrorism. Thisis real. Sanctions worked against North Korea, they can and will work againstIran."

Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu on November13, 2006 drew a direct analogy between Iran and Nazi Germany.

"It's 1938 and Iran is Germany. And Iran isracing to arm itself with atomic bombs," Netanyahu told delegates to the annualUnited Jewish Communities General Assembly, repeating the line several times,like a chorus, during his address. "Believe him and stop him," the oppositionleader said of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. "This is what we must do.Everything else pales before this."

While Iran is developing WMD and formingalliances throughout the world including Cuba just 90 miles off the coast ofAmerica, Russia and China are providing arms for the alliance and equallyimportant Russia is finalizing the energy noose around Europe. The Islamistsalong with their Leftist/Marxist alliance partners meanwhile are quietlyassuming key positions in the governments, the media and even financialinstitutions.

Failure to Understand Muslim Culture

Thereis a failure to understand the Muslim Culture. After September 11, Bushexplained that the attacks showed that the friend of your enemy is also yourenemy. Ashe put it last September, "America makes no distinction between those whocommit acts of terror, and those that harbor and support them, because they'reequally guilty of murder."

Bushfailed to note the converse of that reality: the enemy of your enemy is notnecessarily your friend and allay. Here the distinction generally relates toSunnis and Shiites. We fail to grasp that just because Shiites and Sunnis are rivalsdon't mean that they will join forces with the U.S. to fight one another, orwon't join forces with one another to fight the U.S. to accomplish their goalof establishing the Islamic kingdom of God and the return of the caliphate.This and the failure to recognize the goals of Russia and China have and willcontinue to cause the Americans no end of difficulty. We also fail to recognizethat these forces have also joined with the Leftists abroad and with in us.

Thereis an Arab saying to the effect that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."While this may be the standard for many countries in the Middle East, it is notthe standard by which a democratic nation like the United States can afford tooperate.

Equallyimportant is to recognize that Russia and China are also linked with mutualinterests – world domination and that Russia is neither the friend of theEU or the U.S.

Unfortunately,these forces have combined into the alliance of the Leftist/Marxist andIslamists – with the common goal of world domination.

Why do Islamists Hate America? That is Wrong Question

Manypropagandists of the Leftist/Marxist – Islamist Alliance are using allefforts to attempt to question why the Islamist hates America. While it is truethat the hedonistic life style of the Leftists runs counter to the Shariah law, many Leftists are drawn into the support of theIslamist movement. It should also be noted that Bible believing Christians andJews do not support the hedonistic life style of the Leftists.  

Counterto the question of "Why do they hate us?" one has to ask the question:

 "What is the goal of Islam?"

Islam,from its very beginning, and the teaching of Muhammad was and is to create theIslamic kingdom of God on Earth. Their desire for this kingdom is to be akingdom ruled by a caliph under Shariahlaw where all non-believers--infidels--are subservient to Muslims. Ithas been said by many apologists for Islam, that Christians and Jews livedtogether peacefully under Islamic rule for 500 years. This was true, but onlyas dhimmis living in servitude to Islamic rule. The Islamists and their Leftistpropagandists wish to have us believe this is the way to peace.

TheJihadists drive to instill ShariahLaw--Islamic law into Muslim society, and ultimately recreate that societyunder their interpretation of the law, which often translates into anendorsement for violent jihad as practiced by bin Laden, and espoused by theMuslim Brotherhood and others.

Ideologyis often overlooked and is considered separate from the strategic andoperational aspects of Islamist militancy. The ideology of this movement issimilar to, or even worse than, the Nazi ideology, and it should be dealtaccordingly.

Therefore,I still believe that one of the primary missions of the international communitytoday is to repeat its experience with Nazism and to deal with this dangerousbarbarian culture exactly as it dealt with the Nazi culture. If this does nothappen, the near future is liable to bring many events, the consequences ofwhich will be far more severe for all of humanity than the consequences ofWorld War II.

The Disturbing Recent Events

The Fall of the Gaza Strip - "Hamastan"and "Fatahland"

The Hamas victory in Gaza is a warning thatthe West is currently losing that war.

The real force behind the Gaza mayhem seemsto be, a combined al Qaeda and Iran strategy, strange bedfellows perhaps, butfor the time being, closely-linked partners in a common strategic goal toestablish "Hamastan" as a forward base for Global terrorism. AlQaeda's ultimate objective is to destabilize and destroy the moderate Arabnations, first in line post- Mubaraq's Egypt, then the Hashemite Kingdom ofJordan and finally, the Sunni cradle of Saudi Arabia. A similar aim is Tehran'sShiiteCrescent strategy - thus both partners are united, even if their spiritualheritance differs widely and even conflicts sharply, in their religious deism.See also my article: Caliphatism -Establishing the "Islamic Kingdom of God on Earth".

It should be noted that The Fatah-Hamasdifferences concern personnel, approaches, and tactics. They share allies andgoals. Tehran arms both Hamas and Fatah.

The "moderate" terrorists of Fatah and the bad terrorists of Hamas equallyindoctrinate children with a barbaric creed of "martyrdom." Both agree oneliminating the Jewish state. Neither shows a map with Israel present, or evenTel Aviv.

The Gaza Strip is now firmly in the controlof Hamas, a radical terrorist group funded by Iran and Syria.  Some havecalled Gaza "Hamastan", expecting that the area will become an Islamicquasi-state akin to Iran where Shariah law isstrictly enforced. The fear is that Gaza will become a Lebanon-likeHamastan, a wasps' nest that in the future will attract al-Qaeda men andextensions of Iran. All of these things are coming to life before our veryeyes.

The Financial Times in the article of June19: Missedopportunities, Gaza and the spread of jihadism--"Splinter groupslinked to al-Qaeda are already emerging in Gaza. Some Israelis are frettingthat they have a new Somalia or Afghanistan on their border.

Hamas in Gaza is also allied with the MuslimBrotherhood in Egypt." See also: IslamicEconomics and the Final Jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood to the Leftist/Marxist -Islamist Alliance.

While on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict,Washington is putting on a brave face over the Palestinian rift, with talkamong the diplomatic community of "silver linings" and "windows of opportunity".

An international response to these woefulevents is now coming into view. But the path signaled by the US and Europelooks dangerously close to an attempt to micromanage and to pick sides in aninternal Palestinian dispute. More importantly the US and the EU fail tounderstand that the reality in the Arab world is: the enemy of your enemy isnot necessarily your friend and allay.

Behind the new international consensus isthe goal of making the West Bank an exemplar of the benefits of co-operatingwith the west and renouncing terrorism. There is also a desire to limitcontacts with Gaza to providing humanitarian aid and ensuring that essentialstaff are not left destitute. The champions of this approach are the US andIsrael, but, as the biggest donor to the Palestinians, the EU also matters.

Alarmingly, countries such as the UK andFrance now seem to be scaling back their earlier insistence that Mr. Abbas'snew government be as inclusive as possible. But reconciliation is crucial. TheEU and the west must send the strongest possible message that Fatah should nottake advantage of the new situation to settle old scores with Hamas on the WestBank.

US and Israeli Positions onPalestine Grounded in Fantasy

Both the US and Israel may have a strategicvision for the future of Abbas's Palestine, but it is grounded in fantasy. USPresident George W. Bush and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will gush about theirsupport for Palestinian statehood. Bush and Olmert announced their full supportfor Fatah chief and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas's newgovernment. Israel will give Fatah $700 million. The Europeans and the rest ofthe international community will give the "moderate, secular" terror groupstill more money and guns and love. The US will likely also demand that Olmertorder the IDF to give Fatah terrorists free reign in Judea and Samaria. See: Yadlin WarnsWhat Happened In Gaza Will Happen in Judea, Samaria.

  They fail torealize that Israel now borders Iran in Lebanon and Gaza. And Fatah is alsosupported by Iran. This is truly a dangerous game played out in the name ofappeasement.

The Muslim Brotherhood inAmerica

It should be noted here that The ChicagoTribune, Sept. 19, 2004 in A rare look at secretive Brotherhood in Americaby Noreen S. Ahmed-Ullah,Sam Roe, and Laurie Cohen reported that "Brotherhood members helped form TheIslamic Society of North America, the umbrella group for the Muslim Youth ofNorth America and the Muslim Students Association, but that their overallinfluence has been limited."

"The Groups that the Brotherhood helped formprinted Islamic books, many of which were distributed at mosques and on collegecampuses. They included Sayyid Qutb's "Inthe Shade of the Koran" and "Milestones," which urges jihad, martyrdom and the creation of Islamicstates. Scholars came to view his writings as manifestos for Islamic militants."

"In recent years, the U.S. Brotherhoodoperated under the name Muslim American Society (MAS), according to documentsand interviews. One of the nation's major Islamic groups, it was incorporatedin Illinois in 1993 after a contentious debate among Brotherhood members."

On August 12, 2006 protest marches wereorganized by the A.N.S.W.E.R.Coalition in numerous cities across America. The marches were announced at:August12 National March to Stop the U.S.-Israeli War. Hundreds of organizationsfrom around the country have endorsed and pledged to mobilize for the August 12demonstration which was initiated by the ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War& End Racism), the National Council of Arab Americans (NCA) and the MuslimAmerican Society Freedom Foundation.

Photos taken at the "Stopthe US Israeli War rally San Francisco"<> rally inSan Francisco on August 12, 2006 show masked protesters with a Hamas flag and aPalestinian flag and the Hamas flag in front of San Francisco's City Hall. Itwas one of several similar rallies held around the country on the same day.

Jihadist Movements GrowingWorldwide

The north of Lebanon has seen fightingprovoked by the rise of Fatah al-Islam, which is inspired by al-Qaeda. Jihadistmovements are also growing in strength in the Kurdish areas of Iraq and Turkey,in Jordan, Yemen, and Egypt and across North Africa. Even south-east Asiancountries - despite rapid economic growth - now have serious problems. Thailand,Indonesia and the Philippines all have active and violent Islamist movements.

Above all, Iraq is serving as an inspirationand training ground for a new generation of jihadists - just as the Afghan waragainst the Soviet Union once did. Terrorist techniques perfected in Iraq arecropping up elsewhere. Suicide bombing was unknown in Afghanistan until acouple of years ago. Now it is a deadly, almost daily occurrence.

A familiar refrain - particularly in Europe - isthat the key to soothing Islamist militancy lies in "solving" the Palestinianproblem. There are obvious holes that can be picked in this argument.

Hamas is not interested in negotiating with Israelto create a Palestinian State. Hamas wants Israel to be eliminated. And furtherHamas wants to create the new caliphate, a new world order ruled byIslamists. 

Osama bin Laden has never shown much interest in atwo-state solution. The attacks of September 11, 2001 were planned when theMiddle East peace process was in relatively good shape. Al-Qaeda's demands areso unrealistic - and its narrative of grievance so selective - that it will notbe swayed by any changes in western policy.

With Hamas now in thecontrol of Gaza and both Hamas and Fatah armed by Tehran, combined with Iranian-backed Hezbollah'sinfluence in Lebanon, it furthers the move of Iran for control of theMediterranean. Add to this the building of Russia building military ports inSyria and providing arms to Syria further demonstrates the power of thealliance.

As reported by David Eshel for DefenseUpdate on December 23, 2006: "In fact, as had been revealed recently,Russia, Iran and Syria have already entered a defense pact aiming at Moscow'sambitions to the process of altering the balance of power in the entire MiddleEast. Russia's own part in this pact has been kept relatively secret for a longtime."

"Theappearance of Russian ships in Tartus [Syria] will signal a dramaticreinforcement of Russia's naval potential in the NATO dominated MediterraneanSea, even when compared to the cold war period."

The Democrat Controlled Congress Seeks to Break up Iraq

BothRep. EllenTauscher of Walnut Creek and her California colleague and fellow Democrat, Sen.Barbara Boxer want the United States to admit that the idea of a strongnational government in Iraq won't work and instead aim to set up a federalsystem in which Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds can separate, cool the sectariankillings and manage their own affairs. Her proposal,which she calls the Change theCourse in Iraq Act, is going places inCongress because it has acquired a most-powerful patron, House Speaker NancyPelosi, D-San Francisco. The speaker has written Tauscher a letter expressingsupport and pledging a vote on the legislation at some point in the next fewmonths.

If they are successful in breaking up Iraq, aswould be expected, the Southern part of Iraq is controlled fully by Iran; thisgives a full and complete access for Iran to the Mediterranean and the creationof the Shiite Crescent.   

Turkey's Move to Join the Middle East and away from the EU

In considering relations with Turkey, theWest must remember that the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friendand allay.  In a departure from itstraditional foreign policy which has gone largely unnoticed, Turkey is nowbecoming an important player in the Middle East. See: TurkeyRediscovers the Middle East, ForeignAffairs July/August 2007 and Thecity where Turkey's republic lost its way, Financial Times June 26, 2007

Turkey's growing concern over Kurdishnationalism has brought Ankara closer to the governments of Iran and Syria,which also contend with restive Kurds at home.

The shift is also accompanied by the gradualIslamization of the country led by the ruling Islamist Justice and DevelopmentParty (known as the AKP), headed by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whohas managed to tap into rising popular nationalism by fusing it with Islam.

Some 60 percent of all U.S. militaryequipment destined for Iraq goes through the territory or airspace of Turkey, aMuslim ally and member of NATO.

If this route to Iraq were restricted orclosed entirely, the ability of the United States to effectively combat theinsurgency and violent militias in Iraq would be impaired. The Erdogangovernment could also come under domestic pressure to restrict U.S. use of theair base at Incirlik in southern Turkey to re-supply American troops inAfghanistan. Should it be necessary to take military action against Iran oreven Russia, the availability of bases in Turkey is critical.

In addition Turkey controls access to theBosporus Strait an oil choke point for oil supply to Europe. Energy is a majordriver behind the warming of Iranian-Turkish relations. Iran is thesecond-largest supplier of natural gas to Turkey (after Russia).

Iran's nuclear ambitions, however, are asource of serious concern in Ankara. A nuclear-armed Iran could have adestabilizing impact on the Persian Gulf region and force Turkey to takecountermeasures for its own security.

If Iran refuses to comply with the demandsof the International Atomic Energy Agency, Ankara will have essentially threeoptions: expand its cooperation on missile defense with the United States andIsrael; beef up its conventional military capabilities, especially medium-rangemissiles; or develop its own nuclear weapons capability.

The Required Missile Defense against Iran in Central Europe

Iran's push for nuclear weapons isaccompanied by its development of ICBMs. The threat of a nuclear armed Iran isno longer just a problem for Israel and their Arab neighbors. Iran'sdevelopment of ICBMs that could reach Washington DC brings the threat home withadded urgency. The nuclear Iran is not just a local issue for Israel.

An Iranian ICBM with a range of nearly 2,500miles could reach as far west as Central Europe and well into Russia, China andIndia. The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency has told Congress that Iran in factmay be capable of developing a 3,000-mi.-range ICBMs by 2015.

It's unlikely the neighbors would complainif a family installed an alarm system, especially if the family offered toinstall alarms in every home on the block. Such a generous offer would protecteveryone from crime. Friendly, law-abiding neighbors would realize they haveeverything to gain and nothing to fear.

Russia Objects to Nuclear Defense against Iran

But one neighboring leader objected: RussianPresident Vladimir Putin. The proposed missile-defense screen would lead to an "inevitablearms race," he warned, adding, "If the American nuclear potential grows inEuropean territory, we have to give ourselves new targets in Europe."

Nuclear potential? Targets? That's an oddway to describe a defensive program that would actually protect nations fromweapons. And in fact, Putin seemed to later see the error of his stance, goingso far late last week as to volunteer to take part in the defense screen--ordid he?

Well, not really. OnJune 18, The Iranian Foreign Ministry says it has received assurances thatMoscow will not let the United States share a Russian radar facility inAzerbaijan as part of a missile shield against Iran -- despite an offer byPresident Vladimir Putin to U.S. President George W. Bush to do exactly that.The ministry says Russia has no intention of allowing the Americans to use theradar base. Was Putin bluffing when he made the offer to the United States?

Russia is not confirming the Iranian versionof events. But it raises the possibility that the Russian offer was bogus andthat Putin was merely maneuvering to occupy the high ground in the dispute overthe antimissile system.

Anticipating a U.S. rejection of his offer,Putin could say that Russia had gone out of its way to offer a solution butthat Washington had not been willing to accept it.

Uranium and Nuclear Power in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan and Iran share access to theCaspian Sea. Kazakhstan could provide the nuclear materials for an Iraniannuclear weapon. Over the past two years, US relations with former SovietCentral Asia nations have collapsed. Indeed, China has become a major player inthis region. Russia is also stepping up its military presence in this region.Moreover, barely acknowledged by the Western media, both China and Russia haveconducted war games in Central Asia, in collaboration with their own coalitionpartners. Of special interest are these activities in Central Asia, under whichmilitary exercises involving the participation of Russia, Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are conducted under the Collective Security TreatyOrganization, (CSTO). Iran is developing a mutual military defense strategywith Kazakhstan. See also my article: Global ThreatsLeading to the Leftist/Marxist -- Islamist Takeover.

If the US can not defend our border, and "OtherThan Mexicans" (OTMs) enter at will, can we count on the dysfunctionalKazakhstan government controlling their border. Some of these OTMs could be bringingin nuclear material for Hezbollah, Hamas or al-Qaeda terror cells in theUS.   

Because of large deposits of uranium,Kazakhstan has developed facilities for the entire nuclear cycle includingenrichment of uranium.

Kazakhstan and Russia boast the world'ssecond and third largest uranium reserves, which are respectively 1 million and0.8 million tons.

In addition to their nuclear activity, theydo have research facilities for designing and manufacturing chemical andbiological weapons.

Kazakhstan is rich in oil, one of the 10largest oil fields in the world in located there. By 2015, it is expected to bethe fifth largest producer of oil in the world.

Utembayev Ambassador of Kazakhstan said hiscountry supports Iran's right to acquire peaceful nuclear technology. "Kazakhstan supports peaceful nuclear research and is opposed toproliferation of nuclear weapons," Utembayev told IRNA.

Asked about ways to put an end to thenuclear standoff between Iran and the West, he said the issue must be resolved throughnegotiations and within the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Iran and UAE Review Expansion of Economic Ties  

Developing expansion of economic cooperationbetween Iran and the UAE will lead to forging unity among regional countries. Alarge Iranian Expiate population is in the UAE.

On June 18, "Iran's Minister of Commerce MasoudMir-Kazemi conferred in Dubai with the UAE's Minister of Economy andIndustries Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid on expansion of mutual and regionalcooperation, IRNA reported." 

"Iran possesses new technological know-howwith highly profile scientific and technical knowledge in various fields whichcould be take into consideration, he said."

The US and the EU and NATO rely on militarybases in the UAE and Bahrain to support military operations in the Gulf. The UShas also provided advanced military aircraft to the UAE.

The Gulf Cooperation Council will not be used in Attack on Iran

GulfArab countries will not be used as a launch pad for any military attack on Iran;Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef Bin Abdul Aziz was quoted as saying onJune 18.

Hesaid Iran had no interest in striking its oil-producing Arab neighbors if itcomes under attack from the United States. "I think the brothers in Iran aretotally aware that ... Iran will not be a source of harm for their neighborsand brothers ... These countries (Arab neighbors) will not be a source of harmfor Iran," he said to state news agency SPA.

The Dragon Fleet (China's Role)

US defense planners are likely to continueto find it hard to take China's good intentions on trust while the countryremains an authoritarian and avowedly communist one-party state. Beijingmeanwhile still shows little willingness to embrace the level of transparencythat might allay their suspicions.

It is extremely difficult to judge both thecurrent capabilities of China's maritime fleet and also the strategic goals towhich Beijing is likely to put it. But there is no doubting that the navy, longthe neglected arm of the People's Liberation Army, is now at the heart of China'sdrive to build a military to match its growing economic and diplomatic clout.

The Need for Addressing the Global Risk

Diplomacy and military strength may deterthe expansion of the threat of a global confrontation but the West must addressits lack of energy security and dependence on 'energy interdependence' insteadof 'energy independence'.

The foreign policy of the United States andEurope must address the energy, the environment, foreign trade, financial,immigration, homeland security and defense tracks in a unified manner.Similarly, addressing the crisis in the Middle East, including theIsrael-Palestine solution also involves solving relations with Russia, Chinaand Eurasia.

This will require commitment and pain now toour way of life. It will require sacrifice. The alternative will be even worse.

Until the U.S. and its allies understand whothe enemy is and their goals, and put forward a plan for survival, the worldwill be heading toward a major war of untold destruction. As mentioned above,we are revisiting 1938 and commercial interests and not security are drivingour actions, as then.

Europe followed by America stand at theprecipice, will they succumb to a hedonist Leftist future scenario and thenbecoming Islamicized either through the actions of Leftist/Marxist –Alliance or nuclear Holocaust or will they reestablish their Judeo-Christianheritage. The loss of Europe and America may occur by virtue of a collapsedpopulation, faith and identity. Which will it be? It is not possible todetermine the outcome, but, YOU the people living in Europe and America caninfluence the outcome. Decision time is fast approaching.

My advice is tolet your position be known.

And "Preparefor War--Pray for a Miracle".

David J. Jonsson is the author of Clash of Ideologies —The Making of the Christian and Islamic Worlds, Xulon Press 2005. His new book: Islamic Economics and the Final Jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood to the Leftist/Marxist - Islamist Alliance (Salem Communications (May 30, 2006). He received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in physics. He worked for major corporations in the United States and Japan and with multilateral agencies that brought him to more that fifteen countries with significant or majority populations who are Muslim. These exposures provided insight into the basic tenants of Islam as a political, economic and religious system. He became proficient in Islamic law (Shariah) through contract negotiation and personal encounter. David can be reached at:

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