
November, 2015

Cruz, Obama, and Eligibility

I recently wrote an article, "Trump's VP Choice and Eligibility," which you may have read and passed on to others. If anyone has disputed the article to you, linked below is an updated and much better version that should settle the issue once and for all. The law of the land states that Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal are ineligible to be President because they were born of alien parents and thus not "natural born." But the law also states that Ted Cruz is a "natural born citizen" and thus is eligible for the Presidency.
By Nelson Hultberg - Monday, November 30, 2015 - Full Story

UN says Maurice Strong is gone—we just don’t know where or when

The ghost of Maurice Strong will haunt the UN’s COP21, where the ultimate lottery win for UN bureaucrats is being pushed. A desperate lib-left, determined to force on a public--97% of which doesn’t believe that global warming trumps Islamic terrorism as the world’s biggest threat--will see to it.
By Judi McLeod - Monday, November 30, 2015 - Full Story

Hey, Jeb: Before you talk about my ‘fall,’ try getting as far as I got

Someone should tell Jeb Bush that I’ve accepted an invitation to speak at Donald Trump’s rally this coming Monday in Georgia. I accepted for a simple reason: He asked. But Gov. Bush seems weirdly interested these days in the connection – if only in his own mind – between what he thinks happened to me and what he thinks is going to happen to Trump.
By Herman Cain - Monday, November 30, 2015 - Full Story

Labor Unions Fraying—Liberty Rising

I have never been a big fan of unions. They force individual members to join, then force them to pay the fees for their collective bargaining representation. Then they spend the members' money on candidates and causes, regardless of the individual members' support. Granted, such forced cooperation would not be so bad, except that unionism and its precepts are hurting the very people whom they claim to represent.
By Arthur Christopher Schaper - Monday, November 30, 2015 - Full Story

Heads - they win; tails - we lose

For over 20 years now, many conservatives have asserted that there is no difference between the two parties, that the Republicans and the Democrats are two sides of the same coin. Michael Reagan said one day on his radio show back in the mid-1990s that the difference between Republicans and Democrats is that it takes a Republican about three weeks longer to become a communist.
By Michael Oberndorf, RPA - Sunday, November 29, 2015 - Full Story
