
Night is fast falling on America The Beautiful

Blow that Trumpet, Mr. Trump

By Judi McLeod ——--August 11, 2015

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Somewhat like Yankee Doodle of folklore fame, Donald Trump came riding into town on a pony, while the mainstream media and friends accused him of charging in on a war horse. Trump’s pony express is delivering the truth at a time when the politically correct legions make it safer to hold onto one’s tongue; a time when Reality TV is supplanting real life with fantasy.
But just like the truth when it’s finally unearthed, tellers of the truth aren’t always pretty. They sometimes come with wobbly knees; sport combed-over hair. Getting up in age, they display a multitude of other human failings and are soon shot down by a holier-than-thou mainstream media. It’s not the sparkling fairy dust that covers most politicians, but the brash delivery of the truth that is making diamond-in-the-rough Donald Trump soar in popularity polls. If he stays in the race, so will the issues American voters want discussed and debated by all contenders in the primary race, Fox News with its gathering leftwing media cheering squad notwithstanding. The mainstream media picks apart any candidate who is not approved by the Establishment. In the case of Trump, it’s endless insults about his hair, his flamboyant showboat style and bottom-line-it type of speaking. No one’s perfect, but with Obama and Company working to destroy all that America stands for, who’s got time for perfection? Not everyone comes to the election-year arena with the healthful youth and good looks of the Fox News show folk.

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Donald Trump in his own bumptious way has come up with something we’re all looking for, the truth--and nothing but the truth

But Americans, starved for the truth, look past good looks, hoping to hear how primary candidates would deal with the critical issues of the day. Even with Botox, mascara, television makeup and hair dyes, the fairytale dust starts to wear off most of us by age 40. By that age it is hoped that those in the business of delivering the news care more about what’s inside their heads than what’s on them. Not all heroes are svelte and handsome with full heads of hair. Umpires with beer bellies are heroes down at the local baseball field, grannies with withered cheeks are absolutely adored by their grandchildren and there is a certain beauty in the most gnarled of apple and oak trees. All the pretty faces at Fox News notwithstanding, Donald Trump in his own bumptious way has come up with something we’re all looking for, the truth--and nothing but the truth. It’s a given that GOP will not sanction Trump with their candidacy, that’s something they’re already stubbornly holding in reserve for Jeb Bush. It’s early days, only the primaries, in the 2016 presidential election race, with plenty of time for Trump truth telling to perhaps rub off on some of the many hopefuls lined up at the starting gate. Speaking truth to power is something rarely seen anymore and particularly now that leading cable networks are, for whatever the reason, giving stiff competition to Reality TV. The truth in politics is even more elusive than the fairies some parents tell their children are hoping not to be discovered in the far end of the family garden. Having heard the fairies can sometimes be come upon taking in the evening air under a toad stool, children will look for them all summer long, and depending on which birthday comes next will go back to the fairy hunt next summer. Though the media try to hide it, Donald Trump is as popular as he is controversial. That’s because America, the one that untold numbers of people looked to for a better way of life; the country seen as the best place to raise families, is looking for the truth. Average Americans want to know how their country only yesterday respected as top world superpower ended up on the brink. They want to know how loving God and speaking out against radical Islamic terrorism is getting them branded as “extremists”. They want to know how almost overnight their own government got to brand them as “racists”. An impressive number of Americans want to know how an opportunistic community organizer with a hatred bordering on the pathological, got elected as president. They lie awake nights worrying about what will happen to their children and grandchildren in the America someone dreamed up as the new Utopia.

No one other than Megyn Kelly has the luxury of worrying what Trump called Rosie O’Donnell

The lies the Obama’s progressives are out there telling insult the intelligence of all thinking Americans. They even went so far to tell We the People that Benghazi was the result of a never-watched YouTube. And they never just got away with it, the unabashed liar who concluded “What difference does it make?” has the gall to run for president. No, the truth and those daring enough to deliver it, are never pretty. No one other than Megyn Kelly has the luxury of worrying what Trump called Rosie O’Donnell. They are too busy just trying to survive in the current jobless economy. Why is it okay for Kelly and O’Donnell to be caustic, but not for Donald Trump? They seek to shoot the messenger knowing that there are still some folk who would rather remain wooed by lies than startled by the truth. America is not only in decline, it’s in grave trouble of sinking below the waves with Barack Obama still tearing it apart at the seams. No one in public office is jumping in to save America from its dire fate under Obama’s fundamental transformation. Meanwhile, Trump is doing the impossible in raising the long buried truth from the dead. Donald Trump’s got thin, fly-away hair that he covers with hats Politico likes to poke fun at. He’s brash and in your face. But he’s got a loud trumpet. Let’s hope and pray that he gets to blow it as loudly as he can. Night is fast falling on America The Beautiful.

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Judi McLeod—— -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
