
Obama administration's energy policies weaning us off of foreign oil, they're indirectly weaning us off of everything else - everything from pest control services to the food that we put on our family's dinner table

Weaning Us Off of Food?

In a column this week (March 13th), Chuck Norris took the Obama administration to task for the run-up in gas prices: It is no secret that average gasoline prices have more than doubled since President Obama was inaugurated in 2009. Except for a few slight declines, the overall trend in gas prices over the past three years has been upward.
Americans, most of whom purchase gasoline at least once per week have grown less and less enamored with Obama in the process. The president has repeatedly tried to disavow himself of any responsibility for the increase in gasoline prices. However, it was Obama himself who said that, under his leadership, "...(energy prices) will necessarily skyrocket." Americans, however, are beginning to see through the president's attempted disavowal. Not only do Obama and his minions see the policy as something good for Americans in the long-haul, they embrace it. On "Fox News Sunday" in 2011, Energy Secretary Stephen Chu again embraced the strategy to raise gas prices in order to increase green alternatives. Chu told Fox's Chris Wallace, "The price of gasoline over the long haul should be expected to go up just because of supply and demand issues. And so we see this in the buying habits of Americans as they make choices for the next car they buy." Supposedly, this policy is designed to discourage Americans from using petroleum in an attempt to wean our nation off of foreign oil and to, hence, force us into the use of biofuels, wind, solar, and other non-fossil-fuels.

What the administration fails to acknowledge, is that their policy of purposely driving up gasoline prices affects, directly or indirectly, the costs of nearly all other goods and services in the process. Very few consumer goods are exempt from price pressures of increasing fuel costs. The vast majority of goods require transportation of some sort to get them from their point of origin to the consumer. Think, also, about service businesses. Take, for example, a pest control service. ABC Pest Control must purchase fuel to put into their trucks to allow them to get their personnel to their customers' homes. ABC Pest Control may be able to absorb some of the increased fuel costs. But, eventually, ABC will need to increase their prices in order to allow them to maintain their level of profitability. The way I see it, not only are the Obama administration's energy policies weaning us off of foreign oil, they're indirectly weaning us off of everything else - everything from pest control services to the food that we put on our family's dinner table. Perhaps President Obama has "green" alternatives in mind to replace green vegetables - the green vegetables that Michelle Obama wants Americans to eat more of.

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James Sharp——

James Sharp is a middle-aged, middle-class, middle-management salesman who believes in secure borders and fighting our enemies with a strong military.  He also believes in limited government, free markets, and unlimited opportunity and personal liberties for all citizens of the U.S.
