
Ruining Christmas 2014 Alan Caruba | December 24, 2014
America has celebrated Christmas in the midst of two world wars in the last century and a score of lesser wars. We are a resilient people. We are reviving an economy that suffered a great financial crisis in 2008

It is likely that Russia, under the leadership of Vladimir Putin, will view the ongoing differences of opinion over BMD as means to rally support against the West, as tensions over Ukraine escalate

EXCLUSIVE: 911 operators made ‘anti-police’ remarks News on the Net | December 24, 2014
Causing quarrel with FDNY dispatchers as 2 NYPD cops were dying, sources say

Merry Christmas, Bowl Cut Jr.!

Now here’s an option: Eliminate North Korea entirely Dan Calabrese | December 24, 2014
But how?

The Declaration of Independence is for All of Us Arthur Christopher Schaper | December 24, 2014
The right of all men, of mankind, are endowed to us by our Creator, and no government can take them away

A Catholic priest who was paralyzed from the chest down in a fall four years ago says he has proof that prayer can heal.

Problems With BC’s Peak Snow Reporting Sierra Rayne | December 24, 2014
It appears errors were compounded on errors to achieve climate alarmism.

Army Chaplain Punished for Mentioning Faith Arnold Ahlert | December 24, 2014
Spreading holiday fear.

Are We Too Clean? Jack Dini | December 24, 2014
Germs:The research is showing that the 'germs' we do our best to exterminate with antibacterial sprays are not our enemies after all

The events in New York , Ferguson Missouri and other places in our nation may look like they are caused by race relations, but if honesty is to prevail they are all due to our poor and dying relationship to God.

More mindless, left-wing boiler plate that isn’t buttressed by facts. It’s all about this poor little fella’s “feelings” than it is about truth

Responding to Liberals: Implied Powers Douglas V. Gibbs | December 24, 2014
Illegal Immigration: A State can protect its interior, and therefore immigration laws at the State level, and local enforcement of those laws, are perfectly constitutional.

Christmas Cheer William Bedford | December 23, 2014
CFP Poetry Online

War, Wine, and Giving Thanks at Christmas David White | December 23, 2014
With the holidays now here, many of us will spend the coming days surrounded by family and friends, eating great food and drinking great wine

Put North Korea Back on the Terrorist List Heritage Foundation | December 23, 2014
Pyongyang’s actions since 2008 also clearly show that North Korea remains committed to terrorist acts

Al Sharpton on stirring up protestors Dag Barkley | December 23, 2014
The Good Lord do work in Mysterious Ways

The only one they really care about is #9.

Looks like online streaming is coming too.

Turning their backs...

Where to begin with all the 'wrong'?

Politicians, like de Blasio and Obama, doing the “dividing us” with the help of a complicit mainstream media painting the ongoing racial divide claiming cop lives as coming from only “a few bad actors” among the protesters

Obama Care Controls Medical Care and Our Health Care Suffers Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | December 23, 2014
Taxes: Economic side effects of the Affordable Care Act should not be overlooked: "If you like your weak economy, you can keep your weak economy"

Trying to Use the UN to Destroy Israel Alan Caruba | December 23, 2014
In sum, the Arab League, Europe, and Obama's U.S. policy want Israel to accept terms that amount to suicide

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Killing our Future Douglas V. Gibbs | December 23, 2014
Slaughter of the unborn through abortion

Let’s crush a few flies for Christmas Dr. Laurie Roth | December 23, 2014
America is at a place where we have to be ready to crush a few flies on the pavement and throw intimidation to the wind

The IRS, and the “Icky” Conservatives Douglas V. Gibbs | December 23, 2014
The Internal Revenue Service, infested with liberal left acolytes, has become one of those tools of tyranny.

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Eric Holdren

North Korea versus Sony Pictures affair; Attacks of this kind have the strong tendency to go outside the business arena and involve political echelons and governments
