
Hopefully this blowhard will fade into the dark clouds that Stormy has brought to the American Justice scene.

Alvin And His Chipmunks Have Nothing To “Bragg” About

By Milt Harris

If stupidity were contagious, Alvin Bragg would be in quarantine. Bragg suffers from a common ailment that has infected most of the left. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is real, and one of the main symptoms is political blindness. Bragg is living proof that this blindness can be so intense that it affects rational brain function—so much so that it can cause a person to literally invent charges to bring against another American citizen.

America has been stripped of her power and left floundering by the enemies of Liberty, Freedom, Independence, and Justice .

Bringing Down The Hammer For Canada Free Press: Forced capitulation to a 10th Century barbarism intent on our death and destruction.

Dolton are easily misled. I mean, Lori Lightfoot, … Beetlejuice? Really?

Inspiration, innovation, perspiration and technology can overcome climate challenges

Meanwhile, please pray for Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and for all of those with the courage and backbone to speak truth to power in these deadly and horrific Anti-Christian times

This is a farcical ruling, and every judge involved in this court needs to be recalled if possible and, at the very least, placed under extreme scrutiny. What a sickening miscarriage of justice and common sense

Election Fraud 2024 - April Update: It is not possible to have a trustworthy election where dirty voter rolls are coupled with widespread voting by mail. Believing that we can is delusional

We do agree that it needs to be reduced. I just don't think reducing the number of law abiding gun owners is the answer

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Deplorables by Dag Barkley