
American Politics, News

Criminalizing the implementation of President Obama’s health care law

Comprehending the Incomprehensible
 Erik Rush | May 4, 2013
Radical Muslims and their liberal dhimmis

It’s Always Christmas If You’re a Politician Michael R. Shannon | May 4, 2013
Gov. Bob McDonnell, Star Scientific, Ken Cuccinelli, Anatabloc

The Inconvenient Truths About Amnesty John Lillpop | May 4, 2013
The solution? Forget amnesty, enforce existing laws, reinforce the border with military, and deport illegal aliens

American Youth Caught by the Tail? Rev. Michael Bresciani | May 3, 2013
Obsessive 24/7 preoccupation with everything carnal is now vogue and vital since it has been re-packaged and labeled as – sensuality

Gosh...who was sending those guns down there again?

Voting Insanity

I’m Coming Out of the Closet Mike Jensen | May 3, 2013
Evolved Obama and the homosexual agenda

Dershowitz and tragedy Caroline Glick | May 3, 2013
It is the tragedy of our times that basically decent liberals like Dershowitz dismiss as marginal those who base their assessments of Israel and the Middle East on reality

Part three of their 'Inhuman' investigation

Déjà vu All Over Again? The Audacity of Truth J.D. Longstreet | May 3, 2013
The War for Southern Independence

The major problems with a “comprehensive” approach to immigration reform

Kansas tells him to shove Obama's anti-gun measures

Coming out as heterosexual has many pitfalls

Keep Stone Mountain carving a Confederate Memorial Calvin E. Johnson Jr. | May 3, 2013
Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson

“The Golden Apple” - A Socialist Fairy Tale Daniel Greenfield | May 3, 2013
"Fruit for Everyone" usually means "Fruit for No One"

Virginia gubernatorial campaign: protecting Terry McAuliffe’s “image” while savaging Ken Cuccinelli

Anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation

Why I am No Longer a Conservative Republican Dr. Robert R. Owens | May 2, 2013
If we want a different world we have to start at the only place we have the absolute sovereign ability to make a change, we must start with ourselves

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Rotten to the Common Core Matt Shipley | May 2, 2013
Common Core: Another Johnny-come-lately, one-size-fits-all national standard that attempts to fix a problem created by the original national standard; our public school system

Living in Dangerous Times Alan Caruba | May 2, 2013
President Obama’s and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s statements, respectively, on Syria and Iran

Sorry, Harry! The American people just will not buy your Obamacare snake oil

Seven months....

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We are weary of the purposeful abdication of responsibility of enforcing our laws and being bullied by those who are to represent us, not repress us

Springtime for Bloomberg Daniel Greenfield | May 2, 2013
Springtime has come to New York and enthusiastic youths are making off with bike share bikes and tanning on roofs painted white

Five Ways the Immigration Bill Is Like Obamacare Heritage Foundation | May 2, 2013
"It’s going to give legal status and eventual citizenship to those who came here unlawfully"

Feminist theories offer cold comfort at 40 Marta H. Mossburg | May 2, 2013
Susan Patton

Economic Misery: The New Normal Arnold Ahlert | May 2, 2013
The most onerous increasing cost for an employee base? Obamacare

A Gomez TV ad in which he misrepresented himself as a Ronald Reagan-style Republican. In reality, Gomez is an Obama sycophant
