
We can only pray that in future elections, the memory of these deliberately deceitful and politically motivated money dumps will be remembered, and more responsible people will be elected.

Politicians Are Not The Only Dangerous Rats In New York City

By Milt Harris

It's time to face the truth. New York State and New York City have been struggling due to the woke leadership choices made by their citizens. The city's lenient laws have allowed crime to run rampant, and the financial burden of illegal immigration has contributed to its decline into squalor.

Not all rats in New York wear suits and work in federal buildings. The city now suffers from a rodent problem due to the moral squalor resulting in physical filth.

Bringing Down The Hammer For Canada Free Press: It seems so easy to me: Christianity and hope, or atheism and nihilism; or, through a less existential lens: destruction and Islam. Isn’t it as simple as sanity or insanity?

The United Nations operates in a parallel universe where lies are made to look like the truth and evil is made to look good.

Mike Johnson and other “Deep State” operatives in Congress, foreign wars take precedence over the needs of the American people.

Johnson hasn't kept any of his promises, and he has proven, beyond a shadow of doubt, that he is an enemy of the American people

Survival in Tough Times: Cousin Gary, Maxine’s middle son, wrote to me on Friday to tell me Maxine had passed away. He said it better than I could ever do. “What great moms we had! They are back together!”

To one degree or another, all governments are designed to avoid telling the truth. And lie in their silence.

Learn how to say NO! As Reagan used to say, "Trust, but verify." In this case, the government, all medical authorities, and the media. By all means, verify what you are told, use your own good judgment, and always trust in GOD!!

Faith will conquer fear but it takes a heart of Christ to get there

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