
Flat income tax has about the same chance of getting through Congress as term limits or leaving a juicy steak unattended at a barbeque with the big dog lurking nearby

Exploding dog

By Greg Maresca

In his eight years, the big dog has never turned down anything edible and never misses an opportunity to take advantage of any inedible occurrences, too. His insatiable appetite never ceases to amaze. We often joke that big dog would eat until he exploded.

In many aspects big dog is much like big government and considering we just concluded the standard tax filing season – that truly never goes out of vogue – allow me to count the ways.

Was the teen suspect acting alone or did ‘someone’ else send him?

Dissolve the corporate-owned, Democrat-connected, deceitful media and replace it with an honest, fact-seeking news organization, and America still has a chance at survival

School is for education and learning the discipline necessary for mental growth. It is not a place for immature children to work through their mental illnesses and fantasies

Hopefully this blowhard will fade into the dark clouds that Stormy has brought to the American Justice scene.

America has been stripped of her power and left floundering by the enemies of Liberty, Freedom, Independence, and Justice .

Why aren’t John Cornyn and Dan Crenshaw bagging groceries at Walmart? Jesse Kelly has thought about this.

Bringing Down The Hammer For Canada Free Press: Forced capitulation to a 10th Century barbarism intent on our death and destruction.

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