
Obamanation, Cap and trade, Control of the Internet

Healthcare Is Just One Battle In Our War For Survival

When a driver is too much of a risk for the insurance companies to accept, we have a plan called "assigned risk" where the insurance commission assigns the driver's policy to an insurance company. This allows the driver to be covered and spreads the risk among all insurers in turn. If people with pre-existing health problems can't get health insurance, why not have a program of assigned risk for health insurance that works like auto insurance?

People who simply cannot afford the costs of health insurance premiums should be allowed to qualify for basic and limited Medicare benefits, providing they are citizens of the U.S. The Medicare funds now going to support the power scooter industry and other non medical costs could be used instead to provide basic healthcare for those who cannot afford it. Eliminate the medical lawsuits and lawyers who are preying on doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical manufacturers and deal with those issues through the licensing boards. If a patient incurs additional costs due to doctor or hospital negligence, those costs could be covered by the patient's own medical insurance to some degree. Those additional costs to the insurance company will be offset by the billions in savings from lawyers’ fees and lawsuit judgments. If a patient dies, well - that's what life insurance is for. By eliminating healthcare costs that are not directly going to provide for actual healthcare, everyone gets covered at affordable rates. No need for a 1000+ page bill that turns the country on its head and violates our freedom and liberty with huge invasions of privacy and government intrusions into our personal lives from government bureaucrats. Why can’t Congress deliver simple solutions like these? Politics! Everyone wants a piece of the pie. Healthcare bills currently in Congress are not about reforming healthcare. They are about increasing government power, paybacks to political supporters, and advancing socialism and government dependence, which results in more power to Washington politicians.

George Soros funded Apollo Alliance

If it was about healthcare, the bill wouldn’t have been written by Obama’s friends at the George Soros funded Apollo Alliance which parents a litany of left wing radical, if not communist, organizations like ACORN, Organizing for America, SEIU, MoveOn.org, and others. This Obamanation started with bailouts and stimulus spending. Then advanced to takeovers of Wall Street and the auto industry. Now it’s a takeover of the healthcare industry and next will be the energy industry with cap and trade.” In the mean time, a bill currently in the Senate would give Obama emergency control of the Internet including a "kill switch" to shut down online traffic by seizing private networks. Who or what defines an “emergency,” and what conceivable purpose could be served by seizing the Internet at a time when the people will need it the most? It also grants authority for the federal government to ignore all privacy contracts and agreements between Internet providers and their clients. In other words, the Internet, and all computer data becomes the property of the White House. Only a fascist dictator could be served by these actions, ergo Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro taking over their respective medias. This is what Obama plans for us. It is just incredible to think that the greatest danger to Americans now is our own government. With the constitutional violations of the Bush administration, and now dramatically increased by the fascist Obama administration, it's almost as though we have been taken over by an enemy nation out to destroy American capitalism and way of life. This advance of communism has been coming for a long time. I guess some people just have to experience it for themselves before they will believe what we have known for a long time. We are now in a war for the survival of our country and way of life against an enemy who lives in our neighborhoods and uses our laws against us. When is Congress going to stand up for the American people? When is Congress going to stand up for the Constitution? When is Congress going to stand up to Obama who has been usurping their powers as well as ours? This was a well funded, well organized campaign to pull a community organizer out of the slums of lower Chicago, dress him up to look professional, fill his teleprompter with a bunch of BS, blame everything wrong with the country on Bush and the Republicans, and label anyone who opposed him a racist. Too many uninformed voters fell for the deception and lies and never even bothered to question Obama‘s qualifications for the office. Americans were duped by a campaign and a candidate who can‘t even prove that he is an American citizen. The perfect communist plot right out of Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky with a game plan using the Cloward/Piven strategy to overload and collapse the capitalist system under its own weight so that it can then be replaced with communism. This is the final act we have been warned about over the past 50 years while voters had their eyes closed - thinking it can’t happen in America. Well, my friend, it is happening now. Wouldn't you like to know who Obama is in communications with on his Blackberry - that he doesn't want in the White House records? What a perfect setup for him to be able to get away with these illegal communications in violation of White House protocol and U.S. law. I think we need to see his call records and text messages from this device and find out exactly what he has been using it for. A bipartisan congressional investigation would seem to be appropriate here, if only we could depend on Congress to deliver honest results. The good news is that something like this has never been tried on this country before. They have underestimated the will of the free American people to remain free. Their effort is going to backfire in the next election when Republicans take over Congress. Obama will not complete his first term. He will likely be impeached before then, lose his mind, or be assassinated. Then the Congress and a new president will have a lot of work to do undoing all the damage Obama and the communists have done. With talk radio, the Internet, and Fox News now becoming stronger than the alphabet networks, I hope there will be investigations into communism in America and it will be stamped out. There is nothing constitutional about communism in America. People have to start recognizing it for what it really is, and calling it what it really is. Whether you call it liberal, progressive, or whatever, it's still communism. And Obama is a Communist, whether he knows it or not. As for the national debt; that lying Obama goes in front of the cameras with his TOTUS and says he is concerned about the national debt and that we have to reverse it. Then he encourages Congress to spend more money, increase the budget deficit, and raise the national debt ceiling. These actions cannot possibly be from sheer stupidity; they have to be intentional. Everything he has done has been just the opposite of the actions one would take to fix the economy. It's the same plan in place with national defense and the intelligence community. This has to be by design and cannot be dismissed as mere mistakes. Don't you feel proud to be a part of these historic times when America's first communist president was elected? The Constitution doesn’t provide for czars, or the trampling of the free market or personal and states rights. When a new Republican controlled Congress takes over in 2011, impeachment hearings should begin, if not before. Obama’s violations, disrespect and disdain for our Constitution cannot be allowed to stand. Until then, tell Obama to keep his fascist hands off of our healthcare and off of our last frontier of freedom, the Internet.

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JR Dieckmann——

JR Dieckmann is Editor, Publisher, Writer, and Webmaster of GreatAmericanJournal.com. He also works as an electrician in Los Angeles, Ca. He has been writing and publishing articles on the web since 2000.
