
Barack Obama is not performing in the best interests of the United States and the American people

Obama: Quickest To Be Dissed

Sometimes you have to be patient when allowing the general mainstream-media-informed public to catch up and discover what many of us already knew: Barack Obama is not performing in the best interests of the United States and the American people.

President Obama’s job approval rating has fallen to 47 percent in the latest Gallup poll, the lowest ever recorded for any president at this point in his term. Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and even Richard Nixon all had higher approval ratings 10-and-a-half months into their presidencies. Obama’s immediate predecessor, President George W. Bush, had an approval rating of 86 percent, or 39 points higher than Obama at this stage.
Maybe one reason for Obama’s disapproval is the messages sent from his White House Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs. After Gibbs’ faux pas last week, comparing a black White House press corps reporter to his petulant child, he appears he still has rude kid on the mind…
Asked for a response to Monday’s tracking poll, which placed Obama’s approval numbers among the lowest of any recent president in December of his first year in office,White House press secretary Robert Gibbs mocked the reliability of the widely respected polling firm. “I tell you, if I was a heart patient and Gallup was my EKG, I’d visit my doctor,” Gibbs said. “If you look back, I think five days ago, there was an 11-point spread, now there’s a 1-point spread. I mean, I’m sure a 6-year-old with a crayon could do something not unlike that. I don’t put a lot of stake in, never have, in the EKG that is the daily Gallup trend.” He added: “I don’t pay a lot of attention to the meaninglessness of it.”
Well guess what, Mr. Gibbs? It looks like many people aren’t paying a lot of attention to this addicted-to-attention president, in fact people are appearing more repulsed by him every day. And the American people won’t miss Gibbs at all either.

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Bob Parks——

Bob Parks is a is a member/writer of the National Advisory Council of Project 21. Bob’s websites are Black & Right and youtube.com/BlackAndRight
