
Nothing points out the protesters economic illiteracy, ignorance of history and lazy thinking than that

Stealing from the rich giving to the poor OWS style

Like any brand that wants to be successful Occupy Wall Street needs a good tag line, especially now that it is descending into chaos and crime and ordinary people are becoming fed up with it.
How about ‘Occupy Wall Street-steal from the rich and give to the poor’? Except that most of the rich people protesters are talking about stealing from aren’t really rich at all and most of the poor people protesters are talking about giving to aren’t really poor at all. Except that most of the protesters don’t recognize or understand that and never did. Except that most of the tent camps are filled with misfits and ne’er do wells who are there simply to cadge free meals and accommodation and aren’t really protesting anything at all.

Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. That’s sure to solve our economic and social problems isn’t it? Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Nothing points out the protesters economic illiteracy, ignorance of history and lazy thinking than that. It really is a very apt tag line. Most of the protesters are whiners, complainers and takers with a false sense of entitlement and victimhood who think the world owes them a living. They’re not interested in income redistribution unless its someone else’s income being redistributed to them. They’re useful idiots for the fanatics and ideologues of various stripes out there who are manipulating and using them for their own ends and are no more interested in the plight of the real poor than I am in flying to the moon. No one can take them seriously because their simpleminded solutions aren’t really solutions at all. They are very trite and one big cliche, that’s all. A big cliche that’s fouling our streets and bringing garbage dumps and rats to our public spaces. A big cliche that is a mockery of democracy and the rule of law. A big cliche that’s costing taxpayers a fortune in policing and sanitation costs, among other things. Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor...it fits on all kinds of levels. Yours sincerely, Jerry Philipson

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