
Washington pols and media hacks

Scapegoating the valiant young Marines sent to fight and die in Obama’s cynical war

By Guest Column Nathaniel Scaramouche——--January 13, 2012

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — The mainstream media and the cover-your-tookus politicians, who deplore and denigrate Christianity and Judaism at every turn, are shocked and outraged over a video showing four Marines urinating on the corpses of Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan.
The story prompted pious editorials in today's The New York Times and The Washington Post and likely will produce reams of op-eds by Inside the Beltway pundits — very few of whom, it should be noted, have ever served a day of military service. Even before the military confirmed the video's authenticity, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was on the phone to apologize to Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a devious snake who now takes his daily marching orders from Tehran. It's an open secret that Karzai, while squirreling away billions of dollars of U.S. aid, has been collaborating with Iran's ayatollahs on ways to blow up the NATO soldiers who have spent fruitless years trying to meld Afghanistan's collection of 14th century tribes into a functioning democracy.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, never one to miss a prime time sound bite, also was all over the news networks, expressing grave concern. "Anyone found to have participated or known about it, having engaged in this kind of conduct, must be held fully accountable," she scolded. The real culprits, of course, are the two-bit politicos like Panetta and Clinton, who are willing to serve an administration that cynically decided to keep U.S. troops in Afghanistan an extra year or two while denying them any chance of fulfilling their mission. As it did by its policy of early withdrawal in Iraq, the Obama Administration is desecrating the decade long sacrifices of brave young Americans, Canadians, Brits, Poles, Germans and Australians to the expediency of the President's re-election bid. Under such devious circumstances, the crocodile tears now being shed in Washington over the so-called religious sensitivities of fanatic Muslims, are passing strange. Especially, so when the deplorers have no concern whatever about heavy-handed Obama Administration policies that seek to force thousands of Catholic and Protestant physicians and nurses to violate their religious beliefs by performing abortions or have their hospitals and clinics face the loss of federal funds. It is doubly ironic that the supposedly ardent feminist Hillary Clinton would place such a premium on not offending backwater Muslims who treat their women no better than sacrificial goats. No wonder the vast majority of Americans have come to believe that the top ranks of their federal government are inhabited by people on hallucinogens with no sense of history. It's not hard to believe that many of the brave young Americans, Canadians and Brits who fought the tyranny of totalitarianism in World II occasionally relieved themselves on the bodies of the SS and Japanese Imperial Army troops. After all, these soldiers were more than willing to cast the niceties of the Geneva Convention aside and enthusiastically participate in the massacres and tortures of captured prisoners. And it's certainly not difficult to believe that Leon and Hillary may get together on conference calls occasionally to belt out the sardonic lyrics penned by Noel Coward at the end of World II. Here are the last few stanzas (readers should feel free to substitute the words Islamist or Taliban for the words German or Hun.)
Let's be meek to them And turn the other cheek to them, And try to arouse their latent sense of fun. Let's give them full air parity, And treat the rats with charity, But don't let's be beastly to the Hun! Don't let's be beastly to the Germans. You can't deprive a gangster of his gun! Though they've been a little naughty To the Czechs and Poles and Dutch, I can't believe those countries Really minded very much. Let's be free with them And share the BBC with them. We mustn't prevent them basking in the sun! Let's soften their defeat again, And build their bloody fleet again, But don't let's be beastly to the Hun!
Nathaniel Scaramouche is a longtime Washington insider who occasionally likes to lob a dead cat or two into the drawing rooms of the city’s political parasites.

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