
Obamedia Will Find an Angle sooner or later, Olbermann and Matthews are on it!

Obamedia Still Scrambling For Angle to Bury Palin

The 24/7 Obama press was sent into frenzy last Friday when John McCain named the one VP running mate that they had not performed preemptive personal sludge searches upon in preparation for the announcement. They thought that they were ready to bury whomever McCain announced, but nobody had Sarah Palin on the war room radar…

Lacking any sludge prep on Palin, the Obama press immediately turned to left-wingnut blogs like Daily Kos for anti-Palin material. Nobody knows who she is… She’s a girl… Alaska’s not a real state, so she’s not a real governor… She was only mayor of a small town… She has no foreign policy experience… Her daughter mothered her secret grandson… Her 17 year old daughter is pregnant out of wedlock… Her husband has a 25 year old DUI… She opposes a woman’s right to kill… She likes guns… She’s a card carrying member of the vast right-wing conspiracy… She had an extramarital affair… This is the best personal mud they could throw on the wall quickly and none of it stuck. In their mad dash to derail the public love fest with the new conservative bombshell, the Obamedia rushed perverted lie after perverted lie into print in an effort to bury Palin before she could get her political sea legs. Five days of 24/7 Palin attacks later, Sarah Palin stepped on the RNC convention stage like she was born to be there. The Obama press had fallen down in the mine field laid by McCain and they still can’t get up…

The people love her… and the press can’t figure out what to do about it!

Every early left-wing salvo ricocheted off Palin and hit the Obama campaign. Before Palin could make her international début, even the Obama campaign was forced to come out in her defense in order to stop the attacks from ricocheting back to them. It was priceless! Nobody knows who Obama is either… Hillary is a girl too… He’s an Arab Muslim member of a Racist Church… He’s never run anything, city, state, small business, anything… He has no foreign policy experience… Biden’s children have rap sheets… Biden’s egomaniac closet is likely full of extramarital affair’s that would embarrass Bill Clinton… Obama’s wife has never been proud of America… Obama supports infanticide… He’s a card carrying member of the left-wing Democratic Socialists Club Every attack fired upon Palin landed on Obama and Biden… and by Wednesday night’s Palin speech, the Obama press had united the Republican Party in defense of Palin, causing a record 37 million Americans to tune in to meet Palin. 38 million watched Obama’s Hollywood presidential wannabe moment the week before. But 37 million tuned in to meet the Republican vice presidential nominee less than a week later and by the following morning, any convention bounce Obama might have had, evaporated. Palin is already more popular with voters than Obama, after hundreds of millions spent over 19 months of Obama campaign rhetoric. The old backstabbing left-wing personal attack strategy has completely backfired and both Obama and his press are still scrambling for an angle to bury the “pit bull in lipstick!” It’s poetic justice! But don’t worry…

Obamedia Will Find an Angle sooner or later, Olbermann and Matthews are on it!

Knocked on their heels by a stellar in-your-face Palin performance, the left-wing press could only say, “She was GREAT… but she was just reading a script from Bush speech writer Matthew Scully.” Then news broke that she only saw the final draft of the speech for a few minutes in her motorcade on the way to the convention center, before her teleprompter went haywire only minutes into her speech. She ad-libbed her way through the balance of the speech with a teleprompter on the fritz…and nobody in the hall noticed a thing, including the press! She was flawless! So far, every anti-Palin effort by the leftist press has either turned up false, ricocheted on Obama-Biden or drawn unintended public attention to a candidate who has hit it out of the park every time at bat. Meanwhile, the public is finally turning on the left-wingnut press as a bonus.

Time for a New Obama Strategy?

Here it comes… Palin is a hardcore partisan right-winger… Except, Palin has done something that Obama and Biden have never done. She has taken on political corruption over and over again, IN HER OWN PARTY! - And WON! She’s anti-woman… Will that moose dog really hunt? The first woman vice president is anti-woman? - As compared to the two Washington good-ole-boy egomaniacs, Obama and Biden? LOL... She opposes Roe vs. Wade… Every American who believes in the Constitutional unalienable right to Life and can read the flawed bench law responsible for the murder of more than 40 million innocent American children is against Roe vs. Wade - and for returning the issue to the states under the 10th Amendment. Besides, exactly how much should 300 million Americans trust the judgment of people who don’t know that murdering millions of innocent children is wrong?

Obama and his Press are in Deep Trouble

Who vetted Obama and Biden? The list of legitimate serious questions about Obama is almost endless and well supported by hard evidence, - and if Obamedia is ever forced (and they will have to be forced) to ask any of those questions in a serious way, the Obama campaign will come to a screeching halt in a pile of dust and rubble. The Obamedia has not even mentioned the fact that Obama and the DNC are being sued over Obama’s legal status to even seek the Oval Office. The DNC was served suit papers at noon on 9/4/08 and Obama was served at 1: PM the same day and the suit will proceed in a Pennsylvania court. The law suit, filed by former Pennsylvania Assistant Attorney General Phillip Berg, who is also a Democrat that supported Hillary Clinton for president, alleges that Obama is not even constitutionally able to seek the office. That’s a pretty big story to ignore, don’t you think? Everyone knows Biden. They know that there is no bigger career backstabbing partisan in Washington DC today. That’s what they know... The only question about Biden is this, - which Biden is running for office today? Only weeks ago, Biden proclaimed to the nation that Obama was in no way qualified to be Commander-in-Chief. What has he done since then to become qualified? A bribe with the prospect of vice presidential power changed Biden’s mind instantly. Which Biden was telling it like he really sees it? The entire Obama campaign is a fraudulent media creation and just about every American knows it, even many supporting the campaign. Every fraudulent attack on Palin and McCain is ricocheting back to the Obama campaign. So, what’s their next trick?

Back to the tried and true Leftist Fear-mongering

You’re not broke because you won’t work, or because you over spend, or because you borrowed money you knew you couldn’t repay. You’re poor because of those nasty hard working conservatives who don’t want to share anymore of their earnings with you. You’re too stupid to take care of yourself in a free society, so you need to elect us to take care of you in our secular socialist society. We won’t tax you; we will only tax “the rich” and “corporations.” Of course those taxes will be passed on to you in higher prices, lower wages and fewer jobs. But we will go pick the pockets of the rich anyway because we need to buy your vote in order to gain the political power we need to end capitalism altogether! We are not as safe as we were on or before 9/11/01. So, we will block the FBI, CIA and NSA ability to track, capture or interrogate terrorists and cut military spending while we retreat from the war on terror abroad. This will make you safer… until the war is on your doorstep. Now, some Americans focused only on voting themselves gifts from the public trough are silly enough to overlook the obvious facts and vote for this nonsense no matter what. But what about the thinking American population?

Here’s an indication

Nielson tracks TV viewer numbers, known as the Nielson Ratings. After nineteen months on the campaign trail and tens of millions spent, Obama set a new presidential candidate record with approximately 38.3 million viewers at the DNC Convention climax last Thursday night. However, with five minutes of new fame and no money spent, Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin drew a reported 37.2 million viewers, 4.9 million more than DNC VP candidate Joe Biden a week earlier, and almost as many as the Obamessiah. Then, Senator John McCain took the stage and the early Nielson numbers indicate that he beat both Palin and Obama with a 4.8 Nielson rating compared to Obama’s 4.3... If these numbers hold as Nielson completes its official report, McCain will have had over 42 million viewers, 3.8 million more than Obamessiah. That spells BIG trouble for the Obama campaign. It appears that average Americans are not as ignorant as Obama and his press had hoped... Time will tell!

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JB Williams——

JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner.

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