
Take away Obama's lies, and it is easy to see that Romney won hands down

Romney Wins by TKO!

"For the third [debate] in a row, Democrats are getting more time to address national audiences than their Republican opponents, even as they protest the debate moderator asserting the opposite." -- Eric Pfeiffer
Eventually I had to use my remote's mute button whenever it was Obama's turn to speak during last night's debate. Listening to him speak was one thing in 2008--before he had acquired any track record to speak of, but it is something else to hear him lie through his teeth when you know what he has and has not done as POTUS the past four years. Listening to him last night was teeth-gritting stuff I'll tell ya. Any last remaining vestiges of hope that I can trust anything that a Democratic politician says was laid to rest last night--along with any hope that the media will give Romney a fair shake during the debates. The liberal slant of the moderators has moved beyond embarrassing into irritating (moving toward infuriating). The liberal media will deny having any such bias of course, but as we know they lie. I am tired of #-footing around with these double-dealing snakes in the grass. Screw using such euphemisms as "double standard" and "hypocritical" when describing them. When liberals are labeled "hypocrites" what is really being said is that they are lying weasels--well say it!

When it is mentioned that the media has a "double standard," what is meant is that the media gives a free pass to Democrats for almost any mistake, slander, corruption, etc., while holding any conservative's feet to the fire for the least little misstep -- real or imagined. Saying that the media has a "double standard" glosses over and obscures the fact that they are in bed with the Left, and that their purported "news" is thoroughly tainted with that prejudice and partisanship. Say it! Blatant favoritism is what it is. I am beyond tired of seeing people act as if liberals actually deserve respect. They do not. Perhaps once upon a time they did, but if so, that time is long gone. Now all I see are arrogant, duplicitous frauds herding together like sheep while bleating about what wonderful individualists they are. They mock and belittle personal responsibility and merit, while embracing failed economics, failed ideologies, and failed ideas. They think nothing of betraying America by promoting one world government, and are convinced that they are oh so much better than you--unless you are one of "them," of course. I am so over putting up with their immature nonsense. I recently read where some liberals are saying that they will leave the United States if Romney is elected. To which I say, Hallelujah! Can I buy you a ticket? I think it is a great idea! North Korea, Cuba...name your Marxist garden spot and I will help you pack your bags. I have also read where liberals are saying that they will riot if Romney is elected POTUS. Personally, I say bring it on, bring it on. There is no surprise in any of this. It is well known that liberals tend to project their faults onto others, and when they are not deluded by their projections, they use the technique of blaming others for what they themselves are guilty of as a purposeful stock-in-trade ploy -- a largely successful gambit to deflect attention off of their own misdeeds and lies. For example, leftists have a long history of despising the middle-class (the hated bourgeoisie), and yet they love to claim that it is conservatives who hate the middle-class, and the liberals who love them. Nothing could be farther from the truth. And their propensity for violence (yet another case of projection by the left) should let us know well before hand that these whiny, forever disgruntled, immature narcissists will throw a tantrum as a matter of course whenever they do not get their way. Below is a very truncated list of liberal violence during the Obama regime. Keep in mind that these incidents happened while their guy was in power; while their party held the reins of power. Imagine how petulant and violent they will become with a Republican in the White House. So don't be surprised when they stamp their feet and throw a hissy fit if Romney is elected POTUS. Considering the level of their maturity and state of mental health (or lack thereof) nothing less should be expected. 2009: Kenneth Gladney, a black man handing out small "Don't Tread On Me" flags outside of a town hall meeting, was repeatedly punched by SEIU union thugs, and then repeatedly stomped and kicked after he fell to the ground. The SEIU thugs were later found not guilty (of their videotaped crime). How such a result could come about is beyond me--I guess all of that union money worked its magic. I can only shake my head at the state of our judicial system these days--shake my head and vote out any corrupt and/or activist judge I can on November 6. Kenneth Gladney's reaction to the verdict was: "I couldn't beat them; I didn't have the resources they had. They had all the money in the world and the backing. I'm just an average man." Just another average guy screwed big time by our liberal Brave New World. 2010: Allee Bautsch and her boyfriend were the victims of a savage attack by liberals after they left a Republican dinner at "Brennan's" in New Orleans. A crowd of leftists were purportedly incensed by the Sarah Palin buttons that Bautsch and her boyfriend were wearing at the time. Bautsch suffered a broken leg, while her boyfriend suffered a concussion, and had his nose and jaw fractured. According to "Breitbart TV:" "No doubt about it... This was a savage and planned political attack." The local liberal media on the other hand headlined their story on the attack: "Attackers shouted obscenities, but no political statements." Oh sure. 2011: Immediately after Jared Lee Loughner's shooting rampage in Tuscon, Arizona, the liberals had a field day attempting to tie the shooting to the Tea Party and conservative rhetoric. Things quieted down in a hurry when Loughner's liberal roots started showing up. An acquaintance/friend of his who knew Loughner in high school and college described him as being "left wing, quite liberal." Two of his favorite books, according to his "Facebook" page, were "The Communist Manifesto" and "Mein Kampf." The media abruptly found that Loughner was not so newsworthy after all. (P.S. Regarding "Mein Kampf:" Fascism and the Nazis were, are, and always will be a left-wing big government ideology. Anyone that tells you otherwise is lying or at best ignorant of the facts). 2012: When Floyd Lee Corkins II shot a guard at "The Family Research Council" in Washington DC this past August, the media was curiously quiet. Columnist Steven Ertelt felt that the media might pick up on Corkin "as a poster child for homosexual violence, right?" But then immediately thought better of it, "No, of course not. Negative profiling by liberals and the media only goes one way." There was no story here to fit the liberal narrative; hence there was no story, period. The Associated Press (AP) reported, "Corkins is a liberal activist who volunteers with a left-wing group in the D.C. area." Nothing to see here folks, move along. These are just a few examples of liberal violence during Obama's reign, there are others, of course. Where was the media coverage on all this? Largely non-existent. After a brief flurry of vociferous ranting at "those violent Tea Party nuts," the media uniformly subsided into blanket silence once they discovered the liberal connections of the perpetrators. That ol' double standard (read that as "one-way favoritism") at work once again. I am sick of it, and sick of the partisan paleomedia. (Sidebar: What really gets my goat is when the media takes an atrocity committed by the Left, and blames it on the Right anyway. One well known example is Jim Jones. Jim Jones (he of poisoned Kool-Aid fame), was a dyed in the wool Marxist. One of his last acts was to send a large donation to the Communist Party in Russia. He used Christianity as a beard for his Marxist ideology--yet the media almost uniformly played up his "Christianity," and totally ignored or downplayed his Communist/Marxist sympathies. Snakes in the grass indeed). Sorry about the extended rant, but I am currently so ticked off at liberals and the liberal media that I just had to get that off my chest. In any event, seeing as this is ostensibly an article on the 2nd Presidential Debate, I had better get back to it, and wrap this up. I say that Romney won by a TKO because while Obama's new found energy, fancy footwork, and razz-ma-tazz may have obscured the issue somewhat, the truth is that Romney clobbered him again. Liberals love their bulls--t; preferably dished out with panache, and Obama admittedly delivered in that regard. Liberals will no doubt fall into swoons over how wonderful he was. The thing is, although he is undeniably a world-class fibber, and told some humongous whoppers with style and an impressively straight face, that sort of stuff is not playing well in Peoria these days -- at least not as well as it once did. Take away Obama's lies, and it is easy to see that Romney won hands down--and those lies will be exposed for what they are in the days ahead, and then Romney's second victory in a row will be uncontested. Like I say, TKO.

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Jim ONeill——

Born June 4, 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Served in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1974 in both UDT-21 (Underwater Demolition Team) and SEAL Team Two.  Worked as a commercial diver in the waters off of Scotland, India, and the United States.  Worked overseas in the Merchant Marines.  While attending the University of South Florida as a journalism student in 1998 was presented with the “Carol Burnett/University of Hawaii AEJMC Research in Journalism Ethics Award,” 1st place undergraduate division.  (The annual contest was set up by Carol Burnett with money she won from successfully suing a national newspaper for libel).  Awarded US Army, US Navy, South African, and Russian jump wings.  Graduate of NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School, 1970).  Member of Mensa, China Post #1, and lifetime member of the NRA and UDT/SEAL Association.
