
I am not alone in my disdain for your policies

Thank You, President Obama!

I feel as though I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to President Obama. A great deal has taken place over the past four years – not just within our country but all around the world. Our nation’s unemployment rate has averaged nearly nine percent over that span of time. We have seen a steady rise in the price of most of our everyday consumer goods such as gasoline and food.
At the same time, the median household income has declined. Although we were promised that our health insurance costs would decrease with the passage of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act, the exact opposite has occurred. The average American family’s health insurance premiums have increased by $2500 per year. The number of Americans receiving food stamps has ballooned under President Obama to approximately 47 million. And let us not forget that, under Obama’s watch, the national debt – the debt which will be borne by our children and grandchildren – has increased by nearly fifty percent to over sixteen trillion dollars. This amounts to over $50,000 for every man, woman, and child in America. Around the world, we have seen Iran’s unimpeded march toward nuclear weapons capability. A nuclear-armed Iran – and the threat to our ally, Israel – appears to be an inevitability at this point. We have witnessed the rise of a new dictator in North Korea, rampaging mobs of extremists across the Middle East, and most recently and disgustingly, the slaughter of the US ambassador and three other heroic Americans in Libya. A slaughter which, by most accounts, could have, and SHOULD have been prevented.

But, even with all of the strife around us, there is so much for which I am thankful to President Obama. First off, he has instilled in me a renewed sense of pride in my country. From his first day in office in January 2009, we have seen this president apologize for America in venues worldwide and bow to foreign leaders. We have seen him downplay the concept of “American exceptionalism” by comparing it to “Greek exceptionalism”. Was he serious? Greek exceptionalism? A country that has been brought to its knees and the brink of civil war because of rampant and unchecked debt? I am now going to express my appreciation directly to President Obama: Mr. President, at your inauguration in 2009, you bragged that you were “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Almost immediately, you began steamrolling the principles that made this country great. Specifically, you managed to decimate what was left of work ethic in this country. This prompted me to get off my chair and to get involved. I began to attend political rallies – something that I had never done before. My first such event took place on a cold, rainy day in Columbus, Ohio where I stood outside the Ohio Statehouse and listened to patriotic Americans like John Kasich (before he had even announced his candidacy for Governor of Ohio). I also attended Michele Bachmann’s “Kill the Bill” rally at the US Capitol on November 5, 2009 (the same day as the terrorist attack on Fort Hood). At that rally, attended by thousands, I got to hear Congresswoman Bachmann, actor Jon Voigt, radio personality/author Mark Levin, and others speak about the greatness of America and the threat to our personal liberties posed by your signature health care law. In late-2009, I became involved with the Tea Party in Gainesville, Florida. Mr. President, you and your minions have besmirched and vilified the Tea Party and its members since its inception. Ironically, were it not for you and your rampant, unchecked leftist policies of redistribution and endless entitlements, the Tea Party would not even exist. In addition to my Tea Party involvement, I began writing articles – putting my thoughts and beliefs into words. I have been honored to have had many of my articles posted on Canada Free Press. This has allowed me to connect with people around the country. A number of these patriotic folks are now part of my circle friends. You also motivated me to sign up for Twitter earlier this year and I have met many more people via this venue. Thanks to you, Mr. President, the number of folks with whom I have become acquainted is really quite astounding – for a guy who sells energy meters for a living. You may think that you’re quite the man by taking the hard-earned money of productive Americans and handing it over to people who, for whatever reason, WON’T work hard. But that’s OK. You and your ilk will eventually receive your comeuppance. History will prove you to be, not a hero, but a villain. An enabler. One who allows the wages of the productive to be taken from them and bestowed upon the “entitled”. And, as evidenced by the number of people who did NOT vote for you in 2012, I am not alone in my disdain for your policies. So, thanks to you, President Obama, my circle of friends is ever-increasing. And now, with your re-election, I can look forward to four more years of writing, Tweeting, and Tea Party meetings. And four more years’ worth of new friends.

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James Sharp——

James Sharp is a middle-aged, middle-class, middle-management salesman who believes in secure borders and fighting our enemies with a strong military.  He also believes in limited government, free markets, and unlimited opportunity and personal liberties for all citizens of the U.S.
