
Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Tom Hayden, Louis Farrakhan

Guns and Guerrillas

Law abiding U.S. citizens are looking up the barrel of a gun as their rights are shattered in front of their eyes. Some of the most vocal proponents for gun control are the radical home-grown terrorists still enchanted with the gangrenous rot of guerrillas and genocidal murderers. The war against guns is being waged on the battlefield of propaganda and Hollywood. That's why it's critical, in the discussion on gun control, to go back to "the sixties," not to 2012 in Newtown.

Bill Ayers

Bill Ayers In his 2001 memoir Fugitive Days, boasting of his life as a Sixties radical, admitted his role in "bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972." He was a leader of the Weather Underground (WU), an offshoot of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) which he characterized as "an American Red Army," whose ideology was: "Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents." The goal of the SDS was the collapse of the United States to create a new communist society. For resistors who refused to embrace communism, the comrades proposed that they be sent to reeducation camps and killed, estimating 25 million people would be eliminated. In 1974 he co-authored Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism, which functioned as the Weather Underground's ideological manifesto.

A few juicy quotes: "We are a guerrilla organization. We are communist women and men ... deeply affected by the historic events of our time in the struggle against U.S. imperialism." ..."The only path to the final defeat of imperialism and the building of socialism is revolutionary war." ...." This is the same Ayers who hosted a fundraiser to introduce Obama to neighbors and political allies as Obama prepared to make his first run for the Illinois state senate. A member of the Castro cult, the left's favorite terrorist, Ayers bragged about SDS's role in the Venceremos Brigades, a project initiated by Castro's Intelligence Agency, to train American leftists as "brigadistas" capable of waging guerilla warfare. Castro financed the Fair Play for Cuba group which was supported by the hipster left--draping itself in peace signs and the Cuban flag. The most infamous member of Fair Play for Cuba was Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin of Kennedy. A variation of "Let them eat cake," Castro nodded: "Let them swim." They are called the balseros, the boat people who have left Cuba since his reign of power. The Black Book of Communism has estimated that there were 2,000,000 exiles from Cuba between 1959 to the 1990's; 15,000-17,000 were shot before they made it to the boats and there were also mass executions during this time. It is estimated that there are 15,000-20,000 prisoners of conscience. Castro established Granjas, labor camps, and CDR's, Committees for Defense of the Revolution. These were small neighborhood committees that monitored surveillance of "counterrevolutionary" activities. On the basis of suspicion only, people are interrogated and in many cases taken away to detention centers. Castro suspended Cuba's 1940 constitution that had guarantees of fundamental rights and governed by decree until 1976, when he imposed a constitution modeled on that of the U.S.S.R. In 1982 Castro officials were indicted for "conspiracy to import marijuana and methaqualone from Colombia to the U.S. by way of Cuba. (The Washington Post, Nov. 6, 1982) Why? According to U.S. officials it was a guise for running guns to guerrillas in Latin America. (The New York Times, Nov. 6, 1982 ) There are no juicy (public) quotes from Ayers on gun control but we know he served on the board of the Joyce Foundation, an anti-gun foundation. After graduating from bomb making, his preferred methodology now is more dangerous --working through education and teachers to teach children that they must give up some of their liberties for the sake of safety.

Bernardine Dohrn

Bernardine Dohrn is a law professor and influential in the American Bar Association. The wife of Bill Ayers, she is a co-author of Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism. She was quoted in a New York Times article on Charles Manson: "Offing those rich pigs with their own forks and knives, and then eating a meal in the same room, far out! The Weathermen dig Charles Manson." For some, the excitement of revolution and killing sure beats waiting for your dog return from her manicure or watching the migratory patterns of saddleback turtles. Dorhn belongs to the cult of Che Guevera, a disciple of Lenin. Guevera, back in fashion with the left now, explained in 1957: "My ideological training means that I am one of those people who believe that the solution to the world's problems is to be found behind the Iron Curtain." In his will he praised the "Extremely useful hatred that turn men into effective, violent, merciless, and cold killing machines." (The Black Book, 652) Dohrn on gun control: "Almost none of us want automatic or semi-automatic weapons in the hands of children or youth... We want gun control that sanctions manufacturers, distributors and adults who place, and profit from, deadly weapons in the possession of youth. We want military-style weaponry banned. Let's promote gun-control provisions and regulations that enhance teaching and learning as well as justice and safety for children, not those that will further incarcerate, punish and demonize young people of color."

Louis Farrakhan

The volatile Louis Farrakhan is on record for telling an audience he wanted an armed black revolution in the U.S. He has visited many countries that support terrorism including Iran, Syria and the Sudan which is responsible for slaughtering one million black Christians. Recently he said that the "right to bear arms was given at a time when there was no regulated militia to protect Americans.....but now you have the police well armed....and there is no need for the American people to be armed to the teeth."

Tom Hayden

Tom Hayden, former president of SDS, organized the Chicago convention riots and was elected a California State Representative. He established the SED, Students for Economic Democracy and authored the Port Huron Statement. During the Vietnamese war he collaborated with North Vietnam and the Kmer Rouge. After the U.S. left Vietnam, Pol Pot and his cronies from 1975-1979 were responsible for the loss of 1.7 million people (21% of the country's population). The Cambodian genocide was one of the worst human tragedies of the last century. Some believe that Pol Pot tried to implement total communism in one fell swoop, rather than a gradual transformation which is a key tenet of Marist-Leninist orthodoxy. Class warfare was eliminated by wiping out entire classes of property owners, intellectuals and businessmen. The antagonism between urban and rural areas was solved by emptying the cities in one week. Yet, in 1978, Pol Pot bragged: "Our people of all social classes and strata already know that it is the Communist Party of Kampuchea which is the sole genuine leadership of the Kampuchean revolution. .... This class consciousness was not due solely to the propaganda and educational work of our Party, but was acquired in the course of struggle, through class hatred and the unresolved class contradictions... Problems like these led our peasants to find the solution in revolutionary violence." (Long Live the 17th Anniversary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea) As Cambodia was burning,--during the genocide-- New York Vietnam Veterans Against the War made this statement at the Cambodia, Vietnam Friendship Rallies "Three years ago, in April of 1975, the Vietnamese and Cambodians won their independence and freedom after years of fighting for it. People around the world celebrated these events culminating years of international solidarity and the massive anti-war movement that aided the Indochinese people. It was a sad month for the U.S. ruling class, and a great one for the people of the world." Hayden supported the Vietnam Veterans against the war. He hadn't read Pin Lathay's, gripping account Stay Alive My Son, where he described how he wandered alone and starving through the jungle of Cambodia for a month "to bring news of the genocide in Cambodia, to describe what we have been through, to tell how several million men, women and children were all coldly programmed for death... (The Black Book, 580) When Hayden campaigned for office in LA he ran on gun control and said ``You can't be serious about turning L.A. around with crime, if you're not serious about gun control,'' Here's a portion of the filth that Hayden wrote in his Port Huron Statement: "Disobey your parents: burn your money: you know life is a dream and all of our institutions are man-made illusions effective because YOU take the dream for reality. ... Break down the family, church, nation, city, economy; turn life into an art form, a theatre of the soul and a theatre of the future; the revolutionary is the only artist. ... " Back in 1988 during a discussion of a gun-control bill Assemblyman Tom Hayden (D-Santa Monica) complained about the "paranoia" of the National Rifle Assn. To the NRA, Hayden said, even the most minimal restriction is seen as a foot in the door for an all-out ban. It wasn't paranoia, when you could read in a The Los Angeles Times editorial: "A comprehensive ban on handgun purchases and ownership would prevent guns from falling into criminal hands." (The Los Angeles Times, June 28, 1988) On Hayden's current web site "Progressing in 2013" he mentions gun-control as a rank and file part of the progressive movement.

Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda an admitted socialist, co-founded the Indochina Peace Campaign which worked tirelessly and contributed to the victory for North Vietnam and Cambodia during the Vietnamese War. She admired Ho Chi Minh, the charismatic "Uncle Ho," and in 1972 visited his Utopia in North Vietnam during the war. After the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam in 1973- - over 1,000,000 men, women and children were killed. As these millions were dying, Henry Winston, chairman of the CPUSA, visited Hanoi for the celebration of the Communist victory over U.S. imperialism. Part of the reason the North Vietnamese won the war was the clever manipulation of propaganda abroad. The Party presented themselves as a peace-loving, democratic organization. Did the propaganda work? Fonda once said, parroting Ho: "We think that this is an example of the fact that the democratic, peace-loving, patriotic Vietnamese people want to embrace all Vietnamese people in forgiveness, open their arms to all people who are willing to fight against the foreign intruder..." What Jane didn't know when she visited, since the records were only recently released from the Soviet archives, was that "Uncle Ho" had a past as a cadre of the Communist International where he worked under the name of Nguyen Ai Quoc. In 1971 she was the chief financier of VVAW's Winter Soldier Investigation (WSI), which was a continuation of the anti-U.S. war crimes propaganda campaign which had begun in Europe with KGB-sponsored events that were organized before the first American ground troops ever arrived in Vietnam. While in Vietnam, she volunteered to do radio broadcasts from Hanoi, quoting Ho Chi Minh in some of them. These addresses were aired by the North Vietnamese Communists, for whom propaganda was a key tool of psychological warfare. Jeremiah Denton was a Navy pilot shot down over Vietnam in 1965. He was captured and spent over seven years in prison camps. Tortured, he was forced to go before communist propaganda TV programs and say how well they were treated. But when these broadcasts were shown in the U.S., the military noticed that while he was speaking his eyes squinted and blinked to spell out T-O-R-T-U-R-E in Morse Code. This incident would have occurred while Fonda was visiting Vietnam. Yet, in one of her broadcasts she commented: "The POW's appear to be healthy and fit...." and returned to her pad in Hollywood. Adamantly pro gun control, she was asked once why she had a gun and replied, "Gun control? That's for other people, not for us." Maybe these contrasts are what Hayden described as turning life into an art form, a theatre of the soul and a theatre of the future. Or is it play-acting in fictionalized plots from Hollywood, always ignoring the body counts in the theater of the absurd. What these terrorists and the radicals who admire them have in common is their brutality and contempt for human life. Funny, most of the left's victims---100,000,000 million according to The Black Book---died from the barrel of a gun.

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Mary A. Nicholas——

Mary A. Nicholas has a degree in medicine and a degree in theology from the John Paul II Institute and has written for American Thinker and Homilectic and Pastoral Review.
