
...Would 'blow open' the country

Ron Fournier: Obama's executive order on amnesty would be a political 'nuclear bomb'

National Journal’s Ron Fournier is a stalwart lefty who very much wants to see legal status granted to millions of illegals. He's a pro-amnesty guy, and nothing is going to change that. However, he makes an interesting argument about President Obama's desire to be a "go it alone cowboy" by granting amnesty via executive order.
He made his remarks yesterday on Fox News, where he basically argued that an immigration executive order would tear the country apart.
“The fundamental reason he became president was he was promising ‘There’s no red state. there’s no blue state. I’m going to bring the country together.’ He’s been a polarizing president, and this would be a nuclear bomb that would blow open and make this country even more divided in a way that most Americans just don’t want.”
Fournier comes dangerously close to "getting it," but his ideology prevents him from taking the final logical step.

Obama loves division. It's one of the sharpest tools in his political shed and he wields it with an almost preternatural skill. All of that hokum about bringing America together was just tripe to spoon feed the low info voters. A divided nation was always part of the President's plan, because in division there is crisis and in crisis there's opportunity. It's a lot harder to "fundamentally transform" a nation that's united. So, when Fournier says executive orders on amnesty would be a "nuclear bomb" among the electorate, he's right. He just can't bring himself to acknowledge that this is exactly what the President wants. Hopefully, rank and file Dems will wake up and realize the fury they'll face in November if Obama goes through with it. The GOP has been either impotent or complicit on the issue so, at this point, the only real pressure the President will face has to come from his own party. Earlier in the segment, The Hill's A.B. Stoddard argued that “the outrage will be so incredible on the Republican side that it will bring more Democratic losses.” She's 100% correct. If Democrats want to see a "red wave" these executive orders are the perfect way to make sure it happens.

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Robert Laurie——

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