
American Politics, News

History has already taught the world, at a very high price, the consequences of dealing with devils

Tolerate our intolerance, or else.

It's good to know they're not 'busy' or anything

Bob McDonnell Discovers He’s Past the Sell–By Date Michael R. Shannon | February 28, 2014
Former Virginia Governor, John Dingell

You Should Ask Whose Property Is It Dr. Robert R. Owens | February 28, 2014
If we want to recapture the future we have to recapture the present so we can recapture the past.

When the government starts forcing people to do things that violate their deeply held beliefs, we have a problem

NBC, along with its cable-news arm MSNBC, are networks that work in the service of the Obama administration

In the Orwellian era of Barack Obama, IRS "reforms" are making things worse. And that's by design

Uganda’s Anti-Gay Laws and Leftist Silence Arnold Ahlert | February 28, 2014
Where are America’s black and gay activists?

Reid’s New Low: “They’re Lying!” Arthur Christopher Schaper | February 28, 2014
"The Millions of Americans Suffering because of Obamacare are liars!"

Mao's Little Red Book, Hitler's Mein Kampf, Marx and Engel's The Communist Manifesto have been responsible for more repression, massacres, genocide, and cataclysmic warfare

Taliban insurgency, Navy SEALS

IRAQ: Christians Facing ‘More than Desperate’ Crisis News on the Net | February 27, 2014
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Our Weimar Republic Bruce Walker | February 27, 2014
Weimar Germany slid to Nazi Germany, Reduction of the national legislature to irrelevance. In the last years of Weimar Germany, President Hindenburg began ruling Germany by emergency decree

Obama’s Minimum Wage Ruse Matthew Vadum | February 27, 2014
Obama is pushing a minimum wage increase, an otherwise marginal issue voters place well down on the list of national priorities, because he needs to get left-wing voters emotional

Coptic Solidarity will monitor the actions of both the Libyan and Egyptian governments to this incident

Businesses operate in today's tyrannical, rights-squelching environment


59% of Americans -25% of Democrats - 'disappointed' in Obama's Presidency

But 80 years of Dingells in Congress is not enough. Elect his wife!

Like many Americans, I am stupefied as to how incompetent and wrongheaded our president is on foreign policy

Malalai, an Afghani’s Story Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | February 27, 2014
Taliban is coming back

Centinela Valley: Call for the Demise of School Boards Arthur Christopher Schaper | February 27, 2014
Inherent dysfunction, unchecked corruption

Navigating the U.S. tax code

Support Canada Free Press


Three Ways to Make April 15 Less Painful Heritage Foundation | February 27, 2014
Tax reform is not a way for Congress to extract more of the taxpayers’ hard-earned income

The Georgia SCV Tag is about Heritage Calvin E. Johnson Jr. | February 27, 2014
The Georgia Division Sons of Confederate Veterans joins the nation in remembering the Sesquicentennial, 150th Anniversary, of the War Between the States

Revenge: Obama’s Targeting of Standard and Poor’s Arnold Ahlert | February 27, 2014
What emails reveal about the administration’s vindictive activities after America’s credit downgrade.

US Government Moves To Control News J.D. Longstreet | February 27, 2014
Gross violation of constitutional rights

Stupid, Evil or Both? Alan Caruba | February 26, 2014
Claims that al Qaeda had been defeated were also false as it and other Islamic radical groups expand their activities

