
This country, and even the rest of the world, are at a crossroads. Do we want the Democratic path where we choose rulers and where the individual exists to serve the State, or do we want the Republican path with representative leaders and a State tha

Democrats and Republicans, Democracy and Republicanism

By David Robb

Two political parties, two philosophies of government and now two divisions struggling for the power to determine the future of this nation. How did we get here? What does each advocate? Who belongs?

The names originate from the names of the two basic approaches to decision making within a system of government. The Democrat name arises from DEMOCracy, where decisions are made through a process of majority vote. In its basic form, results are determined through 50% plus one vote, although the majority required may be set to some other fraction. The word "democracy" comes from the Greek word "demos", which means "people".

Regardless of how slick or polished it is, a lie can never be seen as something we call intelligent

Every day, we are getting closer to the point of no return. We know that we're headed in the wrong direction, and if we stay on this path, we'll go full Weimar, carrying our cash not in wallets but in wheelbarrows.

The woke insanity of the left: They are not only attacking women but also the moral foundations of our society. Their arguments for equity and inclusion lack coherence and are based on meaningless delusions

Bringing Down The Hammer For Canada Free Press: It seems so easy to me: Christianity and hope, or atheism and nihilism; or, through a less existential lens: destruction and Islam. Isn’t it as simple as sanity or insanity?

God save us from 'devout Catholics’ like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and self-described Christians like Mike Johnson, now claiming that “God Told Him to Fund Ukraine.”

Students who created this chaos need to be expelled. This accomplishes two things--First, it rids the school of some agitators. Second, it sends a clear message to those who remain that this hatred will not be tolerated… PERIOD

Johnson hasn't kept any of his promises, and he has proven, beyond a shadow of doubt, that he is an enemy of the American people

To one degree or another, all governments are designed to avoid telling the truth. And lie in their silence.

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