
Arnold Ahlert

Arnold Ahlert was an op-ed columist with the NY Post for eight years.

Most Recent Articles by Arnold Ahlert:

The ‘Free Obama Phone Lady’ Video Goes Viral

Last week the video of the so-called "free phone lady" went viral. "Everybody in Cleveland know (sic) minority got Obama phone," the woman in the video contended. "Keep Obama in (sic) president, you know? He gave us a phone. He gonna do more." The concept of "going viral" refers to the idea that something people see or hear strikes them in such a visceral way, they feel almost compelled to share it with others. So what struck a national nerve here? Before proceeding, it should be noted that the comment section that usually accompanies YouTube videos has been disabled for this one.
- Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Lovers’ Quarrel Between CNN and the State Department

It's not often one gets the pleasure of seeing two detestable and duplicitous entities square off against each other. Thus it was more than enjoyable watching that nest of vipers known as the U.S. State Department square off their fellow vipers at CNN. It seems the network obtained the personal journal of slain Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, and used it to broadcast news reports based on it contents, despite requests by Stevens' family that they not do so. CNN's rationale? "CNN did not initially report on the existence of a journal out of respect for the family, but we felt there were issues raised in the journal which required full reporting, which we did," the network said in a statement.
- Monday, September 24, 2012

What Does A Police State Look Like?

So, what does a police state look like? A police state is place where massive amounts of government corruption and/or incompetence are covered up by an equally corrupt and/or incompetent media. It is a place where a film-maker's first amendment rights are secondary to the sensibilities of murderous mobs "offended" by that film.
- Sunday, September 16, 2012

Democrats And Their Dictatorial Impulses

It's not often that I consider a topic so serious that it must be re-visited in a second column almost immediately following an initial one on the subject. But if there was a more defining moment of what the Democrat party has become than the "vote" to insert God and Jerusalem back into the party's platform, I cannot think of it.
- Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hurricane Hypocrisy

"No one can forget the iconic picture of President George Bush flying on Air Force one..looking down at New Orleans during Katrina," gushed NBC's Andrea Mitchell just before the beginning of the Republican convention. Katrina hit New Orleans on August 29, 2005. Bush flew over the city two days later. Hurricane Issac also hit Louisiana on August 29th. Thus a question for Andrea and her pals: Will you "remember" that the current president didn't even bother to fly over, much less visit Louisiana until September 3rd? And will you tell the American people he had no plans to do so until Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney visited the flood-ravaged areas of that state last Friday and forced his hand?
- Sunday, September 2, 2012

Israeli Military Absolved in the Death of Activist Rachel Corrie

On Tuesday, the Haifa District Court rejected the long-promoted allegations that the state of Israel was at fault for the crushing of pro-Palestinian "peace" activist Rachel Corrie. The civil verdict in this case mirrors the conclusion reached by an Israeli military investigation that had previously cleared the army of any wrong-doing in the matter. Judge Oded Garson characterized Corrie's death as a "regrettable accident," and deemed that the state was not responsible because it occurred during a wartime situation. "I reject the suit," said Garson. "There is no justification to demand the state pay any damages." The lawsuit had been filed by Corrie's parents, Craig and Cindy.
- Friday, August 31, 2012

Releasing Taliban Commanders From Gitmo

As I have noted on more than one occasion, progressive ideology is bankrupt, primarily because it is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of human nature as it exists, as opposed to how progressives would like it to be. That being said, if progressives were content to delude themselves and only themselves, I could leave them alone to stew in their own ideological juices.
- Sunday, August 26, 2012

The PC Insanity Surrounding the Nidal Hasan Trial

One could be forgiven for thinking that political correctness is only one step away from complete insanity. Last Friday, a military appeals court halted the murder case against Maj. Nidal Hasan indefinitely. Why? Because Hasan refuses to shave a beard he grew beginning in June to express his allegiance to Islamo-fascism.
- Monday, August 20, 2012

Dems Believe Nothing Beats Something

By now there is no doubt many Americans have experienced an all-too-familiar scenario at the checkout counter of innumerable businesses around the nation. In short, the last two generations of Americans "educated" in our public school system are utterly incapable of doing basic math equations in their collective heads.
- Saturday, August 18, 2012

Republicans Roll Over on Debate Moderators

Either Mitt Romney and the Republican party doesn't get it about the media, or they're just plain stupid. Yesterday, the moderators for the presidential debates were announced. PBS's Jim Lehrer gets the first presidential debate on October 3rd in Denver, CO. Next up is CNN's Candy Crowley in Hempstead, NY, on October 16th. Last and not least, CBS's Bob Schieffer moderates the final debate on October 22nd in Boca Raton, FL. ABC's Martha Raddatz moderates the one VP debate on October 11th in Danville, KY.
- Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Harry the Weasel

To paraphrase an old saying, if you're going to accuse someone else of being a weasel, it's probably not a good idea if you're a major weasel yourself. Senator Harry Reid called attention to himself last week, accusing Mitt Romney of not having paid taxes for 10 years. The basis of his allegations? Depending on the day of the week, it was one person: "As I said before, I was told by an extremely credible source that Romney has not paid taxes for ten years...," or more than one: "I am not basing this on some figment of my imagination," Reid said in a telephone call with Nevada reporters. "I have had a number of people tell me that." Asked to elaborate, Reid declined. "No, that's the best you're going to get from me," he said.
- Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Stupidity Sold As Common Sense

For me, there's nothing quite like an ideological argument whose final destination brings us to terminal stupidity sold as common sense. Two of my personal favorites are playing themselves out right now, one courtesy of the atrocity in Colorado, the other courtesy of the 2012 election.
- Monday, July 30, 2012

Obama’s “You Didn’t Build That” Was No Gaffe

I'm beginning to wonder if the those who write about politics for a living have been worn down to the point where they can't see something, even if it's as blatantly obvious as the Hollywood sign perched high above L.A.
- Monday, July 23, 2012

LIBOR: Another Symptom of the Same Disease

There's an old saying that has become more apropos than ever in these turbulent times: the greatest danger to capitalism is capitalists. Not genuine free-market capitalists. The crony capitalists, as in the cockroaches who have infested the system with a corrupt level of self-interest that is exacerbated by an ethics-free worldview.
- Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dear Mr. Romney

Dear Mr. Romney: Since you apparently have advisors that are very clever people, perhaps a word from a troglodyte like me might be refreshing. In the last two weeks, you have tried to explain the difference between "off-shoring" and "outsourcing" with respect to the economy, and despite the great gift handed to you by our addled Chief Justice, John Roberts, you insisted on playing a semantical game between calling Obamacare a "constitutional tax" or an "unconstitutional penalty."
- Monday, July 9, 2012

Different Shades of Lipstick on the Same Socialist Pig

Some observations on last week's Supreme Court rulings: • Observation One: Chef Justice John Roberts demonstrated two frightening traits last week: an utter disrespect for the law and a scary level of inconsistency. On Thursday, when he was busy announcing that the Court was taking something it was given, namely a "mandate," and turning it into something else, namely a "tax," a tremendously disturbing precedent was established. National Review's Andrew McCarthy explains it best:
- Monday, July 2, 2012

Fast and Furiously Diverting Attention from the Economy

As I said last week, this administration will do virtually anything to get Americans to take their eyes off the economic ball. That's not to say Mr. Obama invoking executive privilege to help Eric Holder cover up a gunwalking scandal isn't big news. It is, unless you're part of a mainstream media determined to keep this president propped up at all costs.
- Friday, June 22, 2012

So Much For Stopping the Leaks

So, how's that effort to keep administration officials from releasing classified information going? Try this from Tuesday's Washington Post: "The United States and Israel jointly developed a sophisticated computer virus nicknamed Flame that collected critical intelligence in preparation for cyber-sabotage attacks aimed at slowing Iran's ability to develop a nuclear weapon, according to Western officials with knowledge of the effort."
- Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Another Feckless Attempt to Change the Conversation

So, what to do when your Keynesian-cuckoo economic policies are running the country into the ground? Change the subject, certain in the knowledge that our lapdog media will more than accommodate you. And so it is that the Obama administration has announced that it will once again bypass Congress, and stop deporting illegal aliens who come to America at a young age.
- Friday, June 15, 2012
