
Arnold Ahlert

Arnold Ahlert was an op-ed columist with the NY Post for eight years.

Most Recent Articles by Arnold Ahlert:

Budget Battle Royale

Thursday was filled with chaos in the capital. By a razor thin margin, the Republican-controlled House voted in favor of the $1.1 trillion "CRomnibus" funding bill. House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) was forced to cajole conservative GOPers to switch their votes after it appeared it was headed for defeat earlier in the day. All of the machinations were aimed at preventing a government shutdown beginning at midnight.
- Friday, December 12, 2014

The Senate CIA Report and Democratic Treachery

On Tuesday, the Senate Intelligence Committee released the 500-page executive summary of the report on the CIA's enhanced interrogation of terrorist detainees. Democrats, the media and Republican Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) are using it as an opportunity to hammer the CIA and the Bush administration, while American embassies, military units and other U.S. interests are preparing for possible reprisals. But adding further threats to Americans already in harm's way matters not. Beleaguered congressional Democrats are desperate for a political boon and have turned to an old standby: sabotaging national security and sacrificing American lives.
- Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Rushing the National Defense Authorization Act

A lame duck Congress is on the verge of sticking it to America's troops. Before they leave for recess they will attempt to pass the FY2015 version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). It is a compendium of ill-advised ideas seemingly aimed at advancing the Obama administration's continuing effort to "fundamentally transform" the finest fighting force in the world into something more closely resembling a social-outreach organization. Sadly, Republicans, apparently oblivious to the mandate just handed to them by the electorate, are on board.
- Friday, December 5, 2014

Amnesty Showdown

Amnesty Showdown
On Tuesday, Republicans met behind closed doors to plot their response to President Obama's unilateral decision to grant de facto amnesty and work permits to five million illegal aliens. That response centers around the House's control of government spending, and according to sources that contacted Breitbart news, the GOP rank-and-file will be setting the agenda. "It's not just for show," said Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ). "[Party leaders] don't want to get something to the floor and then have some big rebellion, they really want to get it right the first time. And they've learned the hard way that the way to do that is to build everything from the bottom up instead of shoving it from the top down."
- Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Illegal Alien Benefit Free-for-All

Illegal Alien Benefit Free-for-All
Apparently President Obama's unilateral decision to grant de facto amnesty to five million illegal aliens was insufficiently outrageous. On Tuesday, a White House official told the Washington Post that many illegals now protected from deportation will be eligible to receive a "wide array" of government benefits, including Social Security and Medicare.
- Thursday, November 27, 2014

Obama and the Roots of the Ferguson Rage

Obama and the Roots of the Ferguson Rage
And so the whirlwind, cultivated by Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, the mainstream media and the army of thugs they enabled, is now being reaped. As the result of a St. Louis County grand jury refusing to indict officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown, Ferguson, MO, has become Ground Zero, in what irresponsible Missouri State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadali referred to on MSNBC as "St. Louis's race war."
- Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Uniting the Nation is Not the Impossible Dream

I am a conservative. The 2014 mid-term election marks the 20th year (at least) I’ve voted against something rather than for something, or as the phrase goes, “the lesser of two evils.” I’d like to blame Democrats for my predicament, but I can’t. They are what they are, and their downward spiral from the party of JFK, to the collection of divide-and-conquer, lying hacks who disdain America’s language, culture, traditions – and finally, our national sovereignty–has been evident for quite some time.
- Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Keystone Killed

The ongoing theatrics surrounding the Keystone XL pipeline continued in earnest Tuesday. Desperate Democrat incumbent Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) spent the afternoon trying to secure the critical 60th vote necessary for the filibuster-proof majority that would get the legislation through the Senate and onto Obama's desk, while her fellow Democrats weighed the pros and cons of alienating their radical environmentalist constituency. Democrats chose to stand with the radicals, defeating the bill by a 59-41 vote.
- Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Truthy: The Tax-Funded Speech Monitoring and Suppression Project

Truthy: The Tax-Funded Speech Monitoring and Suppression Project
Leftist speech suppressors are at it again, but this time they're apparently being subsidized by the American taxpayer. On Monday, House Committee on Science, Space and Technology Chairman Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) sent a letter to the head of the National Science Foundation (NSF), demanding information about the nearly $1 million spent on the "Truthy" data-mining project that monitors political speech on Twitter.
- Friday, November 14, 2014

Bureaucracy Clouds Justice on Veterans Day

In a long-overdue effort, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert McDonald announced yesterday that the scandal-plagued agency would undergo the "largest reorganization of the Department of Veterans Affairs since its establishment," as he told CNN.
- Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Israel-Bashing from Amnesty International

In a predictable development, Amnesty International (AI) has accused Israel of committing war crimes during its 50-day engagement with Hamas this past summer. The report, "Families Under the Rubble: Israeli Attacks on Unihabited Homes," claims the Israeli military demonstrated a "callous indifference" with regard to civilians. It further insists "the onus is on Israel to provide information concerning the attacks and their intended targets."
- Monday, November 10, 2014

Judge Rejects the 'Disparate Impact' Fraud

On Monday, one of the Obama administration's foremost racial arsonists was given his comeuppance by a federal judge. Labor Secretary Thomas Perez, who is on the American left's short list for replacing U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, was informed by Judge Richard J. Leon that his effort to find housing discrimination where none existed amounted to "wishful thinking on steroids."
- Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Dead and Paralyzed American Children DEMAND Answers

On Oct. 7 the Patriot Post published my column, "Enterovirus D68: A Call to Arms.“ It was a plea aimed at investigative journalists and dedicated epidemiologists, asking them to determine whether what is now known as the EVD-68 enterovirus could be directly attributed to the massive influx of illegal alien children orchestrated by the Obama administration last summer.
- Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Holder Pushing to Oust Ferguson Police Chief?

Holder Pushing to Oust Ferguson Police Chief
It would appear that unnamed Obama administration officials, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, and their media cheerleaders have coordinated a narrative with regard to the Ferguson, MO Police Department. According to CNN, "government officials familiar with the ongoing discussions between local, state and federal officials" are saying Police Chief Thomas Jackson is expected to step down "as part of the effort by city officials to reform the Police Department." The proverbial fly in the ointment? Jackson and Mayor James Knowles deny any such plan exists.
- Friday, October 31, 2014

When Leftist Race Hatred Meets Islamism

When Leftist Race Hatred Meets Islamism
Apparently the hatchet-wielding maniac who assaulted two New York City policemen in Queens had ambitions in addition to his twisted jihadist sympathies. Attacker Zale Thompson's father told the New York Post that killing white people was also on would-be murderer's agenda.
- Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Releasing Criminally Convicted Illegals onto Our Streets

Releasing Criminally Convicted Illegals onto Our Streets In a revelation that will surprise almost no one at this point, the Obama administration has been caught in another lie. Records obtained by USA Today contradict the administration's assertions the 2,228 people freed from immigration jails in 2013 only included those with minor criminal records. Instead, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials released a number of illegal aliens facing serious criminal charges that include "kidnapping, sexual assault, drug trafficking and homicide," the paper reports.
- Friday, October 24, 2014

Paul Krugman Uncovers a Right-Wing Conspiracy at Amazon.com

Big-government aficionado Paul Krugman is calling for "public action to curb the power" of an entity he can't quite bring himself to call a monopoly, even as he nonetheless compares its "abuses" to those of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil company. The subject of his ire? "Amazon.com, the giant online retailer, has too much power, and it uses that power in ways that hurt America," Krugman whines.
- Wednesday, October 22, 2014

EU Hangs On with Hookers, Drug Dealers & Gun Runners

Karl Marx was wrong about virtually everything, but he was spot on when he said, "history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." For the third time in six years, the European Union (EU) is on the verge of recession, a tragedy fueled by slow or non-existent growth, a strong possibility of continent-wide deflation, and debt burdens that remain onerous, if not catastrophic.
- Friday, October 17, 2014

The GOP Caused the Ebola Outbreak?

The GOP Caused the Ebola Outbreak
As the American public has begun to grasp the massive ineptitude behind the Obama administration's response to Ebola, a leftist non-profit, the Agenda Project Action Fund (APAF), has sprung to the rescue. An ad campaign entitled "Republican Cuts Kill" features several prominent Republicans, and implies that budget cuts to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) are responsible for the current Ebola outbreak--all over the world.
- Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The White House's Link to the Secret Service Prostitution Scandal

Although it verges on resembling a slogan, the Obama administration is embroiled in yet another scandal. The story involving Secret Service agents busted for hiring prostitutes during an official trip to Cartagena, Colombia, in 2012 has re-emerged.
- Friday, October 10, 2014
