
Alan Caruba

Editor's Note: Alan passed away on June 15, 2015. He will be greatly missed

Alan Caruba: A candle that goes on flickering in the dark.

Older articles by Alan Caruba

Most Recent Articles by Alan Caruba:

Losing Our Electoral Minds

It’s a good thing that national elections don’t come around any more frequently than every four years. The sight of so many Americans totally losing their minds must be shocking to foreigners.
- Friday, February 22, 2008

Governors Ignore Infrastructure, Discuss Environment

At a time when America’s infrastructure—bridges, roads, seaports and airports—is in need of repair, the nation’s governors are gathering to discuss ways to waste time, money, and labor on something that is impossible, “an energy independent” America. No nation on Earth is energy independent.
- Thursday, February 21, 2008

Goodbye, Fidel, and Good Riddance

In 1959, six months before I graduated from the University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fidel Castro came to power in a coup that overthrew Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. It was big news on campus though I must confess that I knew next-to-nothing about Castro.
- Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Republican? Racist?

I am beginning to think the biggest problem McCain and fellow Republicans will have running against Obama is going to come down to being called a racist every time anything critical is said about him.
- Monday, February 18, 2008

Calm Sun, Cold Earth

I can understand why people believe that global warming is real and that all the things Greens say are true. One cannot read a newspaper or magazine, turn on the television or radio, without getting the Green message.
- Sunday, February 17, 2008

It’s Gonna Get Ugly!

If you think the respective campaigns have been nasty catfights to this point, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
- Friday, February 15, 2008

Let’s Kick Hugo’s Butt

The first thing that came to mind when I read that Hugo Chavez threatened to stop exporting oil to the United States was that, right after Iraq, the next nation in need of liberating just became Venezuela.
- Thursday, February 14, 2008

Republican Collapse

Writing in the fall edition of the Republican National Committee magazine, “Rising Tide”, David H. Winston analyzed “The Lessons of the 2006 Election” and warned that, “the party’s prospects for future victories hinge on whether we can learn from our mistakes.”
- Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Energy Morons

The ugly little secret of Election 2008 is that it does not matter which candidate becomes your next President because all of them, Democrat and Republican, have energy policies that will keep America moving down the road to an inevitable lack of electrical energy and the oil, i.e., gasoline and diesel, needed to keep cars and trucks on the road.
- Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hillary’s Voice

I rarely write about politics because it defies logic and common sense.
- Monday, February 11, 2008

America is Running Out of Electricity

The provision of electrical power nationwide has become the chosen battleground for environmental groups laboring night and day to insure there will not be enough of it to meet our needs.
- Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Nausea Factor

There always comes a time at some point in the process by which Americans select the next “leader of the free world” that one experiences the nausea incurred by too much political rhetoric. There is an impolite word for this that begins with the word “bull.”
- Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Greens Try to Cash in on Valentine’s Day

Below is the actual text of an email received today. It is one more example of the way Greens cannot resist cashing in on every aspect of our lives by laying a guilt trip on us. I have put the especially obnoxious aspects in italics.
- Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Betting on the Future or the Past

My own memories of elections go back to Harry S. Truman when I was just a child and had no idea what the whole business of being President was about, but I recall seeing the newsreels with him taking a walk for exercise, usually with a gaggle of reporters trailing at a polite distance.
- Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Does the New York Times Hate Meat?

After a while, one grows accustomed to the environmental rants that appear in The New York Times. This newspaper, so often pointed to as an exemplar of the highest standards of journalism, has been repeatedly revealed to employ fantasists for whom truth and facts are mere impediments to the advancement of their obsessions and agendas.
- Sunday, February 3, 2008

Identifying the Enemy

Some very good news arrived when it was flashed across the world that Abu Laith al-Libi had been killed. He was generally credited to be the number three top terrorist in al Qaeda.
- Friday, February 1, 2008

Polar Bear Lies

We live in a day when lies about polar bears are used to deny Americans access to the vast oil reserves—billions of barrels—that are known to exist in the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve and coastal areas.
- Thursday, January 31, 2008

Which Day Would You Prefer?

This post is a text by my friend Robert W. Felix, author of "Not by Fire, But by Ice", a book based on research indicating the earth is on the cusp of a new ice age. - AC
- Tuesday, January 29, 2008


An interesting thing happened in Prague last November. There was, so far as I can determine, virtually no news of the event except in a few newspapers that might be expected to cover it.
- Tuesday, January 29, 2008
