
Viv Forbes

Viv Forbes, Chairman, The Carbon Sense Coalition, has spent his life working in exploration, mining, farming, infrastructure, financial analysis and political commentary. He has worked for government departments, private companies and now works as a private contractor and farmer.

Viv has also been a guest writer for the Asian Wall Street Journal, Business Queensland and mining newspapers. He was awarded the “Australian Adam Smith Award for Services to the Free Society” in 1988, and has written widely on political, technical and economic subjects.

Most Recent Articles by Viv Forbes:

Make Sure to keep a Diesel in the Shed

A Diesel in the Shed.
You can have your solar panels
and your turbines on the hills;
You can use the warmth of sunshine
to reduce your heating bills.

You can dream you’re self-sufficient
as you weed your vegie bed;
As long as you make sure to keep
A diesel in the shed.

- Monday, April 22, 2024

The Return of the Hungry Horses

When I was young (many decades ago) we lived on a small family farm at Wheatvale near Warwick on the Darling Downs in Queensland, Australia.

Our lifestyle was close to the organic self-sufficient nirvana that today's green zealots babble on about--we produced much of what we needed and needed most of what we produced, using mainly solar power plus a bit of hydrocarbon and wind energy.

- Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Numbered Men

Steve Hunter--The Saltbush Club

One day while I was driving down the highway in the sun
I sat behind a milk truck just returning from his run.
His sign said "Licensed Vendor" and it made me feel secure
That only numbered milkmen could come knocking on my door.

- Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Cold Truth on Global Warming

This is the dramatic story of how an eccentric environmental speculation grew into a powerful global scare industry; it is the story of the corruption of science, the defrauding of taxpayers, the destruction of reliable energy, the bullying of anyone who dares question the narrative and a hidden agenda for shortages, rationing, environmental destruction and global control.

- Monday, March 25, 2024

Ad-Free Media? There is no ad-free media

Salt Bush Club

Commercial media promotes goods, services, functions and political messages for those prepared to pay for this service.

The government-owned ABC also runs incessant ads. However, ABC ads promote the ABC, its own programs, and its black-red-green-rainbow political agenda. This agenda does not serve most of the net payers of tax who fund their propaganda.

- Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Stop Wasting Water

Almost every river in Eastern Australia is now pouring surplus water into the sea.

But only two dams have been built in Queensland in the last 20 years - the Wyaralong Dam built 13 years ago and Paradise Dam built 19 years ago.

- Sunday, January 28, 2024

When the Ice Returns

Earth is living in the latter days of the Holocene Warm Era. This is the latest short, fertile, warm interlude within the long, barren, Pleistocene Ice Age.

- Thursday, December 14, 2023

Message for Dubai "It's Time for a Climate Exit"

The world's rich and famous, plus an army of publicists, hangers-on and mendicants, are attending the COP28 meeting in Dubai, the ostentatious 7-star play-ground capital of United Arab Emirates where even the police drive luxury sports cars.

- Monday, December 4, 2023

Green, Powerless and Defenceless

As net zero strangles Australian industry, Australia is becoming green, powerless and defenceless.

History holds lessons which we ignore at our peril.

Japan was opened to trade with the US in the 1850s. They were daunted by the naval power of Britain and the US but were determined to catch up.

In the 1930s Japan attacked China, Mussolini attacked Ethiopia and Hitler planned how to avenge WW1 in Europe. Britain's PM Chamberlain negotiated with Hitler and proclaimed he had achieved "Peace in our Time".

- Monday, October 30, 2023

How the Big End of Town Gambled and Lost

Australia's Big End of Town gambled heavily in the Voice Cup last weekend.

They lost.

Only the Nanny "State" (Canberra) voted "Yes". But their horse ran last in every other state and territory and now has to be put down.

- Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Sad Story of Failed Voices

The Hawke Labor government established ATSIC in 1990 "so that aboriginals could be involved in the processes of government affecting their lives". It failed and was abolished by John Howard with support from Labor in 2005.

- Sunday, October 8, 2023

Why Australia Should vote "NO"

Australian politicians are promoting a divisive and racist change to our constitution - the creation of an indigenous "Voice" with undefined powers. "Indigenous" means "born here", so most of us are indigenous. And for all of us, our earliest Australian ancestors came from somewhere else. To divide indigenous Australians on the basis of skin colour or length of ancestry is more about politics than about justice. We are all Australians and constitutional changes that promote apartheid policies should be rejected.

- Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Achieving Net Zero

According to the clerics of the Green Cult, once we blow up our last coal mine, send all diesel engines to the wreckers, stop using concrete, reinvent sailing clippers, cover the grasslands with solar clutter and the hills with wind machines and then slaughter all of our cattle. . . global climate will become serene - not too warm, not too cold. Wild weather will cease, and there will be no more droughts, floods, cyclones or snow storms and no more plant and animal extinctions.

But the records written in the rocks tell a far different story about climate changes. Even when nature was in full control, it was not a serene place.

- Thursday, February 2, 2023

Let Them Eat Bugs

Let Them Eat Bugs, class=They started a war on our cattle Which led to a hell of a battle. Our burgers are now made of crickets, And buying real beef needs their tickets, Imprinted with silly Green prattle. Pictorial Comment. “The War on Cattle”: Feel free to use this cartoon with no alterations.
Viv and Judy Forbes breed meat sheep, eat beef, lamb and pork, and feed crickets to their insect-eating hens.
- Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Coming Crash of the Climate Cult

The Coming Crash of the Climate CultThe Climate Cult worships two green idols--electric vehicles and wind-solar energy. This is part of a futile UN scheme promoting "Net Zero Emissions" which aims to cool the climate of the world by waging war on CO2 plant food. Green worship is the state religion of all western nations. It is promoted by billionaires with other agendas, and endlessly repeated by the UN, the bureaucracy, all government media, state education and most big business leaders.
- Thursday, December 8, 2022

Not Green at All

Not Green at All“Green” policies are destroying the natural environment and changing local weather. This is part of a futile UN scheme claiming to improve the climate of the world.  All green energy degrades its environment.  Take wind power. 
- Monday, November 14, 2022

Living in the Latter Days

Australians are living in the latter days of the Anglo/American EmpireFor centuries now, world power centres have been moving west – from Mongolia, to Europe, to Britain, to North America, and now Asia beckons. The Anglo/American Empire today resembles the decadent dying days of Rome. Europe is becoming a green energy wasteland, the British Empire died with Churchill, and America has dodderers and adolescents in charge. Australia plans to defend the outback with battery-powered Bushmasters (good for battlefields with plenty of power points). The new defence minister has restored “rainbow morning teas” (banned by Peter Dutton). And an Australian iron oligarch and green hydrogen speculator, Andrew Forrest, aims to de-power Xi Jinping by inviting him to the Climate Summit.
- Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Floods & Droughts are Nothing New

Floods & Droughts are Nothing NewThere is nothing unusual about today's floods, fires, droughts, homelessness and hunger – they have always been part of the human story. But satellite technology allows us to track them better and our world-wide media revels in disaster-reporting, bringing tearfully tragic scenes into every living room, every night.
Population growth means that more people are affected by weather extremes, but there is no evidence that floods and droughts are getting worse.
- Monday, October 17, 2022

Earth is not a Greenhouse

Earth is not a GreenhouseWarming alarmists claim: “Earth’s atmosphere acts like the glass in a greenhouse.” This is false. Glass is largely transparent to incoming solar radiation which warms whatever is inside the greenhouse. If the greenhouse had no walls (like the atmosphere), warmed greenhouse air would rise by convection, escape out via the open sides, and heavy cooler air near to the ground would flow in to take its place. This open “Greenhouse” would stay close to outside temperature.
- Friday, October 14, 2022

Green Energy Peril: Powerless Times Ahead

Green Energy Peril: Powerless Times AheadIt is a still winter night in Green-topia. Wind turbines are idle; solar panels are in darkness; some are covered with snow. In the rich green suburbs, electric cars are getting re-charged. Lights, heaters and TV are on, and coffee is percolating.
- Thursday, September 22, 2022
