
John Lillpop

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal. “Clean and sober” since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. For years, John lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, the very liberal sanctuary city which protects, rather than prosecutes, certain favored criminals. John escaped the Bay Area in May and now lives in Pine Grove California where conservative values are still in vogue.

Older articles by John Lillpop

Most Recent Articles by John Lillpop:

Obama Declares Jihad on Sun!

Breaking news from Paris: Barack Obama and his science- fraud JV team has sent a “powerful rebuke” to Islamic terrorists all across the globe!
- Sunday, December 13, 2015

Ignored Carnage in Louisiana Park Proves Inequality of Mass Shootings!

While the mainstream media inundates the American public with seemingly endless coverage of certain "Narrative compliant" tragedies, it is perfectly clear that not all mass shootings are equal in the hearts and minds of left-leaning media moguls, specifically those demons affiliated with, and carrying water for, the Democrat Party.
- Friday, December 4, 2015

Does Shouting “Merry Christmas!” In Public Constitute Hate Speech?

There is growing consensus among liberals which holds that “free speech” is being willfully abused to mask racial slurs, homophobia, and other objectionable thoughts deemed unsuitable for public consumption and, which, therefore, should be outlawed.
- Monday, November 30, 2015

Trump Not Alone When It Comes to Crude Behavior!

Donald Trump damn near sent the American mainstream media into an all-out feeding frenzy when some reporters claimed that he was mocking New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski who has a chronic condition called arthrogryposis, which limits the movement of his arms.
- Sunday, November 29, 2015

Even In These Troubled Times, there ARE Blessings for Which We Conservative Extremists Can Be Thankful!

Although America is under the influence of a daft president who is partial to GITMO detainees, Syrian refugees statistically vulnerable to becoming soldiers in the ISIS war on humanity; uneducated, impoverished third-world illegal aliens who believe that speaking Spanish entitles one, by virtue of divine decree, to invade and occupy America, notwithstanding US borders, immigration laws, and the will of 330 million Americans; convicted felons, and others of low degree: conservatives have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
- Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Obama Strategy for Containing ISIS: Shut GITMO, Cancel Christmas?

As our beleaguered president mulls the chaotic state of the world, much of which is attributable to his arrogant, ignorant behavior, and his adamant refusal to accept the truth about the correlation between terrorism and Islam, our fragile planet spins irrevocably towards World War III.
- Saturday, November 21, 2015

Hillary Clinton Abandons National Security; Embraces Leftist PC Agenda!

In what was billed as a “major” foreign policy speech, Democrat Presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton demonstrated why she, and all members of her ideologically-warped political party, must never be trusted to protect America from the deadly forces of evil masquerading as a “Religion of Peace,” but which in reality is dedicated to murdering as many Americans as possible, in the most grotesque manner imaginable.
- Friday, November 20, 2015

Is a “Confused” Hillary Fit for the Presidency?

Hillary Clinton is notorious for being a congenital liar as well as a savagely ruthless practitioner of power politics. Rarely, however, has her mental acumen been seriously questioned; indeed, according to legions of left-wing fans posing as objective journalists, Clinton is unquestionably the “Smartest woman on the planet,” a lifetime honor that expires only upon her passing, or detention in a federal penal facility, whichever comes first!
- Tuesday, November 17, 2015

In Wake of Paris Carnage, Obama Doubles Down.... In War Against America!

In response to the Paris terrorist attacks, President Obama has reaffirmed his bone-headed, inexplicable, and foolish approach to Islamic terrorism, said approach which remains steeped in fantasy and ignorance, shielded from the sting of reality, logic and common sense by a mind enslaved by Islamic doctrine and hatred of America.
- Monday, November 16, 2015

Will Carnage in Paris Cause Obama to Revise His Reckless Plans to Import Syrian Refugees?

In normal times, the tragic events in Paris, France would cause American leaders and thinkers, including the president, to take immediate steps to strengthen US defenses against Islamic extremism and terrorism. Unfortunately, America is presently burdened with a president who is connected, as least sympathetically, to Islam, and who is unyielding in his outrageous assertion that our nation is not at war with Muslim extremists.
- Saturday, November 14, 2015

“ISIS has Been Contained,” Mr. President?

Once again, President Obama has demonstrated that he is completely clueless when it comes to understanding the threats posed by enemies of the United States. The latest Obama # involves ISIS; the Islamic JV terrorist organization that Obama insists is not linked to Islam and is not a threat.
- Saturday, November 14, 2015

Memo to Bernie Sanders: Take off Your Damn Gloves and Fight Like a Man!

Starting with the first Democrat Party debate on October 13 and continuing through the here and now, Socialist Bernie Sanders has seen his political challenge to Hillary Clinton for the Democrat Party presidential nomination grow less and less formidable. Part of the change in fortunes can be attributed to the failure of the House Benghazi panel to deliver a solid knock-out blow to the jaw of the former Secretary of State during her testimony on October 22.
- Friday, November 13, 2015

Can “Jeb Fix It” (Marco Rubio Nemesis) with $20 Million?

Jeb Bush’s fantasies about adding to the Bush family presidential dynasty have all but vanished, due, in no small measure, to his own failings. From four less than stellar debate performances to laying claim to political positions vehemently opposed by large numbers of conservatives (amnesty for illegals, adoption of common core standards), Bush has managed to convert a well-funded front-runner advantage into a bottom-rung embarrassment where a 4 to 6 percent standing in the polls is the new norm.
- Wednesday, November 11, 2015
