
Alan Caruba

Editor's Note: Alan passed away on June 15, 2015. He will be greatly missed

Alan Caruba: A candle that goes on flickering in the dark.

Older articles by Alan Caruba

Most Recent Articles by Alan Caruba:

Passionate About Conservatism

Passionate About Conservatism
We conservatives tend to be rather low key when it comes to expressing our commitment to conservative values. We are all about the Constitution, small government, a strong military, and fiscal prudence, but these are not things that are easy to talk about in a passionate way, no matter how strongly we feel about them.
- Monday, October 27, 2014

Obama's War on U.S. Energy

Americans are afflicted by a President and his administration that for political and environmental reasons are costing them trillions in needless, senseless energy costsSeptember 19th was an anniversary you did not read or hear about in the nation’s news media. It marked six years—2008—since the first permit application for the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline was submitted to the federal government. Can you imagine how many jobs its construction would have created during a period of recovery from the 2008 financial crisis? President Obama is universally credited with delaying it. Thomas Pyle, the president of the American Energy Alliance, pointed out that World War II, the construction of the Hoover Dam, and the Lewis and Clark Expedition all took place in less time. In a September Forbes article, he noted that “Earlier this year a Washington Post/ABC News poll found that 65 percent of Americans support building the pipeline, while only 22 percent oppose it. In Washington three-to-one margins are usually referred to as mandates.”
- Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ebola! Ebola! Yawn

How is Ebola spread? Two ways; one, by letting anyone exposed to it in West Africa into America when they fly here and, two, by assuming that medical professionals and others who have been exposed to it would quarantine themselves from contact with others once they are here.
- Friday, October 24, 2014

The Islamic Madness Persists

The Islamic Madness Persists
The lull in the coverage of all things Islamic was broken by two terrorist attacks in Canada, a reminder that so long as the world does not unite to destroy the Islamic State, we shall all remain vulnerable. A “lone wolf” terrorist can kill you just as dead as one in a terrorist organization, particularly one encouraging these attacks.
- Thursday, October 23, 2014

No Ebola Panic Despite Media Hysteria

No Ebola Panic Despite Media Hysteria
One man has died of Ebola in the U.S. and he came here from Liberia. Two of the nurses that tended him are in intensive care and likely to survive. A third was thought to be infected, but wasn’t. That news has been sufficient to keep most Americans calm as the media has done its best to exploit Ebola-related news.
- Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The "Malaise" Has Returned

The Malaise Has Returned, Jimmy Carter, Obama
The joke is that Jimmy Carter is happy that Barack Obama has replaced him as the worst President of the modern era. It is a supreme irony that Obama’s campaign theme was “Hope and Change” when Americans have lost a great deal of hope about their personal futures and the only change they want is to see Obama gone from office.
- Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Democratic Voting Bloc-Heads

Democratic Voting Bloc-Heads
As this is being written, Rasmussen Reports says that 48% of likely voters approve of President Obama’s performance in office while 50% disapproved. Other polls indicate far more unhappiness with Obama, but in general one must conclude that half the voters are idiots. He is an enormous failure domestically and with his foreign relations.
- Monday, October 20, 2014

An American Decline that Must Be Reversed

An American Decline that Must Be Reversed
The tendency of pundits is to address the decline in American culture and traditional moral values. The concerns addressed include the rather sudden, but widespread embrace of same-sex marriages or calls for the legalization of marijuana so anyone can get high without the fear of arrest.
- Thursday, October 16, 2014

Politicizing a Plague

Politicizing a Plague
If President Obama does not want the Ebola virus to kill Americans, why has his administration done nothing to restrict any flights from Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone, the hot spots in Africa where it appears the virus is spreading?
- Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Climate Change Insanity

I went out for a walk today and enjoyed seeing how the autumn leaves are changing color because autumn, simply stated, is one of the four seasons that affects the Earth. It is part of the change that occurs as it has for billions of years.
- Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Abandoning Kurds and Jews

Abandoning Kurds and Jews
Watching the events affecting the Kurds in Kobani, Syria, under attack from the Islamic State (ISIS), it occurred to me that they have much in common with Zionists, Jews who established Israel in 1948. Turkey’s president Recep Tyyip Erdogan dislikes Kurds and Jews with equal fervor.
- Monday, October 13, 2014

A Supreme Court, Not Supreme Wisdom

 A Supreme Court, Not Supreme Wisdom
I am not a lawyer, but I have read the Constitution and I cannot find any indication that the Founding Fathers intended the guarantee of “equal protection of the laws” in the 14th Amendment to include same-sex marriage.
- Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Fourth Horseman has Arrived

The Fourth Horseman has Arrived
“I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.” – Revelation 6:8
- Thursday, October 9, 2014

Desperate Wildlife Extinction Claims are Part of the Warming Hoax

One thing that those of us who have been longtime observers and debunkers of the lies surrounding global warming and/or climate change have noticed is that the “Warmists” have gotten increasingly desperate after more than eighteen years in which there has been no warming. As what they call “a pause” continues, they are coming up with some of the most absurd “research” to make their case. When you consider that not one single computer model produced by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or any of the other charlatans was accurate, one can imagine their sense of panic at this point.
- Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Obama Wants Iran to Have Nukes

Obama Wants Iran to Have Nukes
The President’s lack of attention and indifference to years of intelligence reports and analysis is leading to a potential horror in which Iran fulfills its quest to make its own nuclear weapons. It already has the missile capacity to deliver them throughout the Middle East and to Europe.
- Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Who Are the Kurds?

Who Are the Kurds?
As this is being written there is a battle going on between the Kurds in a Syrian town on the border with Turkey, Kobani, and the Islamic State (ISIS) militants that have seized a large area of northern Syria and Iraq. ISIS is also moving south toward Baghdad. The only area they have not been able to seize has been Iraq’s Kurdish region which has been virtually autonomous from what is left of the Iraqi government.
- Monday, October 6, 2014

President Ebola

President Ebola,
What does it tell you when Britain and France have stopped flights to and from the nations in Africa where Ebola has become a threat and the United States has not taken a similar measure?
- Sunday, October 5, 2014

Celebrating Yom Kippur and Survival

Celebrating Yom Kippur and Survival
If you want to know the depth of Islamic intolerance and, indeed, hatred of other religions then all you need do is think back to October 6, 1973, when Egypt and Syria joined together in a massive coordinated attack on Israel. It was Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the Jewish year.
- Thursday, October 2, 2014

America's Education Battlefield

The 2010 introduction of Common Core, a set of requirements for what elementary and secondary school children should know in math and English language arts, has turned schools in one state after another into battlefields as its complexity and other factors led to protests against it. Even so, by mid-2014, a NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found that very nearly half of those asked about it hadn’t even heard of it. A number of states, such as Missouri, Indiana, Oklahoma, and South Carolina have withdrawn from it.
- Wednesday, October 1, 2014
