
Kelly O'Connell

Kelly O'Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.

Most Recent Articles by Kelly O'Connell:

Liberals Want to Kill God to Destroy Sin & Cancel Judgment

Liberals Want to Kill God to Destroy Sin & Cancel Judgment

American Sabotage: Since every Biden policy is failed, it's obvious the purpose of Joe's administration is American sabotage. What liberals have to gain from sabotage is pulling the US out of our established position as leader of the free world and forcing us into world Utopia.

Underwriting Terrorists: To not simply abandon Afghanistan, but to scuttle billions in weapons, to reject military agreements and to even evacuate unknown Afghani's while ignoring Americans was shocking. But Biden had to make his point – America is not special and cannot be counted on by allies for even the simplest aid. And now we must watch Ukraine get pummeled using outdated weapons, or none at all, while remembering how we abandoned $80 billion in advanced arms for Muslim radicals is sickening.

- Monday, February 28, 2022

Does Vlad Putin Believe He is the Orthodox Messiah?

Does Vlad Putin Believe He is the Orthodox Messiah?

Apocalypse Kiev: In biblical religions there are essential elements of prophetic and messianic symbolism involving past and future events tied into the important apocalyptic events. This is true of Judaism, Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant and Muslim beliefs. Vlad Putin, after gaining ultimate power, supposedly had a Christian religious experience causing him now to wear a crucifix. But leftism, with its humanist conceit, is still prone to savior delusions. For example, British father of socialism, atheist industrialist Robert Owens, founded the socialist Utopia of New Harmony, Indiana – then came to believe he was the necessary messiah:

- Sunday, February 27, 2022

Ukraine Dreams: Is Putin's Russian Madness a Chapter From Soros or Nietzsche?

Ukraine Dreams: Is Putin's Russian Madness a Chapter From Soros or Nietzsche?

Messianic Mess: The Messianic character is not unknown in Russian culture, as illustrated by Leo Tolstoy, one of history's great authors, of War & Peace, etc. Paul Johnson described Tolstoy as "God's elder brother." But Vlad Putin, world's wealthiest kleptocrat may have passed beyond this territory into George Soros illusions of salvation.  Is Vlad crazy? Even the Intelligencer asks: "Is Putin Sane?"

- Saturday, February 26, 2022

Canadian Truck Protests Are About Govt Vaporizing Rights & Freedoms

Canadian Truck Protests Are About Govt Vaporizing Rights & Freedoms
“There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.” - Alexander Hamilton

Covid Rebellion: Ottawa drops the test, as their Police Chief resigns, while truckers retreat. Yet, 400 trucks are parked around the city, even as bridges are cleared. Meanwhile, the COVID crisis’ worst elements have always been an odd combo of lazy, intellectually insipid govt claiming every decision is like scripture, yet constantly rule-changing.

- Wednesday, February 16, 2022

America’s Death of Love & Love of Death

America’s Death of Love & Love of Death

American Freefall: America is in free fall, but why? It's not enough to simply blame everything on leftists who certainly lead the attack against our heritage and institutions. But what exactly is most to blame? Is it possible that once the West separated marriage and sex that it was inevitable the culture would collapse, all down hill from there? Yes, because the discipline of sexual continence was foundational to a regulated life. Even according to Freud, the sex-drive of a healthy society is sublimated in work for the development of the culture.This is called Sublimation. No healthy society can reject it. Is this why Americans prefer pets over people?

- Wednesday, February 9, 2022

What You See in DC is the Disaster Occuring When Far Leftists Get Full Power

What You See in DC is the Disaster Occuring When Far Leftists Get Full Power

History contains the names of many ambitious leaders who promised paradise if trusted with power. But since earth contains no paradise, by definition, these charlatans inevitably disappoint. Calamity normally comes before their downfall. So, what's happening now in DC is that Joe Biden has fallen on hard times and is now just a husk of a man, maneuvered as a puppet.

- Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Angry Grampa POTUS -- Joe Biden at His Most Memorable

Angry Grampa POTUS -- Joe Biden at His Most Memorable

At Joe Biden's recent press conference he summed up what he claims is a very successful first year. But not even the most liberal Network seems to agree with this. Yet Joe was certainly at his finest when he got angry and loud. But then again this is always true of Uncle Joe. It's now foreseeable he has a very lucrative opportunity when he leaves office which at the current rate of  degeneration should be in the next month or two. Now, if Robert De Niro is up for the challenge, a new edition to the venerable 'Dirty Grandpa' film series is available. Of course this will be Angry Grandpa, and Robert De Niro, being the arch liberal, will certainly give all the support he can to Angry Grampa Joe.

- Monday, January 24, 2022

Dr. Martin Luther King's Eternal Convictions All Americans Must Embrace

Dr. Martin Luther King's Eternal Convictions All Americans Must Embrace

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. well deserves his own day and popular immortality in America. But what about MLK's famous dream? While much has been gained in US race relations, current social relations have again devolved into race riots, violence and conflagrations. And entire groups are allowed to cry havoc and release the dogs of war with impunity, "fighting racism". 

Why? What has happened? As everyone knows, 'race' is now an exclusive liberal commodity, sold as the one universal truth. And like a humanist, godless theocracy, all must be examined and pass the test, bowing the knee -- or be banished. Race baiters, like Barack Obama and Joe Biden rode high as a woke generation demands blood for past sins and current accusations. But what would Martin say? The following are sourced MLKJr Quotes on various topics:

- Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Joe Biden & the Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

Joe Biden & the Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

Stupid is as Stupid Does:

Is Joe Biden stupid? No, this is not a trick question, or an attempt to shame the mentally weak. But, given a summary of Joe's choices, can one claim that he makes good decisions? Instead, Joe has become a cipher for the far-left of his party, and seems utterly indifferent to success or failure. The GOP claims he's suffering dementia. But another possibility is suggested in Economist Carlo M. Cipolla's book , The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity -- that Joe's simply not a good decision maker.

- Monday, January 10, 2022

Babylon the Great Erupts Like Vesuvius Over America, Is Doom Inevitable?

Babylon the Great Erupts Like Vesuvius Over America, Is Doom Inevitable?

USA Slipping Downhill Fast: It's time to admit the obvious – life in America is headed downhill fast, constantly gaining speed. It's so obvious the average person will no longer debate the point. Wild spikes in crime rates, rejection of gender, porous borders, and shocking jumps in inflation. But why? What's the cause? In fact, the ever-growing mountain of liberal failure now cascades down like a viscous cauldron of lava onto dumbed-down, open-mouthed and completely shocked Americans. But can we really be surprised? For instance, Did you ever ask yourself how many Godly positions America could repudiate and not ultimately be rejected as a nation?

- Saturday, January 1, 2022

What Do Dems Gain From Ultra Liberal Fed Judges? Lawless Power!

What Do Dems Gain From Ultra Liberal Fed Judges? Lawless Power!

Why Only Lefty Judges? Again in our series of bad Biden policies ruining America, we ask, Why does Biden insist on nominating absurdly leftist federal judges? The answer is glaringly simple. The only reason is to collect a cadre of Marxist justices who will mindlessly follow the Communist Manifesto & Das Kapital over the US Constitution & Bill of Rights. It’s to throw out the Rule of Law on their way to international utopia. But is a more smug group imaginable? And if any still doubt whether Democrats regularly plant and grow Marxists, US Senator Blumenthal Delivered a Speech at Communist Party Awards in early December  2021.

- Monday, December 20, 2021

How Does Illegal Immigration Help Democrats? By Building Future Majorities

How Does Illegal Immigration Help Democrats? By Building Future Majorities

In another essay on Biden's designed failures, we ask, How Does Illegal Immigration Help Democrats? The big secret is that Democrats believe they cannot win unless they have outside help in the form of instant new, illegal Democrats. The following is a summary by 5 points.

- Sunday, December 19, 2021

Leftist Demon of Inflation: Why Democrats Want Rising Prices

Leftist Demon of Inflation: Why Democrats Want Rising Prices

Biden Policy Series: This article on inflation is the first in a series of essays on the various ways the Biden Administration and the Democrat Party seek to finally dissolve old America via ruinous policies. But what is their motivation? Well, liberals in the US are highly influenced by Marx and socialism. And the sicker is America, the healthier is world communism. And their loyalty is to world Marxism. It's that simple.

- Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Biden Weakness Leads to Global Chaos

Biden Weakness Leads to Global Chaos

If Putin readied to invade Ukraine as China overwhelms Taiwan, would it explain why only 22% of Dems want Biden to run again? His unmitigated failures embarrass moderate Dems and ruin their chances for a dynasty. 

The single most trenchant characteristic of leftism is advocacy and implementation of catastrophic policies. Whether this disastrous habit derives from a lack of logic, historic ignorance or an instinct towards suicide is an open question.

- Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Rape of Logic: Foolish Fauci Making Himself Science Actually Destroys It

Rape of Logic: Foolish Fauci Making Himself Science Actually Destroys It

Do elderly healthcare bureaucrats make salutary tyrants? Ancient virus magus Dr Fauci typically makes an # of himself daily, but recently topped his previous egocentric claims by cleverly combining Scientism with megalomania. He stated: "They're really criticizing science because I represent science. That's dangerous." But, according to Victor Davis Hanson: "Fauci Is "Like A Monarch," Has Legislative, Judicial, And Executive Power All At Once." In fact, Fauci himself has devolved into a politically correct virus becoming a self-enraptured guard dog for leftist power plays.

- Sunday, December 5, 2021

Why Feds Probably Can't Charge Kyle Rittenhouse for Murder

Why Feds Probably Can't Charge Kyle Rittenhouse for Murder

Massive Win Brings Fury: Kyle Rittenhouse won a massive acquittal on all charges in a bitter lesson for all liberal demagogues. But in a seemingly endless litany of illogical decisions based on horrific leftist beliefs, Dem House judiciary chairman Jerrold Nadler called for a DOJ review of the Kyle RittenhouseFederal murder investigation. Such knee jerk decisions are why Biden is currently drowning in 36% approval ratings, and inevitably, with such a mistake and error-riddled prosecution, only anti-America fanatics would want this ill-advised witch hunt to continue.

- Monday, November 22, 2021

New Bitter Struggle Drives Wedge Between Failing Kamala, Biden & li'l Pete Buttigieg

New Bitter Struggle Drives Wedge Between Failing Kamala, Biden & li'l Pete Buttigieg

The inevitable struggle for supremacy has arisen between the chief losers of an already doomed presidency. Who will be the next Dem presidential candidate – is probably an irrelevant point, already. But in a mad dash to the bottom, Biden has somehow bested Kamala by 10 points – 37% favorable to 27%. Yet, as Biden struggles to finish his thoughts, and while he's accused of incontinence at key moments, it's now a foregone conclusion Joe won't run again.

- Saturday, November 20, 2021

Not Beyond Reasonable Doubt: Kyle Rittenhouse Legal Analysis on Murder Charges

Not Beyond Reasonable Doubt: Kyle Rittenhouse Legal Analysis on Murder Charges

Having paid any attention to WI State's Murder Prosecution of Kyle Rittenhouse, what percent of viewers believe him guilty of first degree murder? Well, and this might come as a shock – it all depends upon your political persuasion. But, putting aside one's party, it's obvious WI State has some serious problems getting a Murder conviction on Kyle. This is why they asked that lesser charges be considered.

- Monday, November 15, 2021

Rittenhouse Prosecution Fails: Bad Facts, Gross Errors & Innocent Defendant

Rittenhouse Prosecution Fails: Bad Facts, Gross Errors & Innocent Defendant

Introduction: In an instance where reality obliterated fake news reporting from our mainstream media – MSM, Kyle Rittenhouse's prosecution has played out like a child's simple theory of right and wrong. Meanwhile, against the perverse coverage of the MSM, who always omit and mis-characterize stories they dislike, when not openly lying, the truth emerged. Kyle was always the victim in this manhunt. And it's astonishing how a crowd immediately morphed into an execution unit ready for frontier justice without a single fact proved to them, or any due process, but ready to execute a stranger on the spot.

- Sunday, November 14, 2021
