
Roger Aronoff

Roger Aronoff is a member of Citizens Commission on National Security. Roger is the writer/director of Confronting Iraq: Conflict and Hope

Most Recent Articles by Roger Aronoff:

Iran’s Revealing Defiance of the U.S. and U.N.

Having already received its big payday from the “nuclear deal” that was never signed, Iran continues to spit in the face of the U.N. and the Obama administration, the latter of which has so valiantly attempted to defend Iran’s honor and justify this fiasco, even claiming it as a great foreign policy achievement. The latest act of defiance by Iran is an $8 billion dollar shopping spree, courtesy of its recently unfrozen assets, which were released because they supposedly convinced the IAEA that they have no plans to develop nuclear weapons.
- Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Times’ David Brooks Misses Obama—and a Few Facts

David Brooks, The New York Times’ resident “conservative,” has once again gone all out to support President Obama, claiming that the misconduct of the current presidential campaigns has already made him “miss” the President’s “superior integrity” and poise. Brooks’ “strange sensation” that he is feeling seems reminiscent of the thrill up his leg for the President that MSNBC’s Chris Matthews once spoke of experiencing.
- Thursday, February 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Email Problems: Growing Crisis or Nothing to See?

The media’s double standard has been on full display with a number of softball interviews and a staged CNN town hall held for the Democratic presidential candidates. The left-wing mainstream media are waiting to crown Hillary Clinton, even before the votes are in. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, in particular, recently interviewed Hillary Clinton about her close victory in the recent Iowa caucuses.
- Friday, February 5, 2016

Iran Continues Mocking and Humiliating American Leaders

The New York Times continues to misrepresent the Iran deal as a signed document with the potential to motivate moderate Iranians to reform their totalitarian regime. However, it is more than obvious that the P5+1 did not actually sign a deal with Iran, and that this unsigned agreement cannot bring about change in that country.
- Tuesday, February 2, 2016

CNN Stages Town Hall to Boost Clinton Candidacy

Who ever heard of a presidential primary debate or town hall meeting opening with a kiss on the cheek between the moderator and the frontrunner? It’s safe to say that didn’t happen between Fox News’ Megyn Kelly and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. And not just because he didn’t show up for Thursday night’s debate in Iowa.
- Friday, January 29, 2016

Hillary Clinton Faces Legal and Political Obstacles in Presidential Bid

This is not how Hillary Clinton’s run for the White House was supposed to go: full of never-ending scandals, with a close primary competitor, and two FBI investigations. There is but one week to go before the Iowa caucuses, where the first votes in this year’s presidential race will finally be cast.
- Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Fast and Furious Scandal Resurfaces--Media Ignore It

The liberal media avoid reporting on President Obama's many scandals at any cost, and Fast and Furious is no exception. Despite the media's studied avoidance of these scandals, their impact continues. When Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents discovered that a weapon from Fast and Furious was found in Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman's Mexican hideout, there was virtual silence from the mainstream media.
- Friday, January 22, 2016

Obama Continues Caving to Iran While Taking Credit for Diplomacy

The mainstream media cannot stand that the film 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, in depicting the violence in Benghazi and the heroism of the Global Response Staff (GRS), has a straightforward common-sense message. Instead, reporters like Ann Hornaday of The Washington Post see fit to mock that heroism, and even suggest that President Obama’s latest appeasement to Iran deserves equal Hollywood fame.
- Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Benghazi Cover-up Challenged by New Film, More Hearings

One major aspect of the Benghazi cover-up has been to denounce the words of witnesses in favor of higher officials' assertions. This is true not only for those CIA contractors who responded to the attacks, but also for the families of the victims.
- Friday, January 8, 2016

Top 10 Misreported or Underreported Stories of 2015

As the year draws to a close, we like to highlight some of the American media's worst abuses that occurred during the past year. We have picked 10 stories for which there were general narratives presented by the mainstream media--narratives that ignored the larger truths to be gleaned from these stories.
- Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Iranian Nuclear Deal is a Catastrophic Hoax

The mainstream media blindly championed the Iranian deal at the expense of reason, celebrating its “signing” and every prospective step for implementation. But the not-so-surprising revelation is that there is, in fact, no Iran deal. There are just a number of political commitments made by each of the so-called P5+1 countries, in the hope that Iran will somehow reform itself.
- Thursday, December 24, 2015

Media Continue Attacks on Muslim Brotherhood Critics

The mainstream media never tire of attacking those who warn that the Muslim Brotherhood has established deep ties to the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton. That might just be because the media have forged their own intimate ties to the Muslim Brotherhood group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Preeminent figures who dare to contradict the narrative of the liberal media, arguing that the greater concern is terrorism or shariah law, not Islamophobia, are regularly cast as conspiracy theorists, and worse, outright racists.
- Thursday, December 17, 2015

Fresh Perspectives on Benghazi Keep the Scandals Alive

While much of the focus of attention on the Benghazi scandal has been about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s actions, and inaction, which may have led to the deaths of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and three other Americans, there are other aspects of the story that have gotten far less attention, but are, in fact, more revealing and more damning about the foreign policy of the Obama administration.
- Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Clinton Scandals Threaten Her White House Run

While Republicans are deciding among themselves whether to open a separate investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email controversy, evidence keeps piling up that shows serious problems ahead for Mrs. Clinton. Yet the media continue feasting on what they perceive as turmoil in the GOP presidential race. When looked at objectively, Mrs. Clinton’s problems should prove far more consequential than anything facing the Republicans. And current polls reflect that problem.
- Friday, November 6, 2015

The Big Loser in Tuesday Night’s GOP Debate: The Media

While the media focus on which of the candidates did well, and which didn’t, they overlooked the biggest loser of the night: the media. Whether intended or not, the difference in the questioning of the Democrats in their October 13 CNN debate versus the questioning of the Republicans in their three debates so far proved to be an issue that boiled over in Tuesday night’s debate. The Republican candidates decided to take the obvious double standard by which the two party’s candidates are questioned, and punch back.
- Thursday, October 29, 2015

Questions to Watch for at Thursday’s Benghazi Hearing

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is set to testify on Thursday before the House Select Committee on Benghazi. Despite her new attitude of defiance—acting as if recent statements by Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY) have somehow proven that this has been a political witch-hunt all along—they prove nothing of the sort. I spoke about this last night on The Blaze, with Dana Loesch.
- Thursday, October 22, 2015

Kevin McCarthy's Comments on Benghazi are Wrong and Damaging

House Majority Leader, and odds on favorite to become the next Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), has made such a foolish and incorrect statement about the House Select Committee on Benghazi, that the fallout could keep him from ascending to that position, and do great damage to the investigation.
- Saturday, October 3, 2015

Interviewing Mrs. Clinton, Avoiding the Tough Questions

The carefully selected members of the media chosen to interview Hillary Clinton during her run for the Democratic nomination are sure to continue providing her with nothing but softball questions, giving her candidacy an opportunity to claim its honesty and transparency where little exists.
- Wednesday, September 30, 2015

“Chattanooga Five” Memorial Event Ignored by National Media

An estimated 100,000 people showed up at a memorial event last week in Chattanooga, Tennessee to honor and remember the four Marines and one Navy Sailor who were assassinated at the hands of a Muslim jihadist in July. The national news media chose to ignore this massive outpouring of gratitude and remembrance for these fallen American heroes. However, while the local media provided ample coverage, they took exception to remarks by Admiral James “Ace” Lyons (ret), who was invited to be one of the principal speakers.
- Friday, September 25, 2015
