
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Ileana Writes is a freelance writer, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Her books, “Echoes of Communism", "Liberty on Life Support" and "U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy," "Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later" are available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh:

My Christmas Tree

blue spruceAs long as I can remember, my Dad came home every December with a scraggly blue spruce, fragrant with the scent of winter, tiny icicles hanging from the branches. The frozen miniature crystal daggers would melt quickly on Mom’s well-scrubbed parquet floor. I never knew nor asked where he had found it, or how he could afford it. His modest salary of $70 a month barely covered the rent, utilities, and food. Mom had to work as well to afford our clothes. Prices were subsidized by the government and salaries were very low for everybody regardless of education and skill. We had to make do with very little.
- Thursday, December 23, 2021

Another Invented Injustice, EVs and Chargers

Another Invented Injustice, EVs and ChargersI believe that some Marxists stay awake at night trying to find novel ways to subjugate the rest of the population whose free market ideology they despise. They certainly do not believe in supply and demand, they believe in centralized communist planning and forced equity of outcomes. In addition to environmental justice, gender justice, sexual justice, gender justice, tree and shade justice, a recent Washington Post article dedicated an entire page to “A New Source of Inequality: Access to Charging Stations.” (Sunday, December 19, 2021)
- Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Kill Switch in Your Cars in Five Years

Kill Switch in Your Cars in Five YearsSince 1992, billionaire globalists with money to burn, have been actively seeking to remove us from fossil fuel cars to save the planet from global warming/climate change/climate crisis Armageddon which U.N.’s Agenda 21/2030 has been actively seeking to do.
- Sunday, December 5, 2021

"Climate Crisis"

Climate CrisisThe latest push to "net zero" emissions by 2040 comes in the form of a book and a glossy insert advertising the said book in the Washington Post. Think of this "net zero" emissions as your ticket to more global warming taxation, cold winters in your homes, hot summers in your homes, expensive electricity, high fossil fuel prices, and total control of your movements and travel to and from work. In "Speed and Scale" author John Doerr proposes an "action plan for solving the climate crisis." 
- Thursday, November 25, 2021

Communism Long Ago vs. American Communism Today

Communism Long Ago vs. American Communism TodayI was asked recently if the recent Marxist takeover of our country resembles my experience under the rule of the Communist Party Soviet-style regime decades ago. My simple answer is that Marxism is much worse today in so many ways. Take for instance one’s body. We used to teach our children to run away from strangers who attempted to touch them inappropriately and to let authorities know and their parents about such aggressors, some of whom may have been relatives. But the 9/11 terrorist attack on our country conveniently allowed the government to pass the Patriot Act to protect us from terrorists. Nobody blinks an eye anymore at the invasive searches at airports, touching personal parts, molesting grandmothers, toddlers, babies, and adults alike. If you ask the TSA personnel, some of whom look quite frightening, they save thousands of lives every day.
- Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Latest Curfew and Lockdowns

The Latest Curfew and LockdownsThe oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.Karl Marx As of October 22, 2021, the Romanian National Committee for Emergency Situations introduced a new 30 day “restriction” on its citizens via Decision 91: Ministerul Afacerilor Interne (gov.ro)
- Friday, November 5, 2021

What I learned from the Communist Party

What I learned from the Communist PartyWhat I learned from the Communist Party which ruled my country with an iron fist and a heavy boot on our necks and thin, hungry bodies, can fill a lifetime of horror stories. Twenty years living under such depressing ideological, mental, and physical prison surrounded by barbed wire and heavily armed and guarded borders is enough to fill endless books.
- Monday, November 1, 2021

Past and Present History Demonstrate Abuse of National Emergency

Past and Present History Demonstrate Abuse of National EmergencyNational emergency is an interesting and useful government tool. History in general demonstrates the point. The national lockdown to “flatten the curve for two weeks” has turned into three mandatory shots, that may or may not work, to keep your job and feed your family. Many nursing homes in Fairfax, Virginia, have been under lockdown again, with staff wearing not just masks but shields as well and patients wearing masks even when alone in their rooms.
- Friday, October 22, 2021

The Regressed American Society

The Regressed American SocietyIt seems that every election cycle America-loving citizens pin their hope on a man or a woman at the local, state, or national level who is willing to support the interests of our nation instead of the communist globalist agenda. They know deep down that most politicians are liars and have a price – they can be bought by the wealthy globalist swamp. Add into the mix the non-governmental organization (NGOs) and their lobbyists to whom the same politicians are beholden. But honest Americans who still believe in honest and fair elections do not give up despite massive voting fraud.
- Monday, October 4, 2021

Freedom of Speech, Just an Illusion?

Freedom of Speech, Just an Illusion?I have been asked about the freedom of speech in my country where I was born and raised and how it compared with the freedom of speech we have in America. Is it just an illusion on paper under constant attack from the Marxist left which controls the country?
- Saturday, August 28, 2021

Inflation and the Emperor Who Planted Cabbages

Inflation and the Emperor Who Planted CabbagesInvest in inflation. It’s the only thing going up.Will Rogers As Americans are struggling with inflation to pay their bills, buy food, gasoline, and other necessities such as medications and rent, few have the knowledge to point to the culprits of such accelerated overall price increases:
- Monday, August 16, 2021

Vaccine Passports to Participate in Society?

Vaccine Passports to Participate in Society?Many doctors and scientists with long bona fides have been suppressed by the media in general, the main stream, as well as the social media dominated by four giants; if they diverge from the controlled narrative of taking a vaccine at all costs, they will be excluded forcibly and entirely from society.
- Saturday, August 14, 2021

A Bar of Soap and a Lesson Missed

A Bar of Soap and a Lesson MissedI was browsing through L’Occitane one day, looking for a bar of soap. Among the many offerings, I noticed three lovely and fragrant bars which were labeled shampoo soap. The fragrance brought back memories of the factory in Nice, France, which I had visited years ago on a trip to Europe with my students.
- Thursday, August 12, 2021

Is Sweden Our Beacon of Democratic Socialism?

Is Sweden Our Beacon of Democratic Socialism?Why are generations of young Americans enamored with socialism as a better alternative to capitalism when everything in their abundant and privileged lives comes from free market capitalism?  Socialism, the state's ownership of the means of production, production planning, and distribution, has been repackaged by clever Marxists like Bernie Sanders and AOC under the name of Democratic Socialism, a term borrowed from Sweden to make socialism more attractive and palatable to Marxist useful idiots who do not understand much economics or history, even those with college degrees.
- Saturday, August 7, 2021

No Longer Your Parents’ America

No Longer Your Parents’ AmericaIt was a decade ago when I wrote a book about my life under communism – education, religion, lack of freedoms, lack of food, lack of human rights, deprivation of basic travel, necessities, water, toilet paper, medicine, the horrible free medical system that was not worth having, bad hospitals, bad doctors, the lack of drugs and vitamins in pharmacies, the awfully crowded and miserable public transportation, the constant policing, the “socialist scientific” indoctrination in schools, and many more.
- Saturday, July 31, 2021

Western Elites and the Marxist Nomenklatura

Western Elites and the Marxist NomenklaturaAs billionaire techies and political elites have taken over the United States, dictating how the government operates and how Americans live from now on, while the Constitution is just an old document sitting in the National Archives, it is worth comparing these American elites to the Marxist nomenklatura in the Soviet satellites of the twentieth century to understand the size and scope of the Marxist control now in the former land of the free because of the brave.
- Friday, July 23, 2021

Global Warming, Trees, and Environmental Racism

Global Warming, Trees, and Environmental RacismThe global warming crowd could not get ordinary Americans to buy into their arrogant narrative that the globe is warming due to human activity such as industry, travel, car use, agriculture, breathing, flying, artificial lakes; so, they turned the Armageddon narrative into a profitable leftist climate change industry that has many allies among academics, public school teachers, the mainstream media, and crony corporatism. Who can deny that the climate changes and has done so for thousands of years?
- Tuesday, July 20, 2021

A Socialist Republic To Replace the Constitutional Republic

A Socialist Republic To Replace the Constitutional RepublicAmericans who self-describe as socialists, seem to long for a society like that of European Nordic states which are not socialist, they have a capitalist economy with large government welfare paid for by high taxation. I am not sure American socialists, and their followers understand the true definition of a socialist nation, one in which all the means of production are owned by the state. That is perhaps because the online definitions of socialism have been changed to fit the leftist narrative in the media. They know that the public knows little history and thus has no reference point.
- Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Cuba is Protesting to Gain Freedom from Communism

Cuba is Protesting to Gain Freedom from CommunismAs this administration’s spokesperson is twisting herself into a verbal pretzel to present the protests in Cuba as something other than what they are, a cry for freedom and an end to the communist tyranny which has gripped the island since 1959 when Castro’s brutal Marxists took over, the American Marxists are busy promoting and pushing Marxism in America, using invented constructs, i.e. non-existent white supremacy, critical race theory, to convince the American public that it is what they want, freedom from capitalism and installation of Democrat socialism using Karl Marx as their icon and mentor.
- Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Traditional Family or the American Socialist Vision of an Extended Family

Traditional Family or the American Socialist Vision of an Extended FamilyHaving a child while employed by the federal government in the U.S. now seems to be a piece of cake – both the mother and the father get twelve weeks of paid leave to care for their progeny. The rest of the country is lucky if they are able to get six weeks of unpaid leave without actually losing their jobs.
- Sunday, July 11, 2021
