
Dave Huntwork

David Huntwork is an experienced conservative activist, chairman of the Conservative Patriot Alliance ([url=http://www.conservativepatriotalliance.com]http://www.conservativepatriotalliance.com[/url]), and the proud father of three daughters. The son, grandson, and great-grandson of ministers of the Gospel, he brings a unique blended background of theology and ideology to the great debates of the day. He believes that Faith, Family, and Freedom is the formula for success and the key to a good life and a healthy nation. You can contact him at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Most Recent Articles by Dave Huntwork:

Time To Get Serious About Protecting Our Schools

The catastrophic breakdown of the family and traditional marriage, the explosion and mainstreaming of mental illness, the rejection of traditional Christian morals and values, and an all-around abandonment of a “Culture of Life” in our communities and society at large has led to an astounding rise in school shootings across the nation. Historically, such horrific incidents were virtually non-existent and only began to take off following the great cultural revolution of the late sixties and early seventies. The fallout from those seismic events have reverberated across the decades in an increasingly negative manner. This is especially true when it comes to the mental health and personal, impulse control issues of young people.

- Friday, September 15, 2023

President Obama's Broad Coalition of One

With great fanfare and a nationwide, prime time presidential address to the American people, President Obama announced the formation of a "broad coalition" that would wage war together to destroy the Islamic State also known as ISIS or ISIL. Although few other details were given about the coalition, a senior administration official said on Wednesday "we are very confident that this will be a broad-based coalition with countries from the Arab world, from Europe, but also other key allies around the globe, like, for instance, Australia, which has joined us in humanitarian airdrops already in Iraq; or Canada, which has already put advisers on the ground."
- Sunday, September 14, 2014

Brother Rachid: A Message To President Obama From A Former Muslim

Brother Rachid, the son of a Moroccan imam, has posted a video called "A Message to President Obama From a Former Muslim" in which he attempts to give the President a crash course in Islamic studies. He begins by telling the president that he is wrong when he said that ISIL speaks for no religion. The former Muslim-turned-Christian further explains that terrorism begins in the schools and Mosques and must be cut off at the root.
- Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Joe Biden Goes Rogue On ISIS: “We Will Follow Them To The Gates Of Hell”

The official response of the Obama administration to the recent beheading of two Americans in Syria by ISIS has been muddled at best. The often timid and tepid statements by various White House spokesmen, the State Department, and even the President himself in response to these specific tragedies and the general threats poised by ISIS have been vague, confusing, contradictory, and sometimes downright silly. (You do know that the members of ISIS are Muslims, right? The White House apparently isn't even sure on that one.)
- Friday, September 5, 2014

Defending Liberty

We exist in a vast sea of ignorance and lack of understanding in regards to history, politics, and ideology. Not to mention the implications of each upon our nation and civilization. Perhaps we should not be surprised that large segments of society can’t put the Civil War in the correct century or begin to find major countries on a map. There are entire political ideologies that rely on that mind-numbing, and sometimes frightening, misunderstanding and basic ignorance that a significant portion of society manifests as a source for their power and strength.
- Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Long Live The Republic!

For over two hundred and thirty years the American Republic has weathered wars, epidemics, hostile neighbors, worldwide conflicts, economic disasters, internal struggles, and competing ideologies. Its birth was a long and desperate struggle for independence against the strongest and most advanced military in the world.
- Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Should All Political Parties Embrace Liberal Values? The Left Seems To Think So.

The concept that the whims of public opinion, the fads of the moment, or the opinions of an ideological opponent should fundamentally alter what a particular political party stands for has always seemed rather odd to me. It is an argument I see trotted out in articles from Left leaning sites on a regular basis. The argument is always, without fail, that the Republican Party needs to become more like the Democratic Party. Yet the reverse is never suggested for consideration. Great "concern" is showed time and time again by often very radical and liberal writers, as well as general media types, that the Republican Party will fade away into oblivion and cease to be relevant if it doesn't reject the "extremist" factions and beliefs that it currently contains.
- Sunday, March 30, 2014

Time To Register Books And Put Reasonable Restrictions On The 1st Amendment

President Obama and his progressive allies have told us that even the most draconian of gun laws must be passed because If we save even one life from gun violence, it's worth it. While that's an amazingly ignorant, infantile, and even downright silly statement, it does neatly sum up a nanny-state philosophy that is fueling a nationwide assault on the second shall not be infringed amendment as well as law-abiding gun owners across the nation.
- Friday, February 28, 2014

Zombies, the Apocalypse, and the Decline of the Republic

Apocalypticism has exploded in popularity and, while nuclear war and pandemics have always been a starting point, the concept of the Zombie Apocalypse trumps them all. The appeal and wild popularity of shows like The Walking Dead, movies like World War Z, and the slew of apocalyptic, gloom and doom series and specials on cable television continues to grow by leaps and bounds. But the reasons behind such interest are often subconscious at times and not fully understood.
- Friday, February 21, 2014

Conservative Principles and the Common Man

The raging, twenty-four-seven political debates that virtually consume social media, many news sites, and entire cable stations is mostly filled with cheap shots, one-liners, bumper sticker slogans, and the same tired, half-truth arguments.
- Monday, February 17, 2014

The Original, Right-Wing Extremist

One can reasonably presume how today’s Left would characterize and attack the person I am about to describe to you. Without a doubt, he would be characterized as some sort of dangerous, right-wing, tea-bagging, homophobic, Christian Neanderthal who should be maligned, attacked, marginalized, silenced, and driven from power.
- Tuesday, February 11, 2014

On The Right Side Of History?

Time and time again I have been accused of being on the "wrong side of history" when it comes to the arguments over abortion and, especially, to so-called gay marriage. This linguistic fad has exploded in use lately as if history itself is the sole arbitrator of what is right and true. It is the weapon of utter dismissiveness that is boldly and routinely wielded by the Left.
- Wednesday, February 5, 2014
