
Douglas V. Gibbs

Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary, has been featured on "Hannity" and "Fox and Friends" on Fox News Channel, and other television shows and networks. Doug is a Radio Host on KMET 1490-AM on Saturdays with his Constitution Radio program, as well as a longtime podcaster, conservative political activist, writer and commentator. Doug can be reached at douglasvgibbs [at] yahoo.com or constitutionspeaker [at] yahoo.com.

Most Recent Articles by Douglas V. Gibbs:

California's Sanctuary Treason

California's Sanctuary Treason In California, the City of Los Alamitos has declared that they refuse to abide by California's sanctuary status. Therefore, they have chosen to opt-out of California's sanctuary law (A.B. 54). Other cities, and Orange County, are hearing the call, and have decided to follow suit. California cities and counties not only have every right to opt-out of the State's ill-conceived and unconstitutional sanctuary State status, they are obligated by law to do so.
- Thursday, March 29, 2018

Omnibus versus Budget

Omnibus versus Budget First of all, when we talk about the Omnibus Bill that really shouldn't have been signed by President Trump, let's understand something - It was written by the establishment . . . Democrats and Republicans alike. Only the Tea Party Freedom Caucus stood against it. Trump had been putting sticks in the spokes of the establishment machine, and they finally became desperate, and presented the monstrosity of an omnibus bill (rather than a budget) with the timing and language that could not be responded to in any way without it being a disaster for Trump.
- Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Rally of Liberal Gun Control Pawns

Rally of Liberal Gun Control Pawns I am a firm believer that there is always more than what you see on the surface. I also believe that the road to hell is paved with the best of intentions. Sometimes the evil is in the motive behind what is going on, and sometimes the evil was not in the motive but the path something takes once it takes hold. What we must realize is that nothing is ever what it seems. What we see now may not necessarily be what it will be tomorrow. Therefore, careful attention must be paid in everything we do. The Founding Fathers realized this when they wrote the United States Constitution. They recognized the importance of our individual Natural Rights, and the danger of allowing the federal government any opportunity to infringe on our right to keep and bear arms.
- Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Jeff Sessions, Immigration, and California

Jeff Sessions, Immigration, and California A young man asked me, "I wanted to ask you a constitutional question regarding Attorney General Jeff Sessions' ability to sue California for protecting illegals with sanctuary status."
- Monday, March 12, 2018

Florida Students March to False Gun Message

Florida Students March to False Gun Message The shooting at a high school in Florida that left 17 dead has left students in America emotionally drained. They have witnessed the horror of gun violence, and they've been told by the public school system, media, and other sources that the only way to end such situations is through more gun control; and ultimately, the full confiscation of every gun in the country.
- Thursday, February 22, 2018

Unraveling an Eight Year Error

Unraveling an Eight Year Error I was skeptical of Donald Trump when he first emerged on the political scene during the 2016 Election Season. My wife, an immigrant from Mexico who naturalized in 2007 was a fan of Mr. Trump right out the gate, the moment he said the word, "Wall." She was brought to the United States when she was a baby.
- Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Kate Steinle: Politically Motivated Jury?

Kate Steinle: Politically Motivated Jury?We have created this culture, and now we have to live with it. We have allowed the liberal left to rip up the Constitution, and move us away from the rule of law. We now reside in a land governed by the rule of man, and truth, justice, and the American Way has been tossed out the window as a result.
- Sunday, December 3, 2017

Judging Roy Moore

Judging Roy Moore Can someone figure out who you are today by examining your actions from 39 years ago? I am not who I was 39 years ago, or 29 years ago, or 9 years ago. As human beings, we tend to learn, grow and mature.
- Friday, November 17, 2017

State Governors' Unconstitutional International Climate Change Deal

State Governors' Unconstitutional International Climate Change Deal Since the current White House disagrees with his liberal left philosophies, and his blind religiosity concerning the man-made climate change myth, California Governor Jerry Brown has decided to go over the head of the President of the United States in a manner some may consider seditious.
- Wednesday, November 15, 2017

California an Accomplice in Terrorism

In a discussion with Melissa Melendez, my assemblywoman in Sacramento, she pointed out to me that a Democrat colleague of hers (Reggie Jones-Sawyer of Los Angeles) actually stated that in California, they don't need to adhere to the U.S. Constitution. "We do it anyway."
- Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Judicial Victory for California Gas Tax Repeal

California RepublicanAssemblyman Travis Allenis a minority voice in the wilderness of liberal left Democrat Party domination. California's Democrats have gone into full socialism and "kill-the-golden-goose" mode since regaining a supermajority in California's State Legislature that essentially has rendered the Republican opposition moot and unable to stop any of the madness the Democrats have planned for the once golden State of California.
- Tuesday, September 26, 2017

St. Louis Protests Manifestation of Hegelian Dialectic

St. Louis, Missouri spent the evening in chaos. Mob violence. They called the gatherings a "protest," but protests are normally peaceable assemblies, not looting, fighting, breaking windows and the setting of fires.
- Sunday, September 17, 2017
