
National Precinct Alliance, power-struggle for control of the GOP

Old RNC vs. New GOP – Upholding the Constitution

The battle lines for the future of America’s conservative party have been drawn, though not all that clearly yet. It is the old RNC and their loyal guard, against the new GOP made up of constitutionally conservative activists across the country, currently moving into power precinct-by-precinct via operations like National Precinct Alliance (NPA).

A recent column in the Columbus Dispatch opened with these fearful pearls of wisdom – “A deeply involved Republican from northwestern Ohio called last week with a tip: The Tea Party is trying to take over the Ohio Republican Party Central Committee and, if successful, will oust state party Chairman Kevin DeWine. - If she's right and that happens, the Ohio GOP will die.” Dispatch Senior Editor Joe Hallett explains his concern – “The primary job of a party chairman is to raise the millions needed to pay rent, utilities and staff, support candidates and win elections. - If the Tea Party takes over the state party's governing board and installs one of its own as chairman, money likely would dry up.” Joe could be right… However, this is part of the fundamental problem with the old RNC as it stands, and in part, why there is a real need for a new GOP platform revival. The RNC has been wrongly loyal to the dollar instead of their core constituency. The RNC endorses whichever candidate brings the most money to the RNC table, instead of whichever candidate best represents the will of their constituents, and as a result, much of the old RNC funding dried up long before the first Tea Party event. The old RNC is on the ropes… not because of constitutional conservatives looking for constitutionally minded leaders, but because the RNC sold its conservative soul for the almighty dollar years ago and it is almost indistinguishable from the Democratic Socialists across the aisle today. For constitutionally conservative patriots, the GOP is either a conservative party or a party no longer of any use to American patriots. Our nation already has a global socialist party in the DNC. We don’t need two global socialist parties. We need a real alternative, not just a lesser evil option. In the four months since National Precinct Alliance burst onto the political scene, they have trained more than 60,000 citizens what a precinct chair is, how to get one and why you want one. This is exactly what the RNC of old is crying about, new energetic conservative blood in the tired old conservative party. “In most precincts across the country, we have been welcomed with open arms by folks that have had little luck in bringing new conservative blood into the local precincts in recent years.” – said NPA National Director Phil Glass “But in liberal strongholds, we have indeed met with resistance from old RNC committee folks who think they have to run liberal Republicans in order to compete with socialist Democrats in their areas.” - “In some cases, we have seen the old RNC leaders go so far as to break the law in efforts to keep new people out of their good-ole-boy clubs. But this has been a somewhat rare occurrence so far and we anticipated some of this…” – Glass said. “Tea party activists in Ohio are angry at the Ohio Republican Party, saying it is using its resources to keep them from winning seats on the state GOP's 66-member central committee in the May 4 primary.” – from an April 18th story at Cincinnati.com titled - Tea party activists call foul on GOP… Hallett puts a fine point on the matter – “DeWine's biggest challenge since taking over as [Ohio GOP] chairman 15 months ago has been to keep the party and its candidates in the mainstream, to avoid drifting too far right of Ohio's mostly centrist voters. The Tea Party isn't making that any easier for him.” Based upon all recent polling data concerning public dissent against the Obama Administration and the Democrat controlled congress, editorialists like Hallett may be making a huge mistake in referring to “Independent” voters as “centrist” voters. With more than 70% of Americans opposed to the leftist policies coming out of Washington DC today, convincing me that Independents are “centrist voters” is a tough sell. The Democrat controlled congress has set new records for low approval ratings and Obama’s approval ratings have almost flip-flopped since his inauguration only fourteen months ago. It isn’t just so-called “right-wing extremists” who oppose Obammunism… Most Americans believe that the nation is headed in the wrong direction and only 28% of voters say they trust anyone in Washington DC today. If that doesn’t spell out the need for REAL CHANGE, nothing does.

The battle for the future of America is currently being waged in a power-struggle for control of the GOP

Still, the old RNC power-brokers are struggling to retain control of the GOP and they don’t like their little cabal being “infiltrated” with new energetic conservative blood that threatens their personal positions of political power. The battle for the future of America is currently being waged in a power-struggle for control of the GOP. Whether talking party politics or national politics, the debate is the same, however. The people have but two choices, self-governance or tyrannical governance. Self-governance takes place at the local precincts, in a ground-up Representative Republic. If you want to self-govern, you have to do it at the precinct level. If you fail to self-govern at your local precinct, you will be governed by others. The future of the United States largely hangs in the balance of the ongoing struggle for “the people’s” control of the GOP. Before the people can regain control of the nation, they have to regain control of at least one of the two political parties. As is evidenced by every related poll, the GOP platform is more closely aligned with average American sentiments of individual freedom and liberty, smaller government and lower taxes, and it is also the party ripe for the taking at the moment. In the end, however, the people should control both political parties, for if they don’t, it is not a representative republic.

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JB Williams——

JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner.

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