
Stealing elections!

Democrat Voter Fraud is Far More Widespread Than You Think

imageLast week I wrote an article titled How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Primary that introduced the conservative community to the movie “We Will Not Be Silenced”, made by Democrat activist Gigi Gaston two years ago. Her video documented widespread voter fraud committed by Obama supporters during the 2008 Democratic primary election to secure the nomination for Obama over the popular vote winner Hillary Clinton. The story went viral and 24 hours later Fox News asked Gaston to appear on the Sunday morning program Fox and Friends. For the first time many Americans saw for themselves first hand accounts from Democrats who personally witnessed “the disenfranchising of American citizens by the Democratic Party and the Obama Campaign.”

As explained on the We Will Not Be Silenced website, “‘Change’ from Chicago encouraged and created an army to steal caucus packets, falsify documents, change results, allow unregistered people to vote, scare and intimidate Hillary supporters, stalk them, threaten them, lock them out of their polling places, silence their voices and stop their right to vote.” Because of the program and other recent events concerning voter intimidation, including the Black Panther incident in Philadelphia and testimony from J. Christian Adams on the Department of Justice’s unwillingness to pursue voter related crimes committed by African Americans, people around the country are finally waking up to the fact that Democrat voter fraud is a far, far bigger problem than anyone had ever realized. Some conservatives have mistakenly interpreted these events as only affecting Democratic primaries and aren’t concerned about the possibility of vote theft in a general election. But they would be wrong. While the voter fraud documented in Gaston’s film primarily involves Democratic caucuses, the bigger story here isn’t a single primary, but the bag of tricks that Democrats use to influence elections of all kinds. Earlier in the week Fox News ran a story showing how illegal votes by felons in Minnesota were enough for Democrat Al Franken to beat Republican candidate Norm Coleman and claim the Senate seat. Millions had voted in the Minnesota election, but at the end of the day all it took was 341 criminals to disenfranchise an entire state.

How to Steal an Election

What we are seeing is the transplantation of Chicago politics to communities throughout the nation that are completely unprepared for the level of fraud and intimidation that can be generated by thousands of unethical Democrats, including private citizens, local, state, and federal officials, and politicians, convinced that breaking the law is okay as long as the “right” candidate wins. On July 6, American Thinker published an article by Lee Cary about an interview with a Chicago political machine insider. It contained the following warning:
"In Chicago, the Precinct Captains watch to see who votes and who doesn't. Then, at the end of the day, others will cast votes for those who haven't shown up to vote, all under the direction of the Precinct Captain. If the actual voter shows up later, they're given someone else's card. The Republican poll watchers don't stop this. Hell, most of them are actually Democrats."
The Democrat Voter Fraud Playbook is as follows:
  1. ACORN registers the names, legitimate or not.
  2. Black Panther, SEIU and other “community organizer” groups intimidate people, especially minorities, from voting Republican.
  3. Voter lists remain unscrubbed of felons, dead people, and illegal immigrants.
  4. On Election Day, precinct workers submit any unused ballots for Democrat candidates.
  5. Democrat officials and politicians pretend like nothing happened.
It’s as easy as that to steal an election.

An Army of Republican Poll Watchers Will Be Needed this November

The voter fraud stories so far are just the tip of a very large iceberg. No one really knows the full extent of the problem and the Democratic Party is counting on Americans to shrug it off as just another conservative conspiracy theory. But take it from a lifelong Chicagoan, it’s not just Bosnia that needs election observers to keep voter fraud in check. The dropping of voter intimidation charges by Department of Justice political appointees against billy club wielding Black Panthers sends the message to the Democrat community that mass voter fraud can continue without fear of legal reprisal. Justice officials know full well that if they were to start digging around this Pandora’s Box of fraud, many influential Democratic organizations (especially ACORN) and politicians will be implicated. So they go straight to Step #5 from above and pretend like there’s nothing to see. While the problem may be substantial, there is one way Republicans can fight back: Keep a close eye on voting locations. Election fraud only works if citizens remain ignorant to the problem and unwilling to become involved in the voting process. Considering the importance of the upcoming November elections, an army of Republican poll watchers, especially in minority neighborhoods which are often treated like never ending vote generating machines by unscrupulous Democrat politicians, will be needed to prevent liberals from once again stuffing ballot boxes and gaming the system.

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Fred Dardick——

Fred Dardick got a BS in Biology at Boston University and MS in Biology at Stanford University before deciding that science bored him. He now runs a staffing company in Chicago where he is much happier now.
