
It appears a Civil War-level holocaust is already occurring in the black community

Racism and obama supporters

By Guest Column Jim Vanne——--November 12, 2012

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“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Martin Luther King, Jr. ‘The Democratic constituency is just like a herd of cows. All you have to do is lay out enough silage and they come running… all you have to do is make a lot of noise, lay out the hay, and be ready to use the ole cattle prod in case a few want to bolt the herd. ” Purportedly stated by James Carvillle, Democrat Political Consultant “When men cease to believe in God, they don’t believe in nothing, but anything.” Commonly attributed to G.K. Chesterton The American Civil War – which my ancestors fought, in some measure, to free fellow human beings from slavery – resulted in over one million dead and wounded. This out of a population of approximately 35 million people. By way of comparison to our present demographics, think ten million dead relative to today’s population. Of course, while slavery may arguably not have been the major cause of the war, and historians have a range of opinion as to the strength of the contribution of this specific issue to the war, suffice to say slavery was at least one of the causes of the war, which was, in turn, the result of a moral blot on the soul of the country. To put it baldly, racially based slavery, led to some form of judgment against the American polity of the 1800s. Slavery certainly violated everything from the tenets of the Constitution to the ethics of a Christian nation. We may reasonably conclude that racism in and of itself is intrinsically wrong – or to put it more plainly, a moral evil - and that there were repercussions for this egregious violation of fundamental human values.
Unfortunately, a “knee-jerk” racism still exists today. And while it is extant in all peoples as part of our fallen nature, I submit to you that racism is, today, most prevalent among African-Americans. Worse, just as racism in the early 1800s United States led to war, death and destruction, the thesis of this article is that the iniquitous racism of blacks today – particularly as evidenced by 93% of blacks voting for Obama in contravention of other often stated community beliefs that are purportedly higher in value, such as abortion, gay marriage, etc. - will lead to a similar judgment that white America experienced 150 years ago. And, as a matter of fact, black America is currently reaping the pain this very day of their own racism, in a number of ways. Let me illustrate for you. Bishop Earl Walker Jackson, Sr., an American pastor and graduate of Harvard Law School has perhaps put it best, saying about both Obama and the left “They have insulted us, used us, and manipulated us. They have saturated the black community with ridiculous lies. ‘Unless we support the Democrat Party, we will be returned to slavery.’ We will be robbed of voting rights. The Martin Luther Holiday will be repealed. They think we are stupid and that these lies will hold us captive, while they violate everything we believe as Christians. The Democrat Party has created an unholy alliance between, so-called, ‘civil rights leaders’ and Planned Parenthood, which has killed unborn black babies by the tens of millions. Planned Parenthood has been far more lethal to black lives than the KKK ever was (emphasis mine). The Democrat Party and their allies are partners in this genocide.”

Perhaps most tellingly, Obama was the only senator to not vote for the Born Alive Act (a law protecting those born after botched abortions) when an Illinois senator. What does pro-abortion Obama mean for blacks? Reports that New York now aborts of 60% of its black babies. In 2010, among NY blacks there were far more abortions than births, 38,574 to 26,635, or 60%. So for every 1,000 African-American babies born, 1,448 were aborted. And for black teens, the abortion rate was 5,956 abortions to 2,265 live births, or 72%. In other words, for every 1,000 African-American babies born to teens, 2,630 were aborted. Perhaps black voters ought to take to heart what the founder of Planned Parenthood – which is a very heavy supporter of Obama - Margaret Sanger said “Blacks, immigrants and indigents are "human weeds … who should never have been born.” And if you think Planned Parenthood’s attitude has really changed, I suggest you to do some serious further investigation – perhaps start with researching the New York story. As a matter of fact, according to our fellow black Americans make up 12% of the population, but comprise 35% of abortions, while a staggering 78% of Planned Parenthood clinics are in minority communities. “Yes we can” indeed. As if abortion of unborn black Americans – up to and including partial birth abortion - were not enough, Keith Riler notes in American Thinker that under Obama “Black families are faring worse than at any time in the last 25 years, with a 28-year high in black unemployment,” and an increase in black poverty. Black unemployment has ranged around 14 -16% during Obama’s tenure, and it is not getting better. Teen black unemployment is right around the 40% mark, and the number of children on food stamps is the highest it has been in over 30 years. . As of October, 2012, there were more than 46.7 million Americans - a disproportionate percentage of whom are minorities (and more than the populations of Canada, Poland, Spain, or Australia) - on food stamps. I submit to you that, as has been the case with every other socialist experiment since Robespierre, the politically connected cronies make out well (think Obama money bag man Jon Corzine), and the poor are even worse off. Black racism and the moral turpitude that results plays out in other areas. Ohio State Univ. law professor Dr. Michelle Alexander maintains that there are now more black men in jail than there were in chains in 1850. (), and GoodMenProject.com maintains there are more black men in prison than there were slaves pre-Civil War! Black illegitimate births are now 72.5% of all black births – with all the attendant psycho-social child destruction psychologist Ruth Dafoe Whitehead documented so well a decade ago in her highly regarded Atlantic article Dan Quayle Was Right More evidence? Riler notes chlamydia – which can render women sterile – occurs 7.5 times more in blacks than for whites. Who needs Planned Parenthood when people willingly engage in acts that sterilize themselves? It appears a Civil War-level holocaust is already occurring in the black community. And the reason is simple – race has trumped ethics and religious faith. As one simple example, as of this writing, Jesse Jackson Jr. was being investigated by the FBI for illegal usage of campaign funds, including purchasing a $40,000 Rolex watch for a female friend, yet won over 71% of the popular vote in urban Chicago. This winning percentage is almost as good as Kim Il Sung used to do in North Korea. It is beyond the scope of this paper, but worth noting, that there was virtually no outcry in Chicago when white Rahm Emmanuel was elected over two minorities for mayor. Why? Could it be that black voters are simply being manipulated, as Bishop Jackson notes above? But it gets even worse. If slavery is such the egregious evil it is, why would black Americans support a president who has turned Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries over to the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies? The Coptic community in Egypt, or other minorities across the Middle East, are now under the Muslim Brotherhoods diktats where they are regarded as “dhimmis” – legally second class citizens (and non-Jews or Christians who are not Muslim fare even worse under Sharia law – think Bahias being hung in Iran). Dhimmitude is essentially Jim Crow laws on steroids and crack cocaine. For African-Americans to support this great evil betrays the memory of their forebears who left their chains 150 years ago. Further reading on dhimmitude can be done in Egyptian Bat Ye’or’s book well researched book The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam. Of course, many thousands of black Africans in Libya were murdered during the recent revolution there, but this is a non-event to a group that has largely “drunk the Kool-Aide.” I draw this article to a close with MLK again: 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” And I submit to you that voting based on race, rather than a principled eye towards integrity, is an incredible injustice that will indeed boomerang back onto the black community – and indeed already is – very, very harshly. And a final note of encouragement to the 7% of African-Americans who did vote conscience over race, and who chose courage over cowardice – who are in the true line of Americans for freedom and integrity - from the Old Testament, the Lord says in 1 Kings 19:18 “Yet “I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.” To these few I say, may you prosper, and may you bring your light to a darkening America.

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