
We can’t afford to let our freedom continue to be eroded and replaced by a central authority that tells us what to do

Obamacare – removing voters from government decision-making

Once the federal government has all of us purchasing government-sanctioned health insurance, we’re only a short step away from government controlling every aspect of health care, where there is not even a semblance of free market capitalism, with it all being managed by the federal government.
But the only way the federal government can manage something so large is to get government out of the hands of the legislative branch and therefore out of the hands of we the people - those who elect our legislators. That is what happened with the passage of the un-Affordable Care Act, a law designed to deliberately confuse the terms “health care” and “health insurance.” It began the process of turning the health insurance industry into full-fledged socialistic health care. It's been a long time since American medical care has been a free market system. The creation of Medicare and Medicaid caused the free market process of establishing prices for medical services to begin to be replaced by the price lists that set the costs of medical services paid for by Medicare and Medicaid. Also, personal responsibility for controlling health care costs was largely delegated to health insurance companies and a lack of regulation of medical lawsuits led to inflated costs for medical care.

Then came Obamacare, or the un-Affordable Care Act. Obamacare was wholly a creation of a government bureaucracy separated from Congressional and citizen oversight, input, and approval. And the blame for this irresponsible law lies with the Democrats alone, since not one Republican voted for it. Before the House and the Senate voted on the un-Affordable Care Act, there was barely the means to read any of the bill, and no time to analyze it. So the only reason Democrats had to vote for it was because they were told by leadership to do it. They had to wholly abrogate their duties of representing their constituents and making decisions based on in-depth analysis. This is more like the method used by communist parties and the authoritarian regimes they have established. It shows us that the Constitution and its representative system of government is no longer necessary for the Democrats. Independent thinkers need not apply, just follow the orders from the top. The Democrat Party is completely sold out to the socialist agenda of our President and has no room for independent thought. And while there are those in the Republican Party who are simply vying for control of our ever-growing federal government bureaucracy, it still has a place for those who actually stand for traditional Republican principles of limited government, responsible spending, and free enterprise capitalism. Many of the rank and file Republicans still hold to the conservative principles that their party represents. Yet a strategy of electing more conservative Republicans may not be enough to stop the centralized big-government juggernaut. It is time we begin restoring the role of state governments in the federal process As I wrote about on August 28, 2013, Article V of the Constitution provides a means by which state legislatures can help keep the federal government in check: “...on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, [Congress] shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which...shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States or by Conventions in three fourths thereof...” Mark Levin, in his book The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic, explains it this way: “Article V expressly grants state legislatures significant authority to rebalance the constitutional structure for the purpose of restoring our founding principles should the federal government shed its limitations, abandon its original purpose, and grow too powerful, as many delegates in Philadelphia and the state conventions had worried it might.” And states’ legislators have been meeting to help bring about an Amendment Convention. South Carolina State Representative Bill Taylor gave this summary on Facebook Saturday, December 7 about a meeting held at Mt. Vernon, Virginia, for just this purpose:
“97 legislators from 32 states today gathered under the watchful eyes of George Washington for the historic Mt. Vernon Assembly. The goal -- to begin writing the rules for an Article V Convention of States so there is a legal and restrained process. It was a serious and deliberative meeting with a sense of urgency. Our founders gave us this Article V option just for a time like this when the federal government needs a course-correction. Looking down on us, they probably wonder why it took so long to use what they gave us.”
It is more important than ever that there begins to be greater citizen involvement in the governmental process. We can’t afford to let our freedom continue to be eroded and replaced by a central authority that tells us what to do. Let’s get busy, America, we’re running out of time.

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Rolf Yungclas——

Rolf Yungclas is a recently retired newspaper editor from southwest Kansas who has been speaking out on the issues of the day in newspapers and online for over 15 years
