
Dr. Ludwig de Braeckeleer

Ludwig De Braeckeleer has a Ph.D. in nuclear sciences. Ludwig teaches physics and international humanitarian law. He blogs on "The GaiaPost."

Older articles by Ludwig de Braeckeleer

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Ludwig de Braeckeleer:

PLO: Best hope is Palestinian mini-state

Part 128 – NOVEMBER 7 1988 ''We must have a realistic program and I say this in a loud voice; a program in which Israelis feel that we really wish to co-exist with them and that afterward the two people, Israelis and Palestinians, decide their future course.'' - Salah Khalaf, known as Abu Iyad, the No. 2 P.L.O. leader
- Saturday, November 8, 2008

US Rescue team betrayed by American double agent

Part 125 – NOVEMBER 4 1988 That George Bush has never condemned the arms-to-Iran deal as anything worse than a ''mistake'' hardly suggests that he has learned to be wary of covert action. As President, the greater possibility is that he will once again give his old comrades of the C.I.A. the green light for their secret, dangerous, often harebrained schemes. - New York Times, Nov. 4 1988
- Tuesday, November 4, 2008

PFLP-GC Tribunal Sentences Ramzi Diab to death

Part 124 – NOVEMBER 3 1988 I had the understanding that the BKA presumed that Ramzi could be, or was indeed, one of the men, or the man himself, who transported the explosive material of the type that exploded at Lockerbie. BKA Wittness German Hock
- Monday, November 3, 2008

FAA Alerts Airlines Regarding PFLP-GC Toshiba Bomb

Part 123 – NOVEMBER 2 1988 ''Where we have seen flexibility [from Moscow], it has come because the price of aggression was too high - because we supported the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan.'' - Presidential Candidate G. Bush, Speech in Fulton, Montana
- Sunday, November 2, 2008

SAPO arrests several PPSF members

Part 122 – NOVEMBER 1 1988 "Abu talb knows about the Pan Am flight 103 that crashed in Lockerbie and I think he was worried because he knew some of these persons [members of the PFLP-GC] who had been arrested in Germany and he was frightened in case one of them would give his name. [...] I think he was worried in case West German authorities would find out he had some knowledge of Pan Am 103." - Mahmoud Moghrabi, interview with Swedish Police
- Saturday, November 1, 2008

October Intelligence Summary

Part 121 – OCTOBER 31 1988 President Hashemi Rafsanjani has commissioned the bombing of the [Pan Am 103] jet in the summer of 1988, when he was the Speaker of Parliament. We know who did. From an intelligence point of view, the case is solved. - Vincent Cannistraro, Head of the CIA Counterterrorism Center, November 21st 1990 [1]
- Friday, October 31, 2008

FBI Special Agent Thomas Thurman

Part 120 – OCTOBER 30 1988 "No court is likely get to the truth [regarding the bombing of Pan Am 103], now that various intelligence agencies have had the opportunity to corrupt the evidence." - Oliver Miles, Former British Ambassador to Libya Thomas Thurman [1] worked for the FBI forensics laboratory in the late 80s and most of the 90s. Thurman has been publicly credited for identifying a tiny fragment as part of a MST_13 timer produced by the Swiss company Mebo.
- Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dr. Thomas Hayes - From Forensic expert to Chiropodist

Part 119 – OCTOBER 29, 1988 And yet he [Dr Thomas Hayes] seemed reluctant to tell the court why or when he'd retired to start a new career as a chiropodist. When did he start work at Fort Halstead? In July 1974. And when did he leave? "The exact date of my leaving is a little circumspect, but I believe it was in 1990." He actually retired in 1989, a year that for him may have been circumspect, but was, in relation to our trial, most significant. - Dr Jim Swire and Peter Biddulph, Extract from their forthcoming book: The people who moved the world.
- Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A note on the timers of the PFLP-GC Bombs

Part 118 – OCTOBER 28, 1988 Privately, however, Hayes believes that the Lockerbie bomb was indeed a dual device, triggered by a barometric swich once the plane reached a certain altitude… - On the trail of terror, David Leppard
- Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The fifth device

Part 117 – OCTOBER 27 1988 Q: And in any event, what it comes to is that we see in this photograph a picture of an RT-F423, and it was a picture the same as that that Mr. Khreesat identified in describing the fifth device? A: Yes, that's an RT-F423. From an Interview of Khresat by FBI agent Edward Marshman, Nov. 1989
- Monday, October 27, 2008

BKA rounds up 16 members of the PFLP-GC

Part 116 – OCTOBER 26 1988 Following the arrest of Dalkamoni and others […], it is possible to conclude that at least the core of the cell structure has been removed. It is not possible to say that all persons involved in the terrorist activities had been arrested. - BKA Report, Oct. 1988
- Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jibril OK the bombing of Iberia 888

Part 115 – OCTOBER 25 1988 'Dalkamoni is aware that Semtex is odourless.' BKA Report, Oct. 1988 On 25th October 1988, Imad Adel Hazzouri, former director of Miska Bakery, Malta, is flying to Frankfurt Airport.
- Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dalkamoni moves the fifth bomb to Frankfurt

Part 114 – OCTOBER 24 1988 "My only further thought from the period is that Colonel Gadafy's Libya in the 80s was a friendless whipping boy for US anger, impotence and frustration about the Arab world. […] Syria, far guiltier of anti-American actions, as I recall, was treated more leniently for reasons of state…" - Michael White's politics blog on The Guardian's website [1], Oct. 28 2008
- Saturday, October 25, 2008

Khreesat wires the fifth IED

Part 113 – OCTOBER 23 1988 "The fact that the Iraqi government either executed Abu Nidal or forced him to commit suicide suggests they had discovered he was an American spy." - Former Labour MP Tam Dalyell and Edinburgh law professor Robert Black, Joint statement, Oct. 26 2008
- Friday, October 24, 2008

Abu Elias arrives in Germany

Part 112 – OCTOBER 22 1988 "It is not a bad guess to say that Abu Elias has played a role in the bombing of Pan Am 103." - A Western Intelligence Official
- Thursday, October 23, 2008

Letter from Dr. Swire

Part 111 – OCTOBER 21, 1988 In the following letter published today in the Herald, Dr Jim Swire reflects on the last episode of the never ending Lockerbie tragedy in which 270 innocent people lost their lives.
- Wednesday, October 22, 2008

28 Sandweg -Frankfurt

Part 110 – OCTOBER 20, 1988 "The Americans will never, ever find out how we did it." Ahemed Jibril, Champagne party held at the PFLP-GC Damascus office Aftermath of the Pan Am 103 bombing On Oct. 20, Dalkamoni returns to Frankfurt to meet Fattah Ghadanfar, who goes by the alias of Masoud.
- Monday, October 20, 2008

Dalkamoni: Everything will be ready in a couple days

Part 109 – OCTOBER 19 1988 Besides bringing about 2.5 kg of explosive from Frankfurt, Dalkamoni also brought to Hashem Abassi flat at 16 Isarstrasse in Neuss four electrical blasting caps as well as four timers. He also brought some tools from Masoud's place.
- Sunday, October 19, 2008
