
Cliff Kincaid

Cliff Kincaid is president of America's Survival, Inc. usasurvival.org. Older articles by Cliff Kincaid

Most Recent Articles by Cliff Kincaid:

Obama's Rainbow Conspiracy for a One-Party State

Obama's Rainbow Conspiracy for a One-Party State The unfolding civil war in America is a "Rainbow Conspiracy" of immigrants, Islamists, stoners, and New Agers to overwhelm the conservative coalition, take Congress in 2018, and impeach President Trump. Equally shocking, Colorado's pro-pot RINO Senator Cory Gardner is refusing to support conservative candidates through the National Republican Senatorial Committee. This is a repeat of the Rainbow Nation South African strategy of forcing whites to flee or die.
- Saturday, June 30, 2018

Obama Smells Blood in Trump Reversal on Immigration

Obama Smells Blood in Trump Reversal on Immigration The only way to bring down a modern capitalist state like America is by orchestrating conflict and the disintegration of society. That's accomplished through invasion and/or subversion
- Sunday, June 24, 2018

General Mattis Stages a Transgender Coup

General Mattis Stages a Transgender Coup Conservative activist Eugene Delgaudio tells a story of meeting Donald J. Trump and confronting him about his liberal past. Trump assured Delgaudio he has repudiated his past. But the old Trump was on display on Wednesday, when President Trump embraced Democratic Party gun control measures and insulted Republicans as tools of the NRA. Trump actually endorsed taking guns away from people before judging their fitness to carry a gun. "Take the guns first, go through due process second," Trump said. His proposal was totalitarian.
- Saturday, March 3, 2018

The "New" Conservatives: Pro-Gay, Pro-Pot, Pro-Russia

The New Conservatives: Pro-Gay, Pro-Pot, Pro-Russia Ronald Reagan would be rolling over in his grave if he knew what the leadership of the American Conservative Union (ACU) was doing to the conservative movement. The ACU, which sponsors the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), has destroyed one leg of Reagan's "three-legged stool" approach to conservatism, and has greatly undermined another.
- Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Search for a Russian Mole

The Search for a Russian Mole Will the investigation of anti-Trump bias in the FBI turn into something even more ominous? Consider the well-established fact that President Barack Hussein Obama, using a pseudonym, knowingly exchanged emails with Hillary on her private unsecure server. He then lied about it. That’s why Hillary was spared. The FBI spared her to protect him.
- Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Reversing the Damage Done by Chairman Barack

Reversing the Damage Done by Chairman BarackFriday's March for Life, 45 years after the Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand, demonstrates how difficult it is to reverse the effects of evil decisions and policies. The fact that complete victory is not immediately at hand does not cause true believers to give up the fight. That's why thousands will turn out for the 45th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
- Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Who Wrote the Roy Moore Dossier?

Who Wrote the Roy Moore Dossier? The so-called Trump Dossier, financed by the Hillary campaign and provided by the KGB through a former British intelligence agent, has fizzled out. It has been supplanted by the Moore Dossier, concocted by Washington Post reporters working for their billionaire owner, P.T Barnum-like Jeff Bezos.
- Thursday, November 16, 2017

Trump is the Next Target after Roy Moore

Trump is the Next Target after Roy Moore There’s a reason why President Trump says that the fate of Senate candidate Roy Moore will depend on whether the charges against him are proven to be true. Trump knows that if they get rid of Moore, using charges that obviously cannot be proven, he’s their next target. Sex-gate will follow Russia-gate. In this atmosphere, women charging sexual harassment are easy to find, even if their charges cannot be proven. The men are assumed to be guilty as charged.
- Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Real Russian Agent and His Tricks

The Real Russian Agent and His Tricks As he opens his Obama summit with Prince Harry today, the former president of the United States must be laughing himself silly. The Obama name is being put on schools, streets, and highways across the United States, while President Trump and his former opponent, Hillary Clinton, are fighting off charges from the left and right of being Russian agents. Barack Hussein Obama must think he’s looking quite good by comparison.
- Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Open a Criminal Investigation of Barack Hussein Obama

It’s suddenly big news that there are perverts in Hollywood. The really big news is that former President Barack Hussein Obama’s communist and terrorist-support network remains a state secret. Attorney General Jeff Sessions won’t touch it.
- Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Destroying Whitey in Obama's New World Order

A book by an associate of Barack Hussein Obama had predicted a "permanent progressive governing coalition" would be solidified by the presidential election of 2016. But the prediction in the book Brown is the New White ran into the reality of a Donald J. Trump victory.
- Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Was Vegas an FBI Sting Gone Bad?

Why is there no motive for the Vegas massacre? Why did Stephen Paddock have a secret life? It is terrible to contemplate, but the possibility that Stephen Paddock was an undercover federal operative or informant cannot be ruled out. He may have been either set up or used by ISIS and/or a federal agency in a scheme that backfired.
- Sunday, October 8, 2017

Is the Headquarters of the Deep State in Moscow?

A reporter from Bloomberg called the other day about complaints that television producer Jerry Kenney and I had made years ago regarding the operations of Moscow-funded Russia Today (RT) television.
- Friday, September 29, 2017

Let’s Be Honest: Trump’s U.N. Speech Was a Disaster

President Trump in his U.N. speech failed to mention that Russia and China are responsible for North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. What’s worse, Trump actually thanked Russia and China for helping to somehow restrain North Korea through the ineffective United Nations.
- Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Exposing the Traitors in the Deep State

The comical publication the Onion ran a special volume, Homeland Insecurity, with the headline, "Run for Your Lives." I thought of that in the wake of the decision by hard-liners Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka to voluntarily leave the White House rather than continue to fight for rational pro-American policies in the Trump Administration against what has been called the Deep State.
- Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Obama is Back and He’s Not Leaving

President Trump has made a deal with Democrats over the debt ceiling and disaster aid. And he’s apparently promised to make a deal to legalize the illegal aliens covered by DACA.
- Monday, September 11, 2017

Roku is the Answer to Media Bias

Since AIM founder Reed Irvine hired me out of college in 1978, amazing changes have taken place in the media landscape. Reed’s penetrating analysis of liberal media bias encouraged the search for alternatives. People became skeptical of what was piped into their homes. The days when world government advocate and anti-defense liberal Walter Cronkite was the most trusted man in America faded fast.
- Friday, June 30, 2017
