
Dr. Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth Just Who is this Annie Oakley of the airwaves?

Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in counseling and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, is happily married and currently resides in Washington State. She is a singer/songwriter with five CD albums to her credit.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Laurie Roth:

Trump wins huge - It is a miracle what ‘useless deplorables’ and God can do

The largest branch of Government who had been locked out of the building for years and forced to stand outside in the cold and freezing rain has spoken. No longer were Americans going to look the other way, suck it up, believe the smooth – lipstick smiling lies and deal with more insults pain and danger. We were going to take our Government and lives back. We did it on Election Day and in spades. Let the tears flow but they won’t be ours.
- Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Be a bold part of Donald Trump becoming our 45th President

Be a part of America's power and healing machine that finally crushes the evil - anti God and anti America Clinton cartel. Be a bold part with your vote of HEALING AND RESTORING AMERICA - Her opportunities - Judeo-Christian values - National Security - Opportunities for all
- Monday, November 7, 2016

Will Hillary finally start paying for her collection of crimes and sell outs?

In a little under a week we have the most important election of all times. Americans have been forced to endure and watch the unbelievable, suspenseful and horrifying Hillary tale unfold - topping any reality TV show ever. America has been watching – ‘Hillary – Corruption Island’…and just when you think you have seen the huge, dramatic conclusion to the episode, there is much more.
- Tuesday, November 1, 2016

It is Trump’s duty to question the election results

Trump has taken massive heat from the media, establishment and Hillary’s cartel at the mere suggestion that he might question the election results if things looked questionable. He is painted as extreme, dictatorial, void of any real Presidential demeanor to even suggest that he may question the results - evil and dangerous Trump.
- Friday, October 28, 2016

F - for GOP Establishment and Hillary ‘American missing assignments’

Forget GOP and Democrat this time. There is only one American assignment given to those running for President on Nov 8th and it is indeed pass or fail. Serve America and her citizens – Protect her safety, economy, Judeo-Christian values, opportunities for all and freedoms or not. One candidate has continuously failed on all these levels over and over throughout her 30-year, money and power-hoarding career.
- Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Trump will give the knock out punch on election day

The battle lines have been drawn and many are scared about there even being a fair election due to all the revelations out there of funded and organized voter fraud. Then there is all the organized violence at the Trump rallies, all linked back to the DNC and Hillary campaign. Fraud, threats and low ball tactics are everywhere this election cycle. It is like a crime family amusement park of terror rides.
- Monday, October 24, 2016

3rd Debate - Smooth – smiling Hillary appeared paranoid – arrogant – conspiratorial

Trump soared, stayed mostly on focus, responded to Hillary’s endless low ball attacks with gut punches that worked again and again. Trump shared lots of details regarding his vision for health care, the economy, and jobs, dealing with the Middle East and ISIS, the Supreme Court, 2nd amendment, right to life, on and on. Fox moderator Chris Wallace asked the loaded questions that truly painted Trump and Hillary worlds apart. If anyone was confused as to where both candidates stood before last night, they shouldn’t be now.
- Thursday, October 20, 2016

Christians listen up – No staying home this time – Show up and vote for Trump

Trump is America’s man – God’s man – the people’s man – women’s man – minority’s and inner city’s man. Trump is the man. Forget the dribbling speech of sell out criminal Hillary Clinton desperately trying to get her small crowds to get excited about being the first woman President - ‘Isn’t it time for there to be a first woman president?”
- Sunday, October 16, 2016

Hillary is digging to China to try and find dirt on Trump

If only Hillary can make America believe Trump hates women, is bad for children, is racist to minorities and would be dictatorial as President, she would win. Thus, her controlled media slaves continue to dig into Trump’s involvements and past hoping to find ‘hate’ ‘immoral or racist’ statements.
- Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Beck does not stand for God - morals or the U.S.

There is no worse hypocrisy and evil then for a high profile person like Glenn Beck to play the ‘pious’ owner of moral high ground, and courageous – stand alone Christian card. Beck is announcing that he will not vote for Trump and would rather have Hillary as President. These days he is practically her campaign manager. Beck has encouraged and campaigned for all his dwindling listeners and viewers to join him on his moral and Christian high ground island surrounded by ‘never Trumper sharks’ by not voting for Trump and even voting for Hillary. Let’s have a moment of silence as we breathe in the Beck enlightenment.
- Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Trump clearly won Debate 2 - He crushed PC and brought it to Hillary

There is simply no way Trump could win debate number 2 and frankly the White House until he confronted Hillary with the obvious and neon truth of her corruption, crimes, lies and deception. I thank God Trump brought it and then some during debate #2.
- Monday, October 10, 2016

Trump shows humility regarding video: “I said it and it was wrong”

By now many of us have heard the 11-year-old video – ‘hot mic’ moment Trump had talking gutter talk about sex and women. It was obviously ego and lust driven and wrong. Naturally, everyone and their dogs have come to the party on this. Some on the Republican side but most on the Hillary side who are thinking this is the October surprise and election blow that will crush Donald Trump. Now everyone will know he really devalues women and is an ego driven fiend. Hillary will run in to save the nation, or is that really the case?
- Sunday, October 9, 2016

Trump will win debate 2 and 3, then take the White House

He must continue to focus on what America wants, needs and what he will boldly provide that Hillary won’t. He should ask what the audience wants and feels. Do Americans feel safer now then they did 8 years ago? Do they feel more secure financially and have the job they want? Do they feel like Obama and Hillary have protected them. Have they defined and taken on ISIS and radical Islam or ignored and empowered them with PC talk while people have died from California to Florida. Do Americans want unvetted Islamic masses being imported through out America? Hillary proudly plans on this.
- Thursday, October 6, 2016

VP Tim Kaine was in perfect form at the VP debate

At the VP debate things were even better than I had hoped for regarding former Governor Tim Kaine. He won in all the big ways for all of us freedom loving Americans. Thank you, Kaine for showing us who you and Hillary really are...again.
- Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Get ready – God will have mercy on America this election and make her God’s light on a hill again

How many commentators and Christian types in print and media do I know that say America is done? We are lectured that we are evil Babylon and are getting what is coming to us – judgment. In fact, the words of many that roll out of their pious mouths is nothing but evil curses on America and her people. They don’t really pray and stand in the gap for a struggling and suffering America, praying for mercy, God’s grace and protection. They arrogantly pray for God’s judgment and look for a way out. They are the false flame throwers who grieve the heart of God and throw only curses back on themselves as they sew unbelief and spread it far and wide.
- Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Refuse to let Internet out of our control continue to stand

Obama is a freedom slicing, dicing and crushing machine – so is his mirror sell out Hillary Clinton. Obama’s latest America hating, UN Constitutional and criminal act was to give over our historic control of the Internet which was given birth in America, to the United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Hillary is also for this and this alone should cause all Americans, liberal, conservative, of all nationalities and persuasions to never consider voting for her.
- Monday, October 3, 2016

The trick is up – Forget sleight of hand Hillary

This is war and is the worldview clash of the century with Clinton and Trump. Never forget this as you peer through the magic looking glass for debate 2 and 3 and see the smooth and lipstick laden Hillary doing what she does in her magic show. She distracts, she plays pretend with ‘fact checks’ attacking Trump with disjointed assaults that don’t exist in any real and fair context. She lies, cheats and steals as she arrogantly smiles away with bright red lipstick smeared on her teeth. She is no ‘first woman’ anything but rather the last woman on earth any one of us should want in the White House running anything.
- Friday, September 30, 2016

Smear – Lie – Assault Hillary – worthless ‘middle class’ savior for America

Contrived and coached Hillary’s game on the first debate was to appear collected and together, with apparently, way to much bright red lipstick, while throwing ‘racist’ bombs regarding old lawsuits against Trump. The old lawsuit she brought up was deceitfully used to paint him a racist. Never mind the lawsuit had gathered up many companies and Trump in his innocence ended up paying zero.
- Tuesday, September 27, 2016

No matter what happens this election – This is not the end

‘Know it all’ commentators and those with compromised faith make sure during this election cycle we all know that terror is everywhere. We are told that if Hillary wins this election, America is over. Others say if Trump gets in it will be the reincarnation of Hitler and yes - we are over. Many others say that America is under the judgment of God and there is nothing left to save…and we are already over. The finality is that ‘this is our last chance’ if Trump doesn’t win we are over. God is simply done with us. Doesn’t that just make you want to host a party?
- Thursday, September 22, 2016

America needs guts and belief in the White House – not Hillary’s political temperament and sell outs

In the final weeks of this history making election cycle, we hear the build up of name calling and assaults on Trump. They are growing to a loud, shrieking crescendo. The big assault from Hillary and her sell out supporters, which include the Bush family, Glenn Beck and others, is to say Trump doesn’t have the ‘temperament’ to be President. We are told non stop that he is dictatorial, Hitler like, racist, anti Gay, anti immigrant…anti everything that is good for America.
- Tuesday, September 20, 2016
