
Joan Swirsky

Joan Swirsky is an award winning author and journalist. Her work can be found at joanswirsky.com

Most Recent Articles by Joan Swirsky:

Only Donald Trump Can Counter the Coup D'état of 2008

Of the 16 "establishment" candidates the non-politician businessman Mr. Trump defeated to become the presumptive Republican presidential nominee of 2016, he, more than any of his former rivals, seems unabashedly patriotic, a man who appreciates, takes pride in, and feels deeply about America's illustrious (and complicated) history. That history includes:
- Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Sane Jews Do Not Vote for Hillary

At the beginning of January 2016, an organization called NORPAC--a lobby whose mission is to support candidates and sitting members of Congress "who demonstrate a genuine commitment to the strength, security, and survival of Israel"--invited its members to "an exclusive and intimate" cocktail reception for Hillary Clinton for people willing to pay $2,700 per individual or $5,400 per couple.
- Monday, April 18, 2016

#ChicagoThugs, #PatheticInChicago, #ChicagoFailure

Who can forget the clueless thugs protesting last May in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, holding up their brand new shiny placards––mmmm, where did those pricey things come from?––and expressing rage at….what?
  • Not at the lack of esteem they believed white America owed to the black-lives-matter movement.
  • Not at the shooting a year earlier of Michael Brown (for which police officer Darren Wilson was exonerated by a Grand Jury) or the phony “hands-up/don’t shoot” mantra.
  • Not at the devastating fact that under Barack Obama the unemployment figures for African-Americans were––and remain––at record sky-high levels. According to Larry Elder at Townhall.com, “By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama…in some cases, far worse off.”
  • Not at the tragic fact that black-on-black crime was––and remains––the single biggest killer in the black community (other than abortion).
- Saturday, March 12, 2016

"An Overthrow of the Government"

Sure enough, presidential candidate Donald J. Trump racked up impressive statistics in his Fox News debate tonight, effectively trouncing the competition that included Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
- Saturday, March 5, 2016

Why a Rock-Ribbed Conservative Like Me Supports Donald Trump 100%

I'm watching the fierce South Carolina primary contest among the six remaining candidates for POTUS and a few things strike me as astounding. The first is that all the seasoned politicians on stage--Governors Bush and Kasich, Senators Cruz and Rubio--have been relegated to straggler status by the non-politician in the race, billionaire businessman Donald Trump. (Dr. Ben Carson, the other non-politician, is hanging in there but not lighting any fires).
- Friday, February 19, 2016

That Voice

So many issues, so little time, which is why I am studiously avoiding any issues about Hillary other than that voice!
- Sunday, February 7, 2016

Oh, How the Mighty Megyn Has Fallen

Most people, including me, know that Megyn Kelly is not only gorgeous, but also smart, sassy, incisive in her interviews, and also genuinely funny. But the interview she conducted Wednesday night, August 26, with Jorge Ramos was disgraceful––the kind of toadying and biased interrogation that should be Exhibit #1 in journalism schools across the country about how not to be a legitimate journalist.
- Friday, August 28, 2015

Et Tu, Schu?

“Schumer is not a Shomer” were the words emblazoned on dozens of placards that were held by some of the 12,000 people who flooded Times Square last week to protest the “Death to America/Death to Israel” deal that Barack Obama and his cronies made on July 14th with––to this day, to this hour––a palpably belligerent, anti-Western, anti-Semitic Iran.
- Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Trump Card

A sure-fire way of assessing the threat that leftists feel toward any challenge to their nonsensical narratives and preposterous policies is to measure the long knives and "important" people they drag out to slam the competition. Whether it's the leftwing JournoList cabal of 400 so-called journalists and academics who in 2007 colluded to launch relentless character assassinations against every person who challenged Barack Obama about anything, or the obsessive sexist attacks and slander leveled in 2008 against Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin, or, more dramatically, the strange death of Obama critic Andrew Breitbart, the bleeding-heart left has zero tolerance for opposing opinions and those who express them.
- Sunday, June 21, 2015

Looking for Answers to the Autism Epidemic in All the Wrong Places

Just last week, on March 24, 2014, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta (CDC) released its latest data on autism. After surveying medical and school records from 11 states, the CDC found that autism has more than doubled since the new century began only 14 years ago. Today the condition affects one out of 68 children--five times as many boys as girls. Alarmingly, there was a 30 percent climb in its incidence between 2008 and 2010.
- Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Kindness of Strangers

When Sandy hit, my husband Steve and daughter Karen and I spent day after day after day freezing in our ordinarily-cozy home, unable even to leave the premises, as police tape cordoned off every means of egress to protect all the shivering residents of our block from the massive trees that had blown over like toothpicks and the downed wires that were strewn all over the place like spaghetti gone wild.
- Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jews and Obama—Pride and Prejudice

In the 1940s, when the Jews in America woke up to the unspeakable horror that their very own relatives or fellow-Jews in Germany, Poland, Vichy France and all over Europe were being savagely, grotesquely, sadistically murdered by Hitler, aided and gleefully abetted by the Muslim Brotherhood...sound familiar?, and that--worse to them--their hero FDR knew about Hitler's slaughtering rampage but failed to take a moment from puffing tobacco through his pretentious cigarette holder to save them, they went into a period of sustained mourning.
- Saturday, September 29, 2012

Paul “Lincolnesque” Ryan

The other day on the Drudge Report I saw a picture of the actor Daniel Day-Lewis in full Abraham Lincoln mode for his upcoming movie about America's 16th president. The portrait was of a wizened Lincoln, stately but prematurely aged--no doubt from the great toll the Civil War had taken on him and his knowledge of what lay ahead, including the Executive Order he issued on January 1, 1863--the epic and country-changing Emancipation Proclamation--which freed the slaves in the 10 states that were then in active rebellion. As we know, Lincoln was assassinated in April 1865 and slavery was subsequently made illegal everywhere in the U.S. by the Thirteenth Amendment, which took effect in December of that year.
- Saturday, August 11, 2012

Bad Mommy

In 1960, as a young wife living with my husband on his Ivy League campus, I had a front-row seat when the Feminist Movement made its debut. I was doing nothing, according to Obama mouthpiece, Hilary Rosen, because, after all, caring for our infant son, taking care of our home, and supporting the efforts of my equally hard-working husband, Steve, was--ala Rosen's characterization of worthy activity--the very definition of sloth.
- Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obama—The Most Happy Fella’

Over the past almost-three years, I've had to laugh--in contempt--when the so-called intelligentsia have shaken their collective heads in bewilderment and seeming incomprehension as they've watched Obama and his essentially Communist regime plunge our nation into:
- Monday, September 12, 2011

Obama’s Malignant Obsession with Jews and Israel

Jew hatred comes in many forms, all of them irrational and unsupported by empirical fact, but all of them powerful and largely effective in deflecting personal and political failures onto a tiny people which by their mere existence highlight the glaring deficiencies that exist in their adversaries. Like a deadly systemic infection, be it viral or bacterial, Jew hatred comes in many strains.
- Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Itch That’s Destroying America

It's a funny thing about itches...the more you scratch, the more you itch. This is because scratching floods your system with histamine, which causes--itching! Oh, you can get rid of the itching with an over-the-counter medication or go to the doctor for something stronger. But people with chronic itching conditions inevitably start to believe in Hell and that itching is among the worst punishments on earth.
- Friday, March 11, 2011

Guts & Gonads Make Rudy the Only Choice in 2012

If you visit any online or neighborhood bookstore, you will see dozens of books about leadership, all of them--except Rudy Giuliani's Leadership--written by corporate or policy wonks who wrote their treatises based more on high-falutin' theory than on "real life" experience.
- Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mourning in America

imageOur entire country, indeed the world, mourns the victims of the savage attack in Tucson that left six dead, including an esteemed federal judge and beautiful nine-year-old Christina Taylor Green; 14 seriously wounded; and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords fighting for her life after a bullet from the gun of her crazed killer and apparent stalker Jared Loughner entered and then exited her brain. While millions of words have been written about this unspeakable tragedy, I write here of another mourning, specifically the agony of the left at having irrevocably lost the American public, and with that loss their grandiose ambitions of turning our Democratic Republic into a Communist stronghold.
- Saturday, January 22, 2011
