
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Ileana Writes is a freelance writer, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Her books, “Echoes of Communism", "Liberty on Life Support" and "U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy," "Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later" are available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh:

Rep. Frank Wolf Passionate about Benghazi

Rep. Frank Wolf (10th district of VA) gave a 30-minute speech last night to a packed crowd of Tea Party patriots in Fair Lakes, Va. He addressed primarily the issues of Benghazi, with references to the Republicans stance on defunding Obamacare, taking questions afterwards.
- Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Are Republicans Representing Their Constituents?

The Republican Party, in its quest to better represent its constituency, has launched a questionnaire to feel the pulse of the voters by asking specific questions in order to streamline their message. The message is always very important, the actual implementation of goals depends on the elected representatives and senators and the powerful lobby in Washington. The GOP wants to know if “Americans support efforts to reform entitlements, cut spending, and put our nation on track to a balanced federal budget without raising taxes.” Judging by the anemic economy, the weak and statistically manipulated GDP, the high unemployment rate, the huge welfare rolls, the alarming part-time labor force, the answer is yes.
- Monday, August 5, 2013

Detroit’s Failure, a Product of Liberalism and Greed

“The last thing Detroit needs is a bailout. What it needs is to sweep away a city charter that protects only bureaucrats, civil-service rules that straightjacket municipal departments, and obsolete union contracts. A bailout would just keep the dysfunction in place. Time to start over.” -- Bill Nojay, Former COO of Detroit’s Department of Transportation
- Friday, August 2, 2013

Harriet’s Fictional America Post Agenda 21

I spent endless hours, days, weeks, and months researching and reading U.N. Agenda 21 documents and statements by its architects and advocates. I watched countless hours of conference videos and documentaries made and narrated by elites pushing global communism under the aegis of environmentalism, pretending to save the planet from manufactured man-made destruction.
- Tuesday, July 30, 2013

“Volunteer” Forced Student Labor

As we loaded the bus, there was standing room only. There were no seats on the open truck, just sides to protect the cargo from toppling over. The only reason we didn’t fall over is that we were packed like sardines. When the moving truck hit a pothole, and there were many of those along the way, the entire mass of humanity swayed back and forth, leaning a lot of weight on each other and squashing momentarily those along the edges. There was nothing to hang on to, so we clung to each other for dear life. The dust swirled around, choking us, mixed in with the Diesel exhaust fumes. Once we left the city, nothing was paved. We were only going about 9 miles, however, under those conditions, it felt like 90 miles.
- Saturday, July 27, 2013

Common Core Teaches Community Organizing for the Collective

Do we still teach in public schools our common culture, common identity, common true history, or values such as hard work, charity, morals, virtue, and the rule of law? With the exception of home schooling and a few private schools, the answer is no. We do teach secular education, “green” environmentalism, the new religion of Mother Earth, and now Common Core Education.
- Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dental Floss and Castro Care

The economy is not experiencing scarcity yet but I did notice lately that the range of choices for various goods has diminished. It has been three months or longer since my favorite dental floss and toothpaste have been missing on store shelves. They finally reappeared recently, to disappear again, an obvious sign of manufacturing shortage. This prompted me to check out the new sonic care air flossing gadget. The price alone could buy 40-80 rolls of floss, not to mention the need of electricity to make it work.
- Monday, July 22, 2013

Lauren’s Success and the Failure of Common Core

Lauren was really proud of her accomplishments. She belonged to the baby boom generation who had experienced hardship. She valued land and working with her hands. Every extra dime she saved, she invested in agricultural and forested land. When she won a coveted $25,000 award in the early 1990s, she bought more pasture land.
- Sunday, July 21, 2013

How to Lose Weight in 21 Days, Naked and Afraid

You don’t have to back away from the table, you don’t have to exercise, all you have to do is agree to appear naked on camera, “survive” 21 days in a remote location such as an uninhabited tropical island paradise, a jungle, or an African country with inhospitable terrain to city folk, fend for your own meals, water, and shelter, while trying to stay away from major predators, sun burn, sun strokes, bugs, snakes, crocs, caimans, scorpions, lions, hyenas, water-borne diseases, and other creepy crawlers.
- Saturday, July 20, 2013

Breathtaking Natural Bridge

“So beautiful an arch, so elevated, so light, and springing as it were up to heaven, the rapture of the spectator is really indescribable. It is the most sublime of Nature’s works.”- Thomas Jefferson, Note on the State of Virginia Walking down 147 steps along a tiny creek cascading gradually to a larger bed, huge rocks surround us on both sides. I wondered in anticipation, where is this Natural Wonder? And suddenly, the view opens and a grey mammoth arch covered with lush green vegetation rises out of the wet and moss-covered rock. Rivulets of water flow on all sides of the limestone, constantly carving.
- Thursday, July 18, 2013

Broken Immigration or Broken Laws That Are not Enforced?

Americans are bombarded daily by radio and television ads and politicians of both stripes, repeating at nauseam, “Our immigration system is broken.” What exactly is broken? The fence and the laws are broken? What is broken about the system?
- Monday, July 15, 2013

Liberal Doom and Gloom 90 Years Ago

If you told me in 1922 that global warming was going to drown the planet because of melting icebergs, or that “at many points well-known glaciers have entirely disappeared,” replaced by moraines of earth and stones, or that seals vanished, I might have believed you.
- Friday, July 12, 2013

Traditional Marriage and Equal Rights

The institution of marriage has worked well over the centuries in spite of challenges. Marriage is never easy, it is not just about love and companionship, and it is an obligation and a covenant. Pope Francis declared the definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
- Monday, July 8, 2013

How Much Do You Like Your Electricity?

“I pledge allegiance to the Earth and all its sacred parts. Its water, land, and living things and all its human hearts.” -Global Education Associates, The Earth Pledge If you like your electricity, refrigeration, and air conditioning, you should pay careful attention. Most readers are by now familiar with Smart Meters that read electricity, gas, and water consumption from a remote location.
- Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Stars and Stripes of Glory

We are flying our American flag today in honor of our country’s 237 years of independence from British tyranny. Our flag celebrates my husband’s 27 years of devoted service to our country and the sacrifice of millions of faceless and unknown Americans before him who gave their all to preserve liberty. Our flag honors millions of legal immigrants who had sailed to the New York harbor in unspeakable conditions and waited out the quarantine at Ellis Island to come to the new world.
- Thursday, July 4, 2013

Divergent Opinions No Longer Polite Discourse

Polite debate is no longer the accepted norm in our society. The liberal left is not tolerating divergent opinions, they want them eliminated. Outrageous labels, personal threats, and even violence have escalated during what used to be polite discourse and disagreements of opinion.
- Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Is Carbon Dioxide Guilty and Global Warming Settled Science?

If you ask the global warming alarmists, scientists with a liberal agenda who hide and delete research data to fit their talking points, corrupt third world countries that run the United Nations, and the globalist proponents of UN Agenda 21, the answer is yes.
- Saturday, June 29, 2013

Rroma and U.S. Illegal Immigration

I have Latino friends who fancy themselves conservatives, even Republicans. But when it comes to illegal immigration, they are rabid Democrats. Any curtailing of illegal crossing of our porous borders, breaking our laws in the process, or discussion of voter ID becomes racism, discrimination, profiling, and sheer hatred.
- Monday, June 24, 2013
