
Robert Rohlfing

Robert Rohlfing writes about Liberty and the Preservation of Freedoms.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Rohlfing:

2011:  A Year That We Can Reject Those Who Want To Divide Us

In 2011 we have to reject the tactic of divide that is being used by the Left. Race baiting and how it continues to attempt to take the high ground when their own history tells a different story. The Tea Party is not Racist and to have a United front in preserving our Republic we cannot allow for these tactics to be used, or to fall into the trap of having to defend ourselves time and again because we disagree with the policies of the current administration.
- Friday, December 31, 2010

What Are You Thankful For?

What are you thankful for? Is it the IPod or the latest fashions on the market today? Are you thankful for the opportunity to be able to go to the shopping mall and find the trinket that you feel that someone that you know may desire this season? What are you really thankful for this year?
- Saturday, December 25, 2010

Realities In Life

Realities of life is not always getting what you want or think that you need, but embracing and enjoying the things that you already have. The enduring love of a family member and the kindness of a friend are things that money cannot buy. These are things that we overlook in our quest to have what may be popular at the moment, they become overlooked when we evaluate what makes up our personal realities.
- Friday, December 24, 2010

Has The 13th Amendment Truly Brought About Freedom?

- Drumbeat of Liberty Will the Media make mention that the 13th Amendment was ratified on December 18th, 1865 abolishing slavery? Will the Media make mention that it was the Republicans that led the charge in passage of this Amendment? Will Those who are revising history to meet an agenda truthfully report that it was not the Democrats that were the champions of freedom to a large segment of the population? Will it be told that they worked in opposition to civil rights and were at the time the most ardent supporters of hate related crimes upon another human being? Over time the dangers of revision history has changed the perception that Democrats are the home for African Americans when those of this community should fully examine this political party and the factual history that surrounds it.
- Sunday, December 19, 2010

Technological Advancements: A Path To Freedom Or a Path To Serfdom

As science and technology advances at an incredible rate are we in danger of losing the sense of morality that is the bedrock to our existence? With each advancement we are witnessing scientists play "God" with what will be introduced into the very fabric of what it means to be human. Nano technology, Artificial intelligence, robotics, cloning, designer children, and the miniaturization of computer technology that could be introduced into the human body. Are we sliding along a dangerous path or are we taking the next steps in the evolution of man?
- Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Alternative Energy For Climate Change Alone

As you are aware there are many factors involved in the overall debate of climate change. The emphasis that it is a doomsday scenario and man has created the invocation of hysteria. Climate change is over played and is lent to "nudge" you to believe that if we in the United States drastically change our ways while ceding to the up and coming nations that somehow we will save the planet.
- Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Pillars Of Manipulation

Would those who wish to fundamentally change America ever admit that they are adhering to the Ten Pillars of Communism? Many will deny it of course, and many have duped over the course of time due to being manipulated for most of their life by those in the education system and media that have been willing players in the whole deception that has been allowed to be played out.
- Friday, December 10, 2010

The Recession Bubble That Was Delayed

Are you(we) better off today than we were 5 to 10 yrs ago, I understand that you personally may be or not be, but let's expand out on that a moment and look at the bigger picture in an honest assessment.
- Friday, December 10, 2010

The Welfare State

When we look at what the term Welfare State means we need to understand that it refers to a state or political entity whereby the state assumes primary responsibility for the welfare of its citizens. To have a welfare state stay viable you need to have a burgeoning economy, without such you set up the forces for disaster economically. Many are under the illusion that globalization will herald the end of the Welfare State with such forces as increased trade, capital mobility and labor market flexibility factored into the increase in equality of living standards in under developed nations and in developed nations.
- Monday, December 6, 2010

Uncle Sam Or Is It Now Mommy Dearest?

Once upon a time we had a great uncle who was there for us in his own subtle ways, he may have overseen some of the things that make us tick and he may have asked for our assistance in return in times of need. Today that uncle has been slowly replaced by mommy dearest wanting to bring about complete control over our lives in less than benign ways. Oh yes this is slowly occurring no matter if we would prefer to keep our heads buried in the sand over the fact that we have allowed for it to occur.
- Friday, December 3, 2010

Wikileaks: Does It Have More Implications Than What We Are Led To Believe

One needs to question boldly what the whole revelations by wikileaks has in the long term freedom of the internet. The information being revealed falls out of the scope of the FOIA and the source being cited, a private in the Army having full access to the vast amount of this information has a tint of a rat withering in a trap.
- Monday, November 29, 2010

America At War: Internal and External

America faces a crossroads at this moment in time as we face threats internal and external. Many of these threats are obvious such as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and many more fly under the radar for the vast majority of people such as the invasion of our country across our southern border. Recently we are witnessing a renewed threat of hostilities on the Korean peninsula and the internal threat of terrorism within our borders and strife and violence being ginned up by radicals on the far left and far right. We have groups in this country attempting to create division through class warfare and racial apathy so that the divide and differences can be exploited.
- Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Time Has Come To Swallow Our Pride

Today we are at a crossroads as a nation and as a society, one path will lead us down the road to becoming an entitlement society and the other will allow us to become independent individuals once again. To become independent individuals again where we are not reliant on handouts from the government or indentured to the philosophy of communal salvation, we have to swallow our pride and realize that the hard thing needs to occur and it will come on an individual basis by each and every one of us.
- Thursday, November 11, 2010
