
Fred Dardick

Fred Dardick got a BS in Biology at Boston University and MS in Biology at Stanford University before deciding that science bored him. He now runs a staffing company in Chicago where he is much happier now.

Most Recent Articles by Fred Dardick:

Kicking Patients to the Curb is Hard Work

As a footnote to the Hilary Rosen-Ann Romney affair, in which liberals are passionately arguing that women who stay at home, especially wealthy women, have zero intellectual capacity to understand the world in which we live--a modern take on the "why don't you just shut up and make me a sandwich" sexist philosophy--the President reminded Americans that Michelle "didn't have the luxury" of forgoing work to raise their kids. Since Obama brought it up, I thought now would be a great time to reexamine the First Lady's background and all the noble things she has accomplished working outside the home.
- Monday, April 16, 2012

What George Clooney Doesn’t Get about Islam’s Genocidal War in South Sudan

I don't mean to belittle George Clooney's good work on bringing attention to the plight of Africans in South Sudan. Traveling to a region of the world where at any moment a bomb could fall out of the sky and the real possibility of tripping over a live explosive certainly takes guts, but I wonder whether he truly understands the basis of hostilities in South Sudan and elsewhere in East Africa that has claimed millions of lives. In a Sunday appearance on Meet the Press, Clooney and activist John Prendergast framed the conflict in Sudan as a civil war between the Sudanese government and the breakaway republic of South Sudan.
- Monday, March 19, 2012

In a Romney vs. Not-Romney Primary, Cain Wins in a Landslide

With all due respect to the esteemed commentators at Fox News including Charles Krauthammer, Ann Coulter, and Bill O’Reilly, all of whom are unanimous in their support for Massachusetts flip-flopper Mitt Romney, barring some unforeseen event like an alien invasion or dogs learning to talk, Herman Cain will win the Republican nomination. The numbers are overwhelmingly in Cain’s favor. While Romney may have locked down around 30% of the Republican vote, giving him the lead for now, the not-Romney camp still controls 70% of the electorate. As the race develops into a two man contest, as all primaries do, the not-Romney candidate (Herman Cain) will have an almost unbeatable advantage.
- Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Obama and Power: Bystanders to Genocide?

For those who live in the real world, liberal fools in power can often mean dire consequences for millions. While Obama is busy prostrating himself to appease Islamists whom he views as fellow revolutionaries against the capitalist system, millions of Christians and blacks are at grave risk of being exterminated by Islamic tribes in East Africa with hardly a word of protest by the American government.
- Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Necessarily Skyrocketing of Energy Prices is Tax Enough

It looks like Obama wants more than the pound of flesh that he has already carved out of the US economy. Not satisfied with $4 a gallon gas and electricity prices that are set to “necessarily skyrocket” because of his foolish energy policies, he now proposes to raise taxes on small businesses and the wealthy, the only segment left in society that has the potential to create jobs, in order to increase revenue for the bloated federal government.
- Thursday, July 14, 2011

Blacks in New York Grow Sick of Being Used as Liberal Pawns

In a sign that the Democratic Party stranglehold over the black community is starting to slip, hundreds of blacks protested in New York this past week against the harmful educational policies that the NAACP and the United Federation of Teachers union are trying to force upon their children.
- Saturday, July 2, 2011

When Will Science Get Serious about Global Cooling?

There is a very good chance the Earth is barreling towards another Little Ice Age within the next 10 to 30 years, perhaps sooner, and you wouldn't know it by turning on the television. A calamitous event that could lead to widespread crop losses and the starvation of millions is being covered up by complicit climate scientists and the main stream media because it doesn't fit with the politically correct narrative that humans are responsible for out of control global warming.
- Thursday, May 19, 2011

African Americans Flee Failed Liberal Northern Cities for the Conservative South

imageOne of the most interesting results from the 2010 census, little discussed by the media, was the large scale movement of African Americans over the past 10 years from Democrat controlled cities in the northern United States including Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, and New York to the more conservative south. In an historic reversal of the 20th century migration that brought millions north in search of economic opportunity, African American families are abandoning the failed liberal communities in which they have lived for decades.
- Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Only Obama Could Look Bad after Killing Osama bin Laden

It didn’t take President Obama long to mess up a good thing following one of the few actual “presidential” achievements of his entire administration. After years of bowing to dictators, apologizing for America, trillion dollar deficits, and a Marxist inspired healthcare bill destined for repeal, the US military handed Obama a gift from the political gods with the elimination of Osama bin Laden.
- Sunday, May 8, 2011

Donald Trump Breaks Through the MSM Iron Curtain

Billionaire Donald Trump may be a publicity junkie and questionable presidential material. Athough who am I to say, just look at what we got right now--but he makes for one awesome Obama attack dog. With the self assurance that only money, power and celebrity can buy, Trump has been knocking down the walls the main stream media have erected around the President to expose parts of his background that liberals would prefer never see the light of day.
- Friday, April 22, 2011

Obama Will Lose in 2012

I don't think it much matters who runs against Obama in 2012. Unless his opponent throws in the towel like McCain did in 2008 - just think what George Bush would've done with Obama's Marxist background and politically radioactive associations with Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright and Tony Rezko - I can't imagine anyone losing to the most vulnerable reelection candidate in American history.
- Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Simple Solution to our Economic Problems

It is amazing to think that the solution to all our economic problems – unemployment, underemployment, housing prices, tax burden, ObamaCare, military spending, inflation, public sector union pensions, bloated government – may be as simple as digging a hole in the ground.
- Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Better the Devil You Know

Egypt is a bubbling cauldron ready to explode and what do we get from our President? A cryptic message about “change” and “now” that no one understands. Politicos around the world over are trying to figure out exactly where the Obama Administration stands.
- Friday, February 4, 2011

Obama Rule by Fiat to Begin with Net Neutrality

Apparently Obama has had it up to here with the whole American people know best deal. Ignoring the resounding message sent by voters only a couple weeks ago, the Obama administration has decided to move ahead with its socialist transformation of America through federal fiat starting with Net Neutrality as soon as next month.
- Friday, November 19, 2010

Millions to Lose Healthcare Insurance Because of ObamaCare

Pundits lately have been pointing to raising healthcare costs and the granting of exemptions to over 100 unions and corporations as evidence that ObamaCare is hopelessly broken. On the contrary, I would argue that ObamaCare is working exactly as Democrats intended. It was never meant to improve the existing healthcare system or provide coverage to those who don’t have it… it was specifically designed to collapse the private insurance industry by driving up costs leaving Americans no other choice but turn to the government for their healthcare needs, and in that respect it is a resounding success.
- Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Is Impeachment Inevitable?

Forgive me for being skeptical, but I just don’t see Obama getting the message after the Democrats get their tails handed to them in the coming elections. To perceive and learn from failure requires a certain amount of character, humility and ability for personal examination, and let’s be real… Obama isn’t that type of guy.
- Friday, October 29, 2010

Obama Power Grabs Threaten Our Democracy

Something is very broken in our government, and I'm not talking about the trillions in wasteful spending by Democrats in Washington. It's something else that I believe will be regarded as the true legacy of the Obama presidency -- a tectonic shift in the balance of power from private citizens and our elected representatives in Congress to the executive branch. What Soros, Pelosi, Reid, and the rest of the progressive crowd understood better than anyone prior to Obama's arrival in Washington, was the mechanisms for the direct control over most American enterprises already existed within the federal framework. It was present in the cabinet level departments and other federal agencies that answer to the President, giving an immoral leader unchecked authority should they be so bold to exercise it, influence the framers of the Constitution had never intended when this nation was established.
- Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Howard Dean Responsible for Obama Theft of the 2008 Democratic Primary

By now many conservatives have heard about the widespread voter fraud committed by Obama and his supporters in the 2008 Democratic primary election allowing him to claim the party's nomination over popular vote winner Hillary Clinton. As exposed in the movie We Will Not Be Silenced, Obama and close political ally ACORN "created an army to steal caucus packets, falsify documents, change results, allow unregistered people to vote, scare and intimidate Hillary supporters".
- Tuesday, October 12, 2010

20 Reasons Why Jan Schakowsky is Unfit for Congress

There is a battle brewing in the Illinois 9th congressional district between Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky and challenger Republican Joel Pollak. Even though the race is taking place in a +20 Democrat stronghold, Pollak is in excellent position to knock off one of the most anti-American and morally corrupt incumbents around.
- Thursday, October 7, 2010
