
Changing our country's direction cannot be put on hold for another four years

We Cannot Wait Another Four Years To Begin Saving America

Barack Obama maintains that the concept of government envisioned by our Founding Fathers hasn't worked and must be changed. As the 2008 election drew to a close, Obama stated " We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." With this arrogant boast Obama placed himself on the level with our Founding Fathers, implying that he not only knows what's best for America, but is capable of imposing it. Obama's administration has been fraught with haughty, self-aggrandizing pronouncements. They are usually just hot air with no substance. Obama has few if any accomplishments to his credit and what he has implemented has not only failed to achieve its purpose but has actually caused harmful side effects. America's economy, as well as its social structure, are in a desperate condition. Unfortunately, countless Americans are either unaware or in denial about the serious crisis our country currently faces. Consequently, they think that the current presidential election holds no special significance over previous elections.
In a speech to college students, Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and socialism, maintaining that governments should do whatever works best. But what works best depends upon the political opinions of those currently in power. Obama's words and actions indicate a strong preference for socialism and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has vowed to continue Obama's policies. This doesn't pose any problems for that segment of the population that possesses only a limited understanding of the disasters of previous socialist governments. These failed governments occurred before their time. However, a current example is Hugo Chavez's and now his successor, Nicolás Maduro's socialist revolution in Venezuela. Chavez's/Maduro's political philosophy was purely a Marxist-Leninist retread, but he insisted that it was new and improved, - he labeled it "21st-century socialism." Chavez/Maduro thought they could implement ill-conceived and costly social programs because Venezuela's immense oil revenues would remain constant. However, when oil revenues declined, Hugo Chavez should have reined-in his unrealistic social programs, but he didn't. Chavez made matters worse by encouraging millions of undocumented immigrants to enter the country, giving them the same benefits as Venezuelan citizens. Consequently, in less than two decades, Venezuela was plunged into an economic disaster. Now two-day work weeks are common, automatic power shutdowns are planned, and Venezuelan citizens cannot get adequate medical care or medications. Farms are idle, factories are closing, crime is rampant, and rioting mobs are taking to the streets. Although the desperate government has ordered companies to distribute free food to the populace, Venezuelans are actually raiding garbage sites, scrounging for food scraps. Like Hugo Chavez and Nicolás Maduro, Barack Obama has been implementing his version of "21st-century socialism", overtly as well as surreptitiously. And like Venezuela, Obama's policies are taking their toll on America's economy. Unfortunately, many Americans think that what happened in Venezuela cannot happen here. They view our government as an enormous, miraculous credit card. No matter how many dollars are spent, there will always be more dollars available for additional spending, consequently massive spending can continue indefinitely because government funds can never run out. Some people honestly think that the government can simply print more money if it's needed.

Although our nation's collapse might not be as imminent as Venezuela's, this pernicious decline in our economy cannot be allowed to continue. America cannot recoup her once thriving economy, but the current economic decline can be arrested. Older Americans are aware that until President Barack Obama took office, Social Security recipients received an annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to help offset the inflation of prices. But during the Obama presidency, there were three years with zero COLAs. This was the first time in the history of the program that Social Security recipients, disabled veterans, and federal retires did not get an annual cost-of-living adjustment. In one of those zero COLA years, the Obama budget included $ 17, 600 for each teenager entering our country illegally from South America, whereas elderly SS recipients receive only an average of $ 14,700 annually. Like Chavez and Maduro, Obama not only encourages illegals to enter the USA but has escalated the magnitude of undocumented aliens to an unprecedented level . Another similarity with Venezuela is that illegals entering America receive benefits that only American citizens should rightfully receive. Hillary Clinton proposes not only opening our borders to more immigration, but also granting a blanket amnesty for illegals already in our country. This kind of mindset began emerging decades ago, when the late Sen. Ted Kennedy was allowed to impose legislation eliminating our nation's long-standing checks and balances on immigration. Using the clever semantic label "immigration reform", Kennedy's bills set in motion a half-century of undocumented aliens flooding into our nation; receiving government benefits, and usurping American jobs. Senator Kennedy's naivete is somewhat understandable based upon the flourishing economy and unrealistic thinking of his time. But President Obama's drastic escalation of the rate of illegal immigration can only be viewed as a deliberate attempt to dilute the influence that America's natural-born-citizens have on elections and legislation. To Obama and his ilk, White Americans possess unearned "privileges" that must be eliminated.

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To combat so-called White privileges, Obama engages in highly questionable legal maneuvers, confident that media will not criticize him. A current and possibly unconstitutional action, is using Section 8 housing funds to relocate families from poor and ghetto neighborhoods into suburban White neighborhoods. This is a typical, furtive Obama administration tactic. Section 8 funding was originally created as a rent subsidy program to assist low income families who had fallen on hard times. But Obama is using these funds to alter our country's social structure, hoping to fulfill his vow of "fundamentally transforming" America. Like other socialist demagogues, Obama's presidency has been so damaging that even many of his supporters are now realizing that he should not have been elected. Barack Obama is simply a media-created celebrity. Unfortunately, many voters never look beyond a candidate's facade of celebrityhood or their symbolic status. So the exciting possibility of electing the first female president is the only consideration for many Hillary Clinton supporters. The first female president symbolism outweighs Hillary's tawdry past, her lies that even a friendly media can't hide, and her violations of federal laws. Armed with the powers of the presidency and a media that refuses to criticize her, Hillary Clinton will further weaken, and possibly eviscerate, the things that made America great. This presidential election may indeed be the most critical election in American history. We simply must reverse the political trends of recent years, especially Barack Obama's "21st-century socialism." It is essential that there be an enthusiastic outpouring of support and votes for a Donald Trump presidency. Admittedly, Trump is no knight in shining armor on a white steed. Like the rest of us, he has many personal flaws and, as president, he will struggle against unanticipated difficulties. But he is the only viable candidate who promises to attempt to change the direction in which our country is headed. And changing our country's direction cannot be put on hold for another four years.


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Gail Jarvis——

Gail Jarvis is a Coastal Georgia based freelance writer. Following a career as a CPA/business consultant, Mr. Jarvis now critiques the establishment’s selective and misleading reporting of current events and history. Gail can be reached at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
