
Ya gotta read, people.

HuffPo publishes, then deletes, article announcing Hillary Clinton to be indicted on RICO charges

On Sunday, conservative dreams came true - at least for a little while. According to a piece at The Huffington Post, the FBI was about to recommend that Hillary face federal RICO charges. The article was yanked almost as quickly as it was posted, and the link now directs to a 404 error. (Image below) Well, at least the 404 image is accurate. The Huffington Post is hideous. Sadly, the article it replaced contained no such veracity. Their shame is well-earned. Fortunately the internet is forever, so we can still see what all the fuss was about.
James Comey and The FBI will present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the Department of Justice, that includes a cogent argument that the Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic. When the official investigation into Hillary’s email server began, she instructed her IT professional to delete over 30,000 emails and cloud backups of her emails older than 30 days at both Platte River Networks and Datto, Inc. The FBI has subsequently recovered the majority, if not all, of Hillary’s deleted emails and are putting together a strong case against her for attempting to cover up her illegal and illicit activities. A conviction under RICO comes when the Department of Justice proves that the defendant has engaged in two or more examples of racketeering and that the defendant maintained an interest in, participated in or invested in a criminal enterprise affecting interstate or foreign commerce.

Immediately, those hoping to see Hillary behind bars began screaming that the HuffPo obviously had "inside knowledge" and jumped the gun. "Big media," they claimed, knows the fate about to befall Mrs. Clinton. They just ran it too early, and upset "the people in charge." Others believed the piece was part of a conspiracy designed to push the candidate preferred by the Huffington core constituency - namely, Bernie Sanders. Both of these theories rely on ignorance. If you actually read the piece, not just the headline, you'll notice there are no sources given, no quotes about the alleged indictment, and every bit of info that is in the piece is well-trod territory. Then, when you get to the bottom, you see the following: "This post is hosted on the Huffington Post’s Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and post freely to our site. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email." In other words, the HuffPo got trolled - hard - by an allegedly real writer named "Frank Huguenard." The post was flagged and removed. It's certainly still possible that Hillary faces charges, but this article isn't evidence of anything other than the Huffington Post's ever-dwindling credibility. You may now remove your tinfoil hats. If you'd like to see the entire archived HuffPo piece, go here.

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Robert Laurie——

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