
Who cares about my lies, as long as I beat Romney?

Harry Reid's OK with his tactics being called McCarthyite, because 'Romney didn't win, did he?'

If you want to claim, completely without evidence, that Harry Reid was severely beaten by a Vegas gangster named Vinnie "the exercise machine" Stompanato, you are now free to do so. No, there's no evidence that such a thing happened, but those eye injuries came from somewhere, and he hasn't proven that he wasn't beaten, has he?
If you're the kind of person who likes to make such scurrilous allegations, go for it. This sort of implication is now an officially approved and endorsed Harry Reid political tactic. While being interviewed by CNN’s Dana Bash, Reid was reminded of that unfortunate time he falsely accused Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes. You remember. He later claimed he had "anonymous sources" that told him all about it. “Let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he hasn’t,” Reid said at the time. Of course, that's not how it works. If Romney had been dodging his taxes, the IRS is supposed to investigate. Given that certain factions within Obama's tax agency just adore their ability to persecute conservatives, we're pretty sure there was never any evidence that Mitt was in arrears. Still, Reid beat the tax drum throughout the 2012 election cycle, making himself look like a complete imbecile in the process.

"So no regrets about Mitt Romney, about the Koch Brothers?" Bash asked. "Some people have even called it McCarthyite." Reid sighed and answered.
Well, they can call it whatever they want. Um. Romney didn’t win, did he?
In other words: 'McCarthyite' is just fine with me, as long as it works! I may have been lying through my teeth, but I sure did get rid of that Romney fella! Congratulations, Senator Reid. You've given us one more reminder of just what a horrible human being you are, and another reason why we simply can't wait to see you leave politics forever.

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Robert Laurie——

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