
F-bombing anti-Trump Black Lives Matter agitator:

“We need to start killing people” including President Trump says F-bombing anti-Trump Black Lives Matter agitator

-- BombThrowers (Language warning — BIG TIME) A foul-mouthed Black Lives Matter agitator in Seattle told a rally that President Donald Trump and many others should be killed.
The Daily Caller identifies the “Black Lives Matter” apparel-wearing megaphone user as female, which may not be accurate. To this writer the person appears to be a male with a high-pitched voice. But there is no way to be sure of the sex of the speaker merely from viewing the video. Moreover, the speaker may identify as something other than male or female, or human, for that matter, so this post will avoid pronouns where possible. By my count, the speaker dropped the F-bomb 55 times in a brief speech. Along the way, the speaker urged the assassination of the president (” … we need to start killing people … kill the White House … your fXXXing president …”), demanded reparations be paid to “black and indigenous people right now,” demanded the end of “white supremacy,” “capitalism,” and the private use of prison labor. Perhaps the speaker was trying to outdo Casino and The Big Lebowski which are commonly regarded as the most F-bomb-saturated in modern American cinema. Check out these F-bomb-centric edited versions of Casino and The Big Lebowski for yourself. (YUGE language warning — no joke)

Left has run out of arguments

I have provided a transcript here so Bombthrowers readers can have some insight into the psyche of anti-Trump rabble-rousers — and to give the Secret Service and FBI a head start in building a case against this repulsive terrorist who needs to be behind bars. This is what the speaker said:
Honestly, fXXX white supremacy, fXXX the U.S. empire, fXXX your imperialist # flag. That #’s gotta go. FXXX that sXXt. You know what America thrives off of? Capitalism. We use our motherfXXXing fXXXing black and brown bodies to live and survive while white people own fXXXing properties after that. Yeah, there are poor white people, right, but black and brown people are affected by all of the sXXt around us and capitalism is one of them. So you know what we need to do? We need to start giving fXXXing money, white people give your fXXXing money, your fXXXing house, your fXXXing property. We need it fXXXing all. You need to reparate [sic] black and indigenous people right now. Pay the fXXX up. Pay the fXXX up. Okay. It ain’t just your fXXXing time. It’s your fXXXing money and your fXXXing life is now devoted to social change. Right? Yeah. I’m tired of y’all also complaining about you don’t have time, well, we don’t have fXXXing time either. You know what I mean? We have fXXXing classes. Some of us are working 40 fXXXing hours. You know, 40 fXXXing hours, and juggling fXXXing different classes under white supremacy. We’re all operating under white supremacy, just so you know. And we need to start killing people. First off, we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your fXXXing White House, your fXXXing president, they must go! FXXX the White House. FXXX the White House and ffXXX your voting, I’m with her, Donald Trump, I don’t give a fXXX. Because you know what? Obama deported so many fXXXing people but y’all still are fixated on voting for a fXXXing president. Capitalism. Capitalism, is what we, it’s fXXXing racism, you know.

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Prisons, private fXXXing prisons. You shop at Whole Foods you’re fXXXing supporting private prison labors. I don’t give a fXXX about your organic sXXt. You could have grown itself yourself. And you know what? Don’t talk about poor black and brown people communities who don’t have the motherfXXXing time to grow it. White people grow it, bring it to the fXXXing black and brown communities so that we can have fXXXing healthy food # too. I’m fXXXing tired. I’m fXXXing sick. And you know what? I am a peaceful teacher who’s gonna fXXXing bust the lies. I gotta go. Teach your kids to throw that fXXXing cop car in the garbage. That sXXt has got to go. That sXXt has got to go. FXXX all that # and fXXX your respectability. FXXX you, side-eyeing motherffXXXers. Because I know you’re fXXXking, in the back of your fXXXing head, y’all still got # to dismantle. Whether it’s your motherfXXXing patriarchy, your motherfXXXing anti-blackness, anti-queerness, anti-transphobic, not recognizing that black and brown, trans, queer, woman, and femmes and non-binary people have motherfXXXing led the fXXXing way so keep your motherfXXXing seat and given them your fXXXing money and walk the fXXX away after because I ain’t trying to fXXXing talk to you.
This speaker isn’t representative of all Trump-hating Black Lives Matter supporters but is illustrative of how the Left has run out of arguments. At the anti-Trump women’s march in Washington, D.C., Madonna mused about blowing up the White House and actress Ashley Judd compared Trump to Hitler. All they can do is curse and rant and shock.


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Matthew Vadum——

Matthew Vadum,  matthewvadum.blogspot.com, is an investigative reporter.

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