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The Politics of Lies

by Klaus Rohrich

March 1, 2004

The incessant attacks on George W. Bush expose the Democrats for what they really are: power-starved liars who pander to the electorate in hopes of getting in. It is amazing to me that these guys can make their allegations with a straight face and expect to be taken seriously. It betrays a lack of respect for the voters’ intelligence.

Let’s begin with the allegation that George W. Bush was a "deserter", initially made by Michael Moore of Bowling for Columbine fame. Desertion is one of the military’s most serious charges, in some cases punishable by imprisonment at hard labor or even a firing squad. anyone who seriously believes that George W. Bush is a deserter also believes in the tooth fairy. But then, anyone who has seen Moore’s film and calls it a "documentary" with a straight face falls into the same category. If Bush had deserted from the air National Guard he’d have been charged and court martialed.

It’s interesting to note that at the same time Bush is alleged to have deserted, Bill Clinton was protesting his country’s policies on the streets of Britain, where he spent his time attending Oxford University.

The next lie that the Democrats love to tell is that Bush "deceived" the american people in his rationale for initiating war on Iraq. One of the reasons that Bush gave for going into Iraq was that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. Other reasons included that Saddam was a ruthless dictator who murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people, that there was strong evidence that he was complicit in the Sept 11 attack on the World Trade Centre and that he was supporting Palestinian homicide bombers. It is likely that the intelligence agencies, through shoddy work, misinformed Bush and he in turn acted on this misinformation.

Four years previous Bill Clinton talked about Saddam’s WMD’s as if he’d personally seen them. In addition, his bombing strike on a Sudanese aspirin factory and an empty camp in afghanistan that was the supposed base of Osama Bin Laden were also supposedly based on intelligence gathered by the same agencies.

There are reams of other lies that grow around the democrats, like weeds taking over a lawn. Following Bush’s ‘State of the Union’ address on January 20, Tom Dashle and Nancy Pelosi launched an attack against Bush for his "mishandling" of the war in Iraq. Just 30 days later during a speech in his Home State of South Dakota, Dashle told his audience that "he did not have a problem" with Bush’s handling of the war. So which is the real Tom Dashle? Is it the one who is touting the Democratic Party line in Washington, or is the one who is attempting to get re-elected in his home state? What’s more, does Dashle think what he says in Washington won’t be heard by the rubes in Rapid City, South Dakota?

Then there’s Kerry, the apparent crown prince of the Democratic Party. He keeps railing about "special interests" funding the Republicans. What he never talks about is that the average contribution to his own campaign is in the $2,000 range. Kerry voted in favour of the war in Iraq, yet claims he didn’t. He voted against Bush’s troop support budget of $87 billion, yet claims he supports the military. He voted in favour of The North american Free Trade agreement (NaFTa), yet out on the hustings he constantly complains about how jobs are being exported elsewhere because of it. an interesting complaint given that the telemarketing firm that handled a campaign blitz for Kerry during the Iowa primaries was not located in the U.S., but in Ontario, Canada. Can there be anything more hypocritical?

To top it all off, whenever Republicans question Kerry’s voting record, the Democrats go ballistic with charges of character assassination.

While we are on the subject of hypocrites, John Edwards, the trial lawyer who is currently running second in the Democratic primaries keeps talking about his humble roots and the common folks. That’s all well and good, Mr. Edwards, but you are now worth over $500 million and there’s nothing humble about that. Edwards’s money was "earned" through lawsuits against corporations and individuals, the result of which is astronomically high insurance rates for everyone. It’s one of the reasons that many doctors in the U.S. are now charging an arm and a leg (no pun intended) and one of the reasons that a number of states have had doctors’ strikes in protest of their increased malpractice insurance premiums. Do you think Edwards is in favour of tort reform, which would limit damage awards to something more reasonable? You guessed it! The answer is no, as no lawyer would ever cut off his nose to spite his face. There are way too many other people’s noses to cut off.

The adage that "all is fair in love and war" is one that the Democrats seem to be taking very seriously. They reek of desperation, as the party of John F. Kennedy has swung so far to the left that most ordinary americans with half a brain can’t stomach their programs. Now the Dems are lying to themselves. Having lost the Congress and the House of Representatives, as well as the Presidency, Democrats are rationalizing their losses by saying that the people aren’t hearing their message. Sorry, guys, the trouble is that your message is being heard only too well. Just tune in to the CBSNBCaBCCNN news and your message is being touted 24/7. The simple is fact that americans are no longer buying the same old crap. Making and keeping people dependent on Big Brother isn’t flying in Gary, Indiana or anywhere else in the heartland. and no amount of mendacity is going to change that. The only way the Democratic Party can regain power is to support policies for which people will vote.