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Genital activism

by Klaus Rohrich

March 8, 2004

The recent flurry of activity surrounding gay marriages is an indicator that our society is suffering from an ever-worsening case of affluenza. Like the debate over abortion, the issue of gay marriage is nothing more than social activism against traditional families, disguised as a "rights" issue. But who’s kidding whom? What one does with one’s genitals in the privacy of relationships is certainly a right. Having it universally accepted on a par with a millennia-old institution amounts to a kick in the groin.

Sociologists postulate that the family unit initially evolved in the dawn of time as a survival stratagem. It entailed a division of labour as well as afforded protection to the offspring, ensuring propagation of the species. Over time this arrangement was amended and refined, but the basic concept remained constant in that it entailed a union between a man and a woman. Until now.

I will not go into all the arguments against gay marriage, as I believe everything that can be said about the subject has already been said. What I am wondering about is why it is so important for gay people to flaunt their sexuality. It’s not enough that gay people are accorded equal rights and equal protection under the law. They must now jam their sexuality in everyone’s face by demanding that they be accorded the same status as a man and woman who unite in pursuit of procreation. I frankly do not wish to know what other people do with their partner(s) when the lights are out. I don’t display inordinate pride at being heterosexual, except when I look at my children. I understand that if I were not "straight", they would not exist. I do not plan to begin lobbying for an Official Heterosexual Celebration, although it might be fun to fantasize about what the costumes and parade floats might look like.

But it seems that our culture has reached a saturation point of sorts. So wealthy are we now that we can afford to be pre-occupied with trivialities. We have so much wealth, both social and material, that we are no longer concerned with survival as a species, a nation, a culture and maybe not even as individuals. Thus we have the time, inclination and wherewithal to agitate for things like abortion on demand and the furtherance of so-called "gay rights".

The abortion lobby and gay rights lobby makes strange bedfellows, if you will forgive the pun. Both are non-procreative in nature, viewing human sexuality as a pleasurable activity with little or no deeper significance. What is truly frightening is the power of their activism. To disagree with them results in being branded as fascist or homophobic. I cringe when I hear politicians on the campaign trail uttering the requisite platitudes about abortion. as if being in favour of flushing fetuses down the drain somehow qualifies as a sound plank in a political platform. I could think of a lot cheaper and a lot less destructive methods of birth control.

The pro-abortionists have pretty much won, as have gays. But winning is not enough. They must ensure that society cries "uncle" and gives in to their unreasonable demands. allowing gays the right to marry is the first step. We will then allow gays to force churches to marry them, despite theological opposition to the very concept. Then we will create a government department dedicated to gay couples having children, naturally or otherwise. and so on.

I believe the final result will be a complete and final devaluation of the family, as we now know it. In its place will be a loose assortment of relationships, all of which will be legally and morally defined as a family unit. These could consist of a man/woman, man/man, woman/woman, brother/sister, boy/dog or any number of permutations thereof. I suppose that’s one of the side effects of living in a society that has too much of everything. Nothing is enough.