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History as a Recurrent Syndrome

by Klaus Rohrich

March 22, 2004

The 3/11 terrorist outrage in Spain has brought some interesting dynamics to the forefront. It has served to polarize the appeasers in the west and signaled the Islamofascists that what they are doing is working. It also signals the end of the sham that Islam is a religion based on peace.

To be sure, the word Islam stands for peace, but that’s where the association ends. The urgings in the Koran to "…slay the infidels, wherever you shall find them." Is being taken quite literally by the so-called devout Muslims who are currently engaged in all-out war to destroy Western Civilization. There appears to be little outrage for the actions of the radicals by the so-called "moderate Muslims", some 60 percent of which have been polled as believing that the World Trade Centre bombing was the work of Jews.

What is also becoming clear is that we are approaching a point in time where history is starting to repeat itself: same mistakes, different people. To bury one’s head in the sand or to seek out "root causes", so that we may reason and negotiate with the Islamofascists is farcical, at best. Can one reason with a rabid dog? Clearly, the answer is no, as was proven to us in 1940 by Mr. Chamberlain, whose claim to "peace in our time" turned into a really bad joke.

We now have large numbers of people wishing to negotiate "peace in our time" with the mad dogs heading up the movement to turn the world into an Islamic theocracy. The decision by newly elected Spanish Prime Minister Luis Rodrigues Zapatero to withdraw Spain’s 1300 troops from Iraq was received with a declaration of "cease fire" by al-Qaeda terrorists. Obviously the terrorists are attempting to use this ploy as an effort to gain political capital in rest of Europe. Recently the French government received an ultimatum to rescind its law banning Islamic headcoverings in French schools, or else! Whether the French decide to capitulate to this blackmail remains to be seen.

Those who believe that granting the terrorists their demands will ultimately lead to peace obviously haven’t studied history. Just 64 years ago a similar drama was unfolding across Europe that ultimately cost over 100 million lives. a little firmness at that time might have saved those lives.

If the appeasers think that pulling out of Iraq will lead to lasting peace, let us wish them good luck! Those who can remain rational know that this will never happen. as ali Imron, one of the Bali nightclub bombers said following his capture: "australians, americans- whatever. They are all white people." The meaning is crystal clear; the Islamofascists have no intention of ever stopping until they destroy the West. The only language that Islamicists understand is the language of force. The only "reason" that resonates with their sensibilities is that which comes out of the barrel of a gun.

I think that we in the West have become so thoroughly cosmopolitan we cannot imagine that anyone in the world would have a medieval point of reference in his or her worldview. Hence we believe that it is possible to talk reasonably with homicidal maniacs whose only goal is the total destruction of our civilization. It is a peculiar denial of reality to see everything through one’s own eyes without admitting the possibility that others might see things through a totally different paradigm.

Yes, We will likely have to go it alone for the next few years, as more and more people will want to capitulate before the terrorist horde. However, eventually they will learn that despite all the concessions, despite all the overtures of friendship and acceptance and despite all the protestations of good intentions, the end result will be no different. Perhaps the appeasers will be the last to be killed. To win we will need to engage in a massive war against the terrorists and we must take that war to them, rather than wait for them to come to us.

There are many protestations that the war isn’t being ended soon enough. This comes from being accustomed to having very complex dilemmas resolved in under an hour on the silver screen. But this isn’t television or the movies. This is reality. Wars of this magnitude are not won quickly. This war began with the bombing of the marine barracks in Lebanon over 20 years ago and it could take at least that long again to win it. But win it we will.

I believe that the events currently transpiring are by no means a bad thing. Like a festering boil, it is necessary to bring this to a head, so that ultimately the boil may be excised. To have the west polarize into two camps, those who would appease terrorists and those who would destroy them, will ultimately shorten the time span needed to defeat the Islamofascists once and for all. The sooner the camp of the appeasers finds out there is no place to run or hide, the sooner they will decide to take a stand and fight.